Since this is the time of the year, I had a friend over who loves Christmas more than I do and finally got through to having the Christmas of my dreams. My Christmases revolves around the festive food and decorations without any care for presents.
On the other hand, Christmas can be demanding and overwhelming depends on how you can handle it. My friend who joined me in this video has sensory challenges with glitter and he is terrified by them. As things goes with my decorations, I annually stick with a palette of red, green, white and silver since the palette looks like Christmas to me.
I love Christmas..there are certain elements I love about it and certain elements I hate.
It has grown on me a bit more and i liked it as a child.
What I hate is it is over commercial, based too much on materialism.
And some elements are fun, I love putting up decorations and doing Christmas activities but there is a lot of stress particularly on women to make the place nice, cook all the food, put up all the decorations and it can be very chaotic and busy and hot here in Australia
And then like so much build up and over in one day and sometimes you get a bit bored on the day because everything is shut but yes it is nice being with family, not having too much food or pressure to eat to a lot. So too much food is a bad thing.
And then boxing day blues because it was all over in a flash and it is kind of like a sombre period and if you are isolated then what do you do sit around watching movies and actually I am usually a big fan of Nye and always celebrate, have a party by myself and dress up and decorate and stay up until midnight and watch the fireworks. Lots of people say I am going to bed, I always try to stay up at least until after the fireworks no matter how sick.
Last year for Nye was not so great but the year before, put on a cool outfit, my unicorn headband, glow sticks, cute bracelets.
Did bubbles outside, looked at butterflies and took photos, watched TV and listened to music and stayed up and watched the fireworks at midnight with fire crackers you know I enjoyed it.
And actually before I went to bed, I did this like 11:45 pm painting with neon paints just kind of had an idea because I am not big at resolutions and never make them because you do break them
But I like journalling about the year my disappointments, my feelings, what was successful or not then like having some hope for the next year like 2022 my word was hope then 2023 this year it was joy.
So I am like that and I like to look back and reflect and keep a positive stance.
And i really find a balance with years when I do that I actually even if I have found elements of the year really bad.
And then I have had years where I thought it was a success and I can actually take something good out of the year.
So that is what I do.
I have learnt to not do too much a lot more.