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Please Help Guys

You know what guys...I am getting exhausted from a one way street..
When an NT comes into your life..its for real..please realise that life with another NT person..so easy in comparison..predictable....self endorsing..sexual and predictive..you guys however are the more intriguing..language like we have never experienced.. a depth that touches our very inner self and piques our Interst to the point where we will bear our soul ...attack it if you so wish..with an avengence so be it..yet still we stay true ...because we know you need to see that someone will adore and love you until the end if time. Walk over coals..fight your corner forever because you are worth it...open.up.that right side of your brain and see.. join us..please to see we are worth the fight and will reward 100 fold..Always..xxx

I feel your deep care Flygirl, but I just feel both NTs and those on the Spectrum can exhaust each other out, because of different reasons. Those with ASD may feel pressure to change and sense or hear critiques coming from NTs too much, but NTs feel maybe they are giving a lot but not feel appreciated enough, or are not receiving committment enough. I do think each side sees some positives from the other, but in the end, each side can get frustrated at the other. I feel the relationships that succeed will have two persons who either accept the other as they are, or they will be willing or able to change for the benefit of themselves and that other.
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No disagree..
You still have not shared why your wonderful attributes of a Women Who Loves You have changed since your marriage break up..?
We have all been Shat on at some point..sone more than others and from a greater height.
.but we must always.. always be open to another person willing to come Into our lives, who have the only Intention to enhance it, ...add dimensions that you never thought possible.. take you on a journey to total Paradise and Utopia that you can simply bask in our admiration of you, of which you will never wish to escape.
An NTt's love for you is all consuming.. emotional driven from the unconscious mind that will always overide the logic and always more powerful, so from the very core of their heart and soul, never waiving,, fiercely protective and with you in your corner..Always..walk.over Hot Coals if needed..wirh you ..always..If we do Commit..its powerful..Pleaee don't Ever Ever forget that..Our Love reaches depths that are unfathomable to your one sided brain function...but to.us...totally instinctual..Ax
No disagree..
You still have not shared why your wonderful attributes of a Women Who Loves You have changed since your marriage break up..?
We have all been Shat on at some point..sone more than others and from a greater height.
.but we must always.. always be open to another person willing to come Into our lives, who have the only Intention to enhance it, ...add dimensions that you never thought possible.. take you on a journey to total Paradise and Utopia that you can simply bask in our admiration of you, of which you will never wish to escape.
An NTt's love for you is all consuming.. emotional driven from the unconscious mind that will always overide the logic and always more powerful, so from the very core of their heart and soul, never waiving,, fiercely protective and with you in your corner..Always..walk.over Hot Coals if needed..wirh you ..always..If we do Commit..its powerful..Pleaee don't Ever Ever forget that..Our Love reaches depths that are unfathomable to your one sided brain function...but to.us...totally instinctual..Ax

Oh, I am still married Flygirl. Have been for 11 years happily. Her and I are so different, but most of those differences make us compatible. For those things we disagree on, we often compromise, or we take turns sometimes whereby I get things I want or need, but equally she does as well. Overall, we do not change the other, but accept the fabric of each other's being. However, if either needs help or assistance, we are glad to help the other, and often without having to be asked as we know what each desires and needs. We both show care to each other in different ways, and not necessarily in the ways that society expects.

And so I agree that there are women out there that would be protective and see the great things in one with such conditions, as in my case. And you seem really nice. I realize my wife has issues too though, so that is why she is more understanding. But, for those NTs that have no issues, and especially women, I think most prefer or need the "strong" or "successful" type. But, to me the definition of strength and success is debatable. To many women though, the definition means a great job, and a guy with not many issues. If he is tall and handsome, that is a plus for them, too.

My argument would be: a guy being themselve and going against the grain in this society and surviving in this cruel world, that shows often strength. And my belief is success should not be defined by women, men or media, but by themselves. If a man or woman is happy or fine with being quieter, or contributing in less standard ways, that is to be appreciated. That is unique and special. Often the guys seen outwardly as the strongest, are really the weakest. They are lacking in important traits, can be dishonest, need sex and to impress or follow others. And so often the ones seen as weak, are really strong, as they live by their own rules.

