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Video games you're playing?

Urgh, I'm terrible at those puzzle games. I don't know if it's changed since then by Broken Sword 1 frustrated the hell out of me with the puzzles. Picked it up because I enjoyed Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon on the PS2 years back.

The Room is literally just "here's a weird box in a room...how do you get into it" basically. You'll have to do something to get a bit, that you then need to find where it goes and so on. I really enjoyed them, but I did need to have a pad of paper to write stuff down though because no way I was remembering stuff from one part that I was going to need like 5 steps down the line.

If I remember correctly, I think I only played the first 2 Broken Sword games. I sort of lost interest in them. I bet the original looks godawful these days...not that it was much of a looker when it came out tbh!
I'm quite good at those kind of "point and click" Adventure games, I used to play that sort of thing on the PC all the time years ago.
I bet the original looks godawful these days...not that it was much of a looker when it came out tbh!

They're not too bad. Yes, the resolution is tiny but the artistic style is just one of those which age well. Unlike, say, the photorealistic games on days past which ages very poorly.
I just bought the complete season of Tales of the Borderlands on Xbox One, £5.99 from Game, not installed it yet.
A whole lot of Manhunt, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Dead Island: Definitive Edition, Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood all on PlayStation 4. I'm heading back to college tomorrow which means I won't have access to my PS4 until spring break at earliest.
Hope you didn't miss the delicious meltdown over the Switch presentation.
They all went boom, because Switch doesn't used a"traditional/standard" controller.

Technically the Joycons have more buttons than a traditional controller, a next gen IR pointer/reader, Next Gen Rumble, NFC, next gen motion controls (if VR can do it, why can't Nintendo one up them?), and next gen gyro controls. You can get a Pro controller but it features most of the tech listed above.

Oh it didn't help that practically every game announced had bright colors except for a few (they were the western ones). Those who are unhappy with the games are surprise surprise American, Canadian and Brits.

Oh where all the games? Well apparently everyone forgot it is literally 2 months to E3 from the time the system launches (or roughly). If Nintendo blew their load on Thursday Night and went to E3 empty handed, then everyone would decry them as dead and betraying gamers.

Remember how much hell Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, Xbox One and PS4 received for having the majority of their 20+ games as ports of current games? Apparently most have forgotten. Everyone screamed those systems except for Wii lacked a killer app and had nothing exciting at launch.

But I digress... I for one will be looking forward to playing the new exclusive Bomberman, ARMS (Nintendo's new quirky boxing action game), Zelda, and many other colorful things starting in March.

Maybe I'm the odd ball out, or maybe I'm the one who's lost it.

When does Dragon Quest VIIR end? I know I'm nearing the end, but I want to get to the boss already.

Ah yes, the idiotic response over the Switch. Oh noes, it has a controller that isnt the same shape as every other one! What in the bloody hell did they expect? The thing has been known for quite awhile now to be a console that can turn into a portable device. How in the heck else did they think it would work? And Nintendo has already shown that they absolutely will focus on controllers that arent "standard". They've been doing that for years. Bah.

And then, yeah... the OMG BRIGHT COLORS ARE FOR KIDS bit. That part isnt surprising. If it hadnt been there, I'd be suspicious that the world was coming to an end.

As usual I expect that of my group of friends, I'll be the only one buying this. It wont be GRITTY AND COOL. Or whatever. And then they'll make lots of stupid comments and "casual" jokes. Which is ironic considering the fact that they'll also refuse to play multiplayer games with me due to knowing they'd have their heads handed to them via minimal effort. Heck, my cousin wont do ANY of them with me anymore. Gave up entirely. But he'll still make the dumb jokes of course. Ugh. There was a time when I actually used to discuss gaming and such with the people I know around here. Sure dont bother anymore though. But that's a whole other irritating rant.

As for buying it myself, it depends on when certain games come out. As always I dont really care about Zelda (even less if it's an "open world" game, a genre I tend to hate quite a bit). Bomberman....I didnt even know about that, that's a maybe. My one problem with that series has always been it's extreme focus on multiplayer (needless to say, nobody else will try it). Dont know about that "arms" thing. The ones I know I'll be waiting for though are Mario (of course) and Splatoon. However, the Wii U is likely to still be my most-used console since it has Mario Maker.

