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What noises are bugging you today?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
So I was out in the yard about 10am, Saturday, noticed a really big bouncy castle had been blown up in a yard a coupla houses away, sure enough hours later, screaming and yelling and for the adults it's thumping bass and booze. This'll go on into the night for the adults.

In addition, football season has started so football whistles (AFL has a lot of whistle blowing) yelling and shouting from the local oval from 9-11 ish, and that may be only the morning game.

I would so welcome a covid shutdown.
What noises are bugging me today? The usual: dogs barking, TV downstairs, street noise, next door kids.
Far, far, less, with good earplugs in.

When I see a kid's bouncy castle like that, and have that impending doom feeling of what's about to take place, especially knowing the thumping bass music will go long into the night, I know my earplugs are going to be in quite some time. And that allows me to accept it. I know it's how these people like to enjoy themselves, and it's only going to be a one-off thing, at least for quite a while, so the important thing for me is to be able to accept it not be in a state of resistance to it, as it's gonna go on for hours.

I recently had that with my housemate in his room next door to mine. Easter Friday, him and a few friends had a party till well after midnight, with music so loud my earplugs weren't very effective and I could feel the music in my body at times. I knew I had to accept it because there was nothing I could do to stop it, and eventually it stopped. That may be a little more unreasonable than somebody having a party in their garden, and I still had to accept the noise regardless, which wasn't easy. But on the whole, earplugs help me to cope with a lot of what would be intrusive noise otherwise.
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It ended about 3pm, the adult into the night part didn't happen, but this is a regular noisy party household, where there's kiddies stuff then followed by the into the night adult party, so it was less worse than I expected but you flinch cos of previous experience.

These NTs shure love their noise.
it was less worse than I expected but you flinch cos of previous experience.

These NTs shure love their noise.
They sure do. Yes, that flinching feeling it is very real.

Where I used to live, there was a Romanian family a few doors down, and every so often they would have a barbecue and invite a few friends with kids on a Saturday afternoon which is fine. And then, as it got darker, the music got louder, and they got drunker, and this would go on into the small hours, and the music was loud the whole time. It's summer so you want your windows open, but you had to close them just to keep both the noise and the smoke out.

I suspect the alcohol plays a big part, especially after the kids have gone to bed. Take away their alcohol and give them all spliffs I say, and they will be much more chilled out. ;)
My neighbour plays the piano every day for 3 hours at a time. I work from home. I am going insane.

If you look up the local council website under 'noise', it should have something about how long musical instruments can be played. I know our council does. I think it's 1 hour.
Far, far, less, with good earplugs in.

When I see a kid's bouncy castle like that, and have that impending doom feeling of what's about to take place, especially knowing the thumping bass music will go long into the night, I know my earplugs are going to be in quite some time. And that allows me to accept it. I know it's how these people like to enjoy themselves, and it's only going to be a one-off thing, at least for quite a while, so the important thing for me is to be able to accept it not be in a state of resistance to it, as it's gonna go on for hours.

I recently had that with my housemate in his room next door to mine. Easter Friday, him and a few friends had a party till well after midnight, with music so loud my earplugs weren't very effective and I could feel the music in my body at times. I knew I had to accept it because there was nothing I could do to stop it, and eventually it stopped. That may be a little more unreasonable than somebody having a party in their garden, and I still had to accept the noise regardless, which wasn't easy. But on the whole, earplugs help me to cope with a lot of what would be intrusive noise otherwise.
What earplugs do you use?
l just want to know the male's obsession of being loud with their cars. It's like look at me, l don't have girlfriend, probably under the age of 25 and live with mom and dad.
So I was out in the yard about 10am, Saturday, noticed a really big bouncy castle had been blown up in a yard a coupla houses away, sure enough hours later, screaming and yelling and for the adults it's thumping bass and booze. This'll go on into the night for the adults.

In addition, football season has started so football whistles (AFL has a lot of whistle blowing) yelling and shouting from the local oval from 9-11 ish, and that may be only the morning game.

I would so welcome a covid shutdown.
Could you translate the title into British English I just can't understand bugging (bugging means putting an electronic device covertly into an area so that sound can be monitored and recorded)


Some pigeons have nested on my roof and their eggs have hatched. I get to hear them screaming for food all day, every day now. At least the guy downstairs has finally stopped blasting music. I couldn't handle both.
Opened windows when I got in from town.
Heard lovely birdsong, spoilt by traffic noises on main road built over 2 decades ago to accommodate traffic that our small old market town was never meant to accommodate.
It is the season of yard work and home improvement projects, most using noisy machinery, and it doesn’t matter where in the house I am, front, back, and basement I still hear it :mad: Especially bad when someone uses something whine-ey like a circular saw.
It's more like what noises aren't bugging you today for me almost every day. I have to wear a set of headphones with music cranked unless I'm alone every day. I hear like a dog the doc said. Poor dogs is all I have to say.

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