But, I understand what you are trying to say. I just think there are not many NT women as open minded, patient, positive, and strong enough to deal long term with a man that is unique and special, as these other women need often a certain type of guy to impress their friends and provide them with things that they expect from a traditional man. In my case, I wanted to be my best for myself, as I am a perfectionist and believe in some self-improvement, so perhaps this is why my wife gave me a chance too, but there are a lot of great guys out there that are happy or need to be themselves, so if a woman loves that, then great. If he sees that love, then maybe instinctively some could start expressing more, or learn more, and grow more, if not immediately then a bit later.

So, I am just saying, for those NT women who want lots of change, in an Autistic, ASD or Aspie guy look elsewhere, as that guy likely would be happier without that woman.
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Oh please accept my sincere apologies.. when you said prior to.yout marriage.. I , wrongly assumed it had finished.. sorry..I am so thrilled it has all worked out..sorry feel like I came onto you a little...I ..retract..and Please tell your wonderful Wife..forgive me..please..
I am so so glad that relationships between the two can function and grow to a depth that is all consuming..
Unfortunately I have met an Aspie who can't move on from his previous, in depth relationship .he still adores/desires/yearns for his ex wife and as gorgeous and committed as I am..and willing to put all those parts back together in time..I will never live up to and.must pay, as all other Women who enter his life must..the price of his loss.. .He views himself as the Sacrificial Lamb, and I can not EVER change that.. because he will not let me Its OK .I will Love from afar. Forever..Axx
Oh please accept my sincere apologies.. when you said prior to.yout marriage.. I , wrongly assumed it had finished.. sorry..I am so thrilled it has all worked out..sorry feel like I came onto you a little...I ..retract..and Please tell your wonderful Wife..forgive me..please..
I am so so glad that relationships between the two can function and grow to a depth that is all consuming..
Unfortunately I have met an Aspie who can't move on from his previous, in depth relationship .he still adores/desires/yearns for his ex wife and as gorgeous and committed as I am..and willing to put all those parts back together in time..I will never live up to and.must pay, as all other Women who enter his life must..the price of his loss.. .He views himself as the Sacrificial Lamb, and I can not EVER change that.. because he will not let me Its OK .I will Love from afar. Forever..Axx

It was just a misunderstanding on your part, as you were newer to this forum so you saw less posts by me. So, no worries. Besides, I thought you were just friendly, like for instance many from the south who can use that southern charm even on strangers, like when they say honey, sweety, darling. I think you are really expressive and nice, so if that neighbor cannot get over his ex or see all that great in you and want to share a fulfilling life with you, there could easily be a dozen single guys that would be glad to give their time and themselves to you, and give their all for you in an instant once they knew you were available, should that ever occur.
I an English.. so no points cut short.. .. would never use Sweetie , Darling..Honey...as regard those references as false...I am whom I am.. Love me as I am or not..up to you.. xx
Thank you though..your Insight has been so helpful....
.wont mend my totally broken heart...he can only do that.. but won't happen...lots of tears..lots of complete visceral arrows to the heart. ..breath caught in my chest that just won't clear...kick like a mule in my belly..yeah...guess I really did love him.. xx
I an English.. so no points cut short.. .. would never use Sweetie , Darling..Honey...as regard those references as false...I am whom I am.. Love me as I am or not..up to you.. xx

I agree. That was the point of my message. Persons should not assume things. I never assumed you were flirting with anyone here, as you were still contacting that neighbor or cared for him, and as people can express in any number of different ways. Shy persons may sometimes express differently than even other shy persons, much less differently than those who are outgoing, and persons from different locations can express differently, as can men and women often express differently. So, of course those with ASD would or could express differently than NTs, as NTs all differ at least some in how they express, too.