Now my mind is stuck on Bomberman on the NES. Many fond memories of the very first game. It was... green. And had no multiplayer. It was something special though.
On the note of the Switch, I just found out that Binding of Isaac, THE ENTIRE FREAKING THING, not JUST Rebirth by itself but also Afterbirth and AB+, is going to be a launch title (with a physical release, no less!).

That really increases the chances of me grabbing the thing early. Yes, I have the PC version. But it'd be nice to have a version of the entire thing to play that I dont have to sit in front of my damn PC to play, and that I can take with me when travelling (laptop is infuriating).

As for what I'm playing, well, Isaac of course, there's SO many good mods available now since AB+ happened. Also 20XX, which as I keep saying is the game Mighty No. 9 wishes it could be.

....And Mario Maker. I was doing one of the Bowser levels. To quote something I said on a different forum: "Mario Maker, the "official" level set (not the 10-mario challenge ones), ANY of the Bowser levels. Any of them.

I'll just put it this way: the next time someone I know starts going on about how Nintendo ONLY ever makes "casual" stuff, I'm going to sit them down in front of that, and force them to play those Bowser levels until they either A: beat one of them, or B: start crying blood. Either way, they wont say that too much anymore."

It took me longer to beat this than it did to beat the Mario Frustration level. ....and then just as it was about to submit the victory to the servers, THE DAMN INTERNET CRASHED. My right eye was twitching a bit.
Ah yes, the idiotic response over the Switch. Oh noes, it has a controller that isnt the same shape as every other one! What in the bloody hell did they expect? The thing has been known for quite awhile now to be a console that can turn into a portable device. How in the heck else did they think it would work? And Nintendo has already shown that they absolutely will focus on controllers that arent "standard". They've been doing that for years. Bah.

And then, yeah... the OMG BRIGHT COLORS ARE FOR KIDS bit. That part isnt surprising. If it hadnt been there, I'd be suspicious that the world was coming to an end.

As usual I expect that of my group of friends, I'll be the only one buying this. It wont be GRITTY AND COOL. Or whatever. And then they'll make lots of stupid comments and "casual" jokes. Which is ironic considering the fact that they'll also refuse to play multiplayer games with me due to knowing they'd have their heads handed to them via minimal effort. Heck, my cousin wont do ANY of them with me anymore. Gave up entirely. But he'll still make the dumb jokes of course. Ugh. There was a time when I actually used to discuss gaming and such with the people I know around here. Sure dont bother anymore though. But that's a whole other irritating rant.

As for buying it myself, it depends on when certain games come out. As always I dont really care about Zelda (even less if it's an "open world" game, a genre I tend to hate quite a bit). Bomberman....I didnt even know about that, that's a maybe. My one problem with that series has always been it's extreme focus on multiplayer (needless to say, nobody else will try it). Dont know about that "arms" thing. The ones I know I'll be waiting for though are Mario (of course) and Splatoon. However, the Wii U is likely to still be my most-used console since it has Mario Maker.

Now my mind is stuck on Bomberman on the NES. Many fond memories of the very first game. It was... green. And had no multiplayer. It was something special though.
Well to make it worse major Third Parties hold that view as well.
On the note of the Switch, I just found out that Binding of Isaac, THE ENTIRE FREAKING THING, not JUST Rebirth by itself but also Afterbirth and AB+, is going to be a launch title (with a physical release, no less!).

That really increases the chances of me grabbing the thing early. Yes, I have the PC version. But it'd be nice to have a version of the entire thing to play that I dont have to sit in front of my damn PC to play, and that I can take with me when travelling (laptop is infuriating).

As for what I'm playing, well, Isaac of course, there's SO many good mods available now since AB+ happened. Also 20XX, which as I keep saying is the game Mighty No. 9 wishes it could be.

....And Mario Maker. I was doing one of the Bowser levels. To quote something I said on a different forum: "Mario Maker, the "official" level set (not the 10-mario challenge ones), ANY of the Bowser levels. Any of them.

I'll just put it this way: the next time someone I know starts going on about how Nintendo ONLY ever makes "casual" stuff, I'm going to sit them down in front of that, and force them to play those Bowser levels until they either A: beat one of them, or B: start crying blood. Either way, they wont say that too much anymore."

