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Officially Diagnosed with High Functioning Autism on 1-29-24.


Active Member
I was officially diagnosed with high functioning autism on 1-29-24. I am going to start a blog on this site so feel free to read it and comment as I would love to know if others struggle similarly.
Welcome, @Lilacleia16

Congrats on getting your diagnosis. I'm sure you'll find plenty of posts on the forum that could help you. Blogging isn't nessissarily to share your thoughts. But however you want to approach it, is up to you.
Welcome, and congrats! Always much better to know. Just keep in mind that everybody is different and that you don't have to have all symptoms. It's a broad spectrum.
Hi and welcome. I hope you will tell us some of your thoughts and ideas, and will find it helpful and enjoyable to be here.
Hi and Welcome @Lilacleia16
Congratulations on the diagnosis. Welcome to a new world, I hope you enjoy exploring things in this world.
Do read some of the posts in here, and learn from what other folks have discovered about this country called "neurodivergence"
Hi and Welcome @Lilacleia16
Congratulations on the diagnosis. Welcome to a new world, I hope you enjoy exploring things in this world.
Do read some of the posts in here, and learn from what other folks have discovered about this country called "neurodivergence"
I’ve traveled and still I know that there is no such thing as home for anyone, especially the neurodivergent. However, I hope my vacation here on these forums gives me a respite from the world.
I’ve traveled and still I know that there is no such thing as home for anyone, especially the neurodivergent. However, I hope my vacation here on these forums gives me a respite from the world.

Or as I have posted on occasion, always feeling like I'm on the outside looking in.

-Wherever I am, or wherever I go. It never changes. For me, this is a "cornerstone" of my autism.
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I had a boss many years ago who said, “Wherever you are… be there”

Are you relieved to have finally been diagnosed? Did you suspect you were on the spectrum before, or was it a surprise? Has anyone said they already suspected you have ASD?

I self diagnosed at 35. It was a huge relief and answered decades of questions regarding my own differences/difficulties from day to day.
I had a boss many years ago who said, “Wherever you are… be there”

Are you relieved to have finally been diagnosed? Did you suspect you were on the spectrum before, or was it a surprise? Has anyone said they already suspected you have ASD?

I self diagnosed at 35. It was a huge relief and answered decades of questions regarding my own differences/difficulties from day to day.
I definitely feel the same way. I’m relieved to be diagnosed. I didn’t suspect I was on the spectrum but my best friend did because I couldn’t read a room.

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