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Is it Okay to be a Nudist if You are Christian?

Is it Okay to be a Naturalist and a Christian at the Same Time?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Depends

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

Joshua the Writer

Very Nerdy Guy, Any Pronouns
V.I.P Member
Sorry about the texting language in here. I originally sent this in a venting channel in a Discord server that I am a member of.
I don't know why my parents have a problem with me being naked in my own room. Many types of clothes are not friendly to how I process senses such as touch. Also, in the Summer, I tend to overheat quite easily (I live in South Carolina, go figure). It feels like there are rashes in my armpits, but it's just because my sense of touch is registering my shirt as such, and I am not even allergic to the material. I grew up in a religious household, and I have decided (completely by myself, my parents respect me and my siblings' free will) to give my life to Christ, and I have even took my second communion yesterday, and am now thinking of getting baptized.

I say this because I think they don't let me go nude in my own room because of religious reasons, despite the bible having nothing to say against nudity unless the nudity is intended for sexually immoral purposes. I don't know why a lot of religious people call non-sexual nudity a sin. It is natural, and how god made us. Also, Jesus was born naked, only had a thin cloth on while being crucified, and exited his tomb naked.

So, what is the problem of being naked? I don't even feel embarrassed whenever I am naked, not even when my parents have walked in on me naked. I've only covered myself up quickly with a blanket or something whenever they've walked in on me while naked just because they wouldn't want to see that. IDK what their problem is with me being naked, since I do not have any sexual intentions whenever I do get the chance to get naked and do things I'd normally do in my room if I weren't naked (playing videgames on my Nintendo 2DS, reading, messing around with my Nerf guns, listening to music, drawing, and writing). I don't even touch myself, since that counts as sex, and sex is a sin.

They enter my room even though I don't give them any indication as to if I have permission to enter or not. They don't straight-up BARGE into my room, though. They would literally knock on my door, and I'd say "what," NOT anything I that would lead up the word, "in," and then they would open the door and enter, despite not saying if they have permission to come in or not. Or I don't say anything at all after, like, 10-15 seconds after they knock, and they just open the door without, you know, trying again.

And, if I don't respond that time and the next time they knock after that, they might as well leave me be entirely. I shouldn't have to verbalize if they can come in or not. It should honestly be black and white to everybody! What doesn’t mean, "You are free to enter now." It just simply means that I am capable of listening to what you have to say to me or answering your questions if you talk loudly enough for me to actually hear them through the door (they don't even have to actually go much louder than their normal talking voice at all). If my parents do not have my explicit permission to open my door, they do not have permission to open my door at all.

From how I perceive things, nudity is not a sin if is not intended to be for sexually immoral purposes, such as prostitution, adultery, , masturbation, or sex outside of marriage. Does anybody have any advice on what to tell them to convince them about this if I need to? And, no. I don't want to settle with just wearing a pair of underwear, either. I am sometimes uncomfortable in underwear, too.

It feels like there is just too much weight on my body all the time. Feels like being in a trap constantly with no escape. Also, the frikin' seams just bother me. Also, as I said before, I live in South Carolina, where it can get up to 100°F during the summer, and I overheat easily, so this is the season that makes me want to be naked in my own room the most. Plus my room has a ceiling fan I can use in conjunction with being naked in there during the summer.

It also seems like my sense of touch is getting more sensitive as I get older (I am almost 16). I shouldn't have to fear going through sensory overload in my own room. I should be able to relax in my room. Sometimes, I even feel like I am under pressure even in light and loose-fitting clothing.

I go nude in my room on a regular basis and haven't told my parents yet in case they nagged me to stop doing it. How can I convince my parents that I like to be naked in my own room for a good reason, and that not all nudity is sinful?

Also, is it okay for Christians to be nudists/naturalists? I am asking this because I want to adopt a naturalist lifestyle completely when I get my own place. As I said, I literally don't care if somebody sees me naked, and only cover up when I am naked in my own room, and only when somebody that I know is not comfortable with seeing naked people walks in. I should be able to relax in my own room however I want as long as I am not doing anything sinful.