It took me longer to beat this than it did to beat the Mario Frustration level. ....and then just as it was about to submit the victory to the servers, THE DAMN INTERNET CRASHED. My right eye was twitching a bit.
Exactly! Though sadly presentation is what people act on.
I'm re-playing several games to upload the gameplay to my yt channel. Last week I passed Bioshock Infinite for like 3rd or 4th time, now I'm between Assassin's Creed 2 and South Park the stick of truth, I'm also playing a season of Nascar 15.

If you're interested, the link of my channel is on my profile, as is a fb page I created for it.
I'm re-playing several games to upload the gameplay to my yt channel. Last week I passed Bioshock Infinite for like 3rd or 4th time, now I'm between Assassin's Creed 2 and South Park the stick of truth, I'm also playing a season of Nascar 15.

If you're interested, the link of my channel is on my profile, as is a fb page I created for it.
Ah, Bioshock Infinite. It's one of those games I wish I could forget, just so I could experience the wonder of playing it for the first time all over again. I just started my 4th playthrough yesterday :)
I started playing Dragonball Z Xenoverse 2 on my brothers X Box One. I'm not sure what to think about it yet, although I now have the urge to watch the old episodes again. Box sets are at least £19.99 on Amazon and I think there's a few different dubs so I don't want to stream them on some random website.

Hopefully Netflix will have them some day.

I also played the first half an hour or so of Mafia 3. I like the southern 1960s setting but the gameplay feels like a clunky GTA. Hopefully the story will grab me, It's kind of interesting how it seems to be some kind of documentary with the gameplay acting as flashbacks.
Post any video games you're playing right now. Anything from Flash to PS3 to 360 to emu's.

Right now I'm playing Gran Turismo 5, working on my "career"...
Is it common for most of us to be drawn to vids? I don't watch TV at all, playing NO MANS SKY PS4
So I was playing a game called "My Summer Car". And the van I was driving ran out of gas because I'm a fool who forgets to fill the tank. So I got a truck to tow it with and started driving to town to fill the tank when all of a sudden it starts getting very awkward to turn and it feels like something is holding me back. So I take a look in the rear-view mirror and see this...:tearsofjoy:

So I was playing a game called "My Summer Car". And the van I was driving ran out of gas because I'm a fool who forgets to fill the tank. So I got a truck to tow it with and started driving to town to fill the tank when all of a sudden it starts getting very awkward to turn and it feels like something is holding me back. So I take a look in the rear-view mirror and see this...:tearsofjoy:

What's that game like? I remember reading a preview for that game on RockPaperShotgun and laughing my ass of, the laughing even harder when I saw the game's official site.
And have been playing vids since, intellivision, Atari,commodore 64, awhile ago. . Lol

Huh, you sound kinda like me in some ways. I've been playing games since those very old systems (and honestly rather prefer them to the current ones much of the time; there was a sort of purity to those older games that has since been lost, among other things) and I dont really watch TV either. I'll watch Youtube, but that's usually gaming-related videos.

As for what I'm currently playing, I've been playing a ton of Dungeon of the Endless, which is a combination of roguelike, tower defense, dungeon crawler, and squad-based strategy with RPG elements. And it manages to be both turn-based and real-time at the same time. It sounds crazy on paper, but after a bunch of time with it this is easily one of the best games I've played in the last few years. It's like it was designed just for me really. It's also very hard.

Speaking of roguelikes, also playing one called Unexplored, which... is actually another of the best games I've seen in the last couple of years. The game is not out yet but is nearing it's release later this month. I've somehow gotten into the position of helping the developer directly with closed internal testing. I'm never entirely sure how I keep getting into that kind of position or why devs tend to listen to me, but I sure aint complaining.

Testing can be frustrating though. After all, one of the jobs of any tester is to find bugs. And try to find how to reproduce them (which means purposefully experiencing them numerous times). Though I know from experience with developing the game that I personally work on that actually getting rid of the bugs is waaaayyyyyy more irritating than the testing of them, and I at least dont have to do that job here. Got enough of that with the game I'm constantly working on. Really, screw glitches. Stupid blasted things.
What's that game like? I remember reading a preview for that game on RockPaperShotgun and laughing my ass of, the laughing even harder when I saw the game's official site.

It's surprisingly fun for what it is (and I'm normally not a car enthusiast). The primary goal is to build your car and win a rally race but while doing so you have to watch your needs so you don't die and do jobs for the local population to earn the money you need for food and supplies.
I started several walkthroughs for the channel, an Assassin's Creed 3, a GTA San Andreas and today Dead Space:grimacing:
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