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Looking after oneself ie hygiene


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Since washing is a part of being accepted in society, I posted it here.

I hate the whole washing process, but am very clean, because I hate being dirty, but whoa it is all such a trial. Yet, I love dressing up and hate being scruffy.
What exactly is it that you hate about washing? And are we talking about washing yourself (ie. taking a shower) or like washing as in doing laundry?
What exactly is it that you hate about washing? And are we talking about washing yourself (ie. taking a shower) or like washing as in doing laundry?
Sorry, I mean showering etc. I LOVE doing laundry lol. I guess just being naked and the whole process of preparing and being wet, but I love being clean
I love water, so bathing is a joy for me. I will often lie in the bath and read.

Scented baths, bubbles, candl...

*sigh* should have been a girl :(
I love bathing, shaving, etc. One of my favorite things is right after I get a haircut, and go home and wash my hair. It's "keeping up appearances" that I don't like. Sometimes I feel like people can tell when I'm in a bad mood even when I look my best. So sometimes it feels pointless, but I try to look how I would find myself attractive if I was somebody else. Right now, I have a goatee/moustache, and I like it a lot, but it makes me feel "scruffy" so it might have to go.

I often wear the same pair of jeans or a button-down for an entire week or more, if they don't get very dirty, and I can tell people around me think it's "unhygenic," but I just see it as being practical and not wasteful.
I love taking a shower, the hot water feels so good on my old back. I take two showers a day, one in the evening to clean up and one in the morning to wake up. I do not do baths. I don't like being in the dirty water.
A common shower bath is refreshing in another manner where clusters of negative ions help your well-being
I love showers, once I'm in the shower. Once I'm in the shower, I want to just stay there for hours. But, before that, I tend to make excuses because I don't like how it feels to feel cold before I get into the shower and to feel cold once I get out of the shower. Also, I feel like taking a shower conflicts with whatever I'm doing (I should take a shower, but I really want to do A, B, and C first, etc). But, I don't like feeling dirty (unless I'm depressed. If I'm depressed, I don't care one bit). But, I also do forget to shower from time to time. It's best when I make a routine out of it (shower first thing in the morning or late in the evening).
I love water, so bathing is a joy for me. I will often lie in the bath and read.

Scented baths, bubbles, candl...

*sigh* should have been a girl :(

Perhaps you are girl, hidden away and perhaps I am a guy hidden away, because baths etc and me, no way lol
I love showers, once I'm in the shower. Once I'm in the shower, I want to just stay there for hours. But, before that, I tend to make excuses because I don't like how it feels to feel cold before I get into the shower and to feel cold once I get out of the shower. Also, I feel like taking a shower conflicts with whatever I'm doing (I should take a shower, but I really want to do A, B, and C first, etc). But, I don't like feeling dirty (unless I'm depressed. If I'm depressed, I don't care one bit). But, I also do forget to shower from time to time. It's best when I make a routine out of it (shower first thing in the morning or late in the evening).

You have said it all, pushpin, for that is exactly what I mean! Happily I do not suffer depression; just the odd meloncoly feeling and of course, the dreaded anxiety. I can handle cold actually, but other than those two things, yep this is me!
My brain injury deleted my olfactory function,so the sniff barometer is broken now. I still clean myself often and even go as far as using scented aftershaves.

Some of the things in my world I miss dearly are the scent of light perfumes and clean smelling people,so my efforts in cleanliness are to not offend others ;)

A recent raw sewage cleanup was a task I was well suited to handle tho,so it isn't all that bad in the big picture :p
I luuurve a nice, long, steaming hot bath, with a good book, food and drink.. I could be in there for two hours and still have to force myself to get out.
But I agree with pushpin, I don't like the bits at each end.
Also, I often forget to do something, like shaving the bit under my lip or brushing my hair and only remember when I've gone out.. must remember to write a check list to stick on the bathroom mirror.. :eek:
I don't enjoy bathing because it's not something I can do a little at a time or do while I'm indulging an interest like I can with eating, and generally requires me to dedicate a good chunk of time to it. It also requires a lot of temperature variances and no matter what time of the year it is, wet skin + air = COLD! When I lived with my parents, I was the monster in the basement, and I used the downstairs shower. Basements are naturally chilly, which I loved, but stepping out of the warm shower on to those cold tiles sent lots of stabbing pain up through my feet and lower legs. For whatever dumb reason, I just chugged through it. When my mom started showering downstairs, she was pretty quick to get a rug put down there for a gentler exit. I guess it wasn't just me feeling that way.

Most of the time I shower every other day since I'm indoors a lot and only have a natural buildup of grime to contend with, unlike when I spend a day outside working or playing.
I like the feeling of being in water, but I hate the break in my schedule that comes from having to take a shower. I dislike how sometimes I have to interrupt what I'm doing in order to do that.
I don't understand people reading a book in the bath. I've tried that before and my whole body would be nice and warm except my arms and hands went freezing cold. How about going for talking books online, if possible, where the book can be read out loud to you? Just a thought.
I generally find showering theraputic as it's like being in a completely different world but still being in my home. I like focusing on the various different sounds of water.

there's the
-water spraying out of the shower head
-the spray that hits the shower curtain
-the spray that hits me
-the water that falls off me, which falls in larger droplets and doesn't have as far to fall as the water coming from the shower head, so makes a heavier, duller sound.

I'm not aware of/or bothered by being unclean but I like how my skin feels after a shower, kinda fresher. It reminds me of how the sheets of a freshly made bed feels.

Like pushpin said though, the before and after isn't as nice as the shower itself.
I was once told by an employer that I should never be ashamed of today's dirt because I got dirty earning a living and should only be ashamed of it if remained there the next day ;)
I was once told by an employer that I should never be ashamed of today's dirt because I got dirty earning a living and should only be ashamed of it if remained there the next day ;)

lol, that's the opposite I once had. A supervisor once took me aside and complained how I smelled a bit... and should clean myself up. That by itself might be a case of bad hygiene.. however, when it's almost at the end of a 8 hour shift of physical labour, I found it quite hilarious. I asked him if he was joking... but apparently he wasn't and made a big issue out of it.
lol, that's the opposite I once had. A supervisor once took me aside and complained how I smelled a bit... and should clean myself up. That by itself might be a case of bad hygiene.. however, when it's almost at the end of a 8 hour shift of physical labour, I found it quite hilarious. I asked him if he was joking... but apparently he wasn't and made a big issue out of it.
I had one employer buy me deodorant when I was much younger. Hahaha

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