I guess what I do not understand Flygirl is why you are upset with the neighbor. He is being himself? And if you are being yourself, and things do not work out being yourselves, that is life. Not every person is a fit for another. You both would just need to find the right match then, if you both are getting upset at each other.
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Because I know that I am totally In LOVE with him..and it wiill never be reciprocated..!!!
Because I know that I am totally In LOVE with him..and it wiill never be reciprocated..!!!

Somewhat true. It may not be reciprocated in the way you want or need it to reciprocated, but if he loves you he is showing it in his own ways. I have no clue if he loves you or not, so that would seem like step one, to find out that answer, as until that is determined, other things seem less important.

However, if he loves you, again he is showing it in the way he only knows how. If he cannot change though because of his condition, or does not want to change in the ways you need, what you see is what you will get. That is him. So, if he feels loves for you, but cannot express it in your ways, that still is love to him.

Then the choice is yours how to proceed. You cannot change him. Any extra relationship efforts on his part would have to be from his own internal motivations. Some persons have that; some do not. I hope things work out with you both, if both want it to. It is hard to turn off love, so I understand that.
Thank you all so very much for all your valuable input.. especially dadwith2autisticsons..you took lots of time out of your busy schedule to help me understand things better.
Your words are truly heartfelt and helpful.
I am thrilled you and your wonderful Wife have been able to find that crucial balance of minds and devotion to making it work for both of you...I am sure there were some rocks in the road along the way.. but you both obviously tried with equal strengths to overcome them.
I need to take a step back as am exhausted at present ..this treading water and dipping under it at times, making no progress, or believing I am, to then see him slamming into reverse, leaves me soul searching as to what I did wrong this time.
It's up to him..he can either give things a crack of the whip, go on the journey and see where it ends up, or stay in this perpetual state of polorizing his emotions, a closed door with multiple padlock and living in the past utopia, and never moving on..
Think I know which way will prevail. But at least I tried. Thank you all.
Thank you all so very much for all your valuable input.. especially dadwith2autisticsons..you took lots of time out of your busy schedule to help me understand things better.
Your words are truly heartfelt and helpful.
I am thrilled you and your wonderful Wife have been able to find that crucial balance of minds and devotion to making it work for both of you...I am sure there were some rocks in the road along the way.. but you both obviously tried with equal strengths to overcome them.
I need to take a step back as am exhausted at present ..this treading water and dipping under it at times, making no progress, or believing I am, to then see him slamming into reverse, leaves me soul searching as to what I did wrong this time.
It's up to him..he can either give things a crack of the whip, go on the journey and see where it ends up, or stay in this perpetual state of polorizing his emotions, a closed door with multiple padlock and living in the past utopia, and never moving on..
Think I know which way will prevail. But at least I tried. Thank you all.

Thanks. I wish I could be more optimistic regarding the neighbor, as he did show some signs showing he has cared, like with him doing those things for you that you mentioned prior, but in order for him or you both to take the next step, I just think he needs to somehow express more what he wants and needs, as otherwise it could seem more like fantasy than reality the desired outcome, as you would not know if he wanted just friendship, was trying to please you, or loved you.

If he does have love for you, which is still a very real possibility despite you feeling rejected by him at times, him backing away at unpredictable times is not going to lead you though to emotional closeness. It would be preferred if he pick up on your strong love and interest and let you know either way how he feels. And it is your right to ask him questions, too. If he stays the same course, despite your attempts, then it will be your decision how to proceed. Love can be special, but when love is not returned in the way you need it can hurt. So, I am sorry about that.
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Well based on your feelings, it might be a good idea to talk to him in-person when and if you can. Do expect that he may not be ready to reciprocate and that's okay. Expect disappointment and expect to move on. It's okay to feel the way you do based on what you've told us. It's also okay for him to change at the flip of a switch even if it doesn't really make sense. Feelings and emotions don't always make sense 100% or we can only take on so much at once.

There may be other people out there similar enough to this guy, or completely different that will be ready for you. Good luck.

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