I do not know about that, well yes I do know about what Kosher and Halal are but I follow neither. But about Jesus I read that he didn't eat pork. Some church's forbid pork as well. There are certain food groups I wouldn't eat myself. I don't eat pork for one or red meat. But as a Christian God has said all food is fit to be eaten, not those words but I am a bit tired now. But what is not to be eaten is from under the sea and hoofs is this pork connection. What those are under the sea I have no real idea. I have read that some Christians avoid shrimp as not being Biblical. Many Catholics will only eat fish on a Friday. When I read that Jesus didn't eat pork and blessed some church's that didn't, it put me off for life.
Jesus was a Jew so he followed the Jewish dietary rules of the day. Many of the Old Testament dietary rules were for food safety, and not some orthodox condemnation of particular foods.