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Temple Grandin is so awesome she's getting her own beer

I'm brand new to being curious about this lady.
I watched the video of the interview she gave (in your link @Butterfly) - thanks for that.

I really liked what she said about children on the spectrum and her own mother's attitude toward her upbringing.
"Too over-shouldered, stretch 'em, get 'em out there, let them do something they're really good at"

Loved that part :)
I respect Dr. Grandin's accomplishments and work ethic, and her love and devotion for animals, and any perserverance she faced in life from being on the Spectrum, but not necessarily do I understand or respect her views about Autistics and work. And if she wants to promote a beer, that is fine. It is her life. Whatever makes her happy.

Despite her being an inspiration to many others, and a huge success, I feel Dr. Grandin now has that extra responsibility to be even more careful with her words and actions, as what she says or does may influence others, and not always in the best way if she does not for instance clarify or retract a certain statement or article that can be misleading or offensive..

In that April 13, 2017 article titled "Temple Grandin to Autistic Adults: Get Your Butts out of the House and Get A Job" Temple Grandin to Autistic adults: get your butts out of the house and get a job | The Art of Autism I found her words in that article to be a bit harmful, presumptuous and rude. I just felt she showed a lack of empathy for those with ASD who could not work, and she generalized about them and their parents, without thinking things through.

It was as if she was judging others with Autism based on their work before even getting to know them, and assuming that those on the Spectrum did not face challenges or conditions that could be vastly different than hers. I realize her directness and generalizing could be part of her condition, but I felt disappointed in her words there.

In my case, I rather have a more down to earth, polite and non-employed son or daughter, if that is their desire or part of their condition, than a son or daughter who was more successful and more judgmental of and pressuring to others. This despite I valuing highly those who give great efforts and succeed despite the odds. But, I realize this may not be a choice for those with Autism. I do not think Temple Grandin understands that. I value more persons who define their own happiness and success, and who allow the same rights for others who follow their own paths in life, and do things at their own pace, and taking into account their own limitations and abilities.

Although I know Dr. Grandin, through reading more about her elsewhere, wants to see Autism in a more positive light, and to have Autistics be their best, that quote she made, and her comments in that article, and any beer promotion, those I feel will not highlight her positivity, wisdom or empathy. As the majority with Autism are not employed full time, the general public could get the idea from her words that it is because those with Autism are just lazy. She was totally off the mark there.
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I hardly think getting her own beer is a great recommendation. She is wonderful and has managed admirable accomplishments, so I am not disrespecting her.

I watched a documentary about her and was very impressed by her in general. I do think the quote from her about other Autistic people getting off their behinds was at best insensitive, if not harmful to other people on the spectrum.

I wish she would watch what she says more. Maybe it is hard for her to do, but she has too much power due to her accomplishments to be so careless with it.
Well said @Dadwith2Autisticsons. I more like Temple for her work with animals.

Yes Butterfly, I agree that is one of the aspects I like about her, too. I also saw some different videos of her, and what she said in those videos I found fascinating, and I had no problems with and found to be more inspirational. So, I was a bit disappointed with her regarding her opinions in that article. That type of talk would never motivate my sons to work. Should they want to work, and be able to, we will support them in whatever they do. We will not make them feel bad though if they cannot.
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I don't really know (of) her.
That video I watched on the link gave me the impression that she believes those on the spectrum should play to their strengths. Focus on what they do well and take that into the outside world.
Shift the focus from any deficit or what one can't do and point it at what one can do and develop that, use it to gain employment, be amongst others, find your niche and fit in that way.

I've done something very similar with my own three children.
(Keeping in mind I wasn't aware of high functioning Asperger's until quite recently)
I think that's why I loved what she said.
Read a couple of her books, the one with cattle and her life, really enjoyed them, and documentory on BBC iPlayer last year I think, enjoyed that too.

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