I do not think nudity, in of itself, is sinful. I even think that a boyfriend and a girlfriend can be naked around each other as long as they are not having sex.

Also, random mini-rant, but still relevant: It really annoys me when that small minority of the Christian community says, "but God didn't design us to be naked." Apparently those people think they came out of the womb fully-clothed. God did not design any living being he created to have clothes on all the time. Also, my mom told me something like this before: "People who live in a civilized society don't go around naked all the time?" But then there is modern-day Greece, whose government allows public naturalism pretty much everywhere (though workplaces or being in the middle of military training are exceptions, and schools might be an exception).

Anyways, feel free to give me advice and articles that I'll just bookmark. I'll show my parents the articles in case they think that this is a problem or something. I would just like these questions answered by somebody who can fully understand how I think.
Can a Christian be a nudist? What does the Bible say about nudity ...


A Christian should definitely not be a nudist or participate in nudist activities. Recommended Resource: Bible Answers for Almost all Your Questions by Elmer ...
Can Christians be nudists? – bronwyn's corner - Bronwyn Lea


Oct 30, 2014 - This is not something we share with our Christian friends and church ... That assumption is not always true, as my husband and I can attest.
Is it wrong for Christians to be part of a nudist ... - Truth Or Tradition?


Is it wrong for Christians to be part of a nudist colony, or, as it is now called, ... pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk, so that he can gaze on their naked ...
Can Christians be nudists? - Quora


Aug 24, 2017 - There is no reason why Christians can't be nudists and many of us are. You have to remember that in Biblical times people were a lot more ...
What the Bible Says About Public Nudity | Focus on the Family


I'm a committed Christian, but my question is sincere. Recently I've become involved with a group of people who practice nudism as a way of ... Can you give me a good biblical reason why I shouldn't continue my involvement with this group?
Christian naturism - Wikipedia


Christian naturism is the practise of naturism or nudism by Christians. This form of naturism is not to be confused with what Durkheim termed "naturism" as an ...
Is being a Nudist a Sinful Lifestyle or Can a Christian Do Either One?


Now, what about a situation where you have two married people on a nudist ..... Regarding some specific dress code of what Christians can wear, worldwide, ...
can christians NOT be nudists | Christian Forums

https://www.christianforums.com › ... › Discussion and Debate › Ethics & Morality

Sep 6, 2011 - 20 posts - ‎14 authors
thumbsup:I ask that question purposefully the way I ask it .Let me put it to you this way.Why should christians be nudists? I am a christian born...
Nudists and Christianity.
20 posts
Nov 27, 2017
Christian Naturists
20 posts
Mar 20, 2006
Nudism - Can we agree on the real issues?
11 posts
Sep 5, 2004
I am a Christian nudist!
20 posts
Jun 7, 2004
More results from www.christianforums.com
Naked and Unafraid: Baring Witness at a Christian Nudist Festival


Jul 22, 2014 - The Garden of Eden Church was hosting its first Christian nudist festival. .... But I can meditate on Scripture as easily here as anywhere, and ...
Can a Christian be a nudist? What does the Bible say about nudity?


Singapore Moses Supporter Messenger of God, Executive Director in IT industry. Ashtaroth (plural) or Ashtoreth (singular), a goddess of sexual passion and ...

You could try reading the material available at those links.
Or make up your own search terms and see what you find.
I used "can christians be nudists".

Also recommended, you could try asking your pastor.
Or bringing the subject up at youth group.
You could try reading the material available at those links.
Or make up your own search terms and see what you find.
I used "can christians be nudists".
I actually searched "is it okay to be a nudist if you are christian," before making this post. One of them was to a thread on Christian Forums that was VERY one-sided towards the "no, it is a sin" side of things.
Also recommended, you could try asking your pastor.
Or bringing the subject up at youth group.
I could most likely bring it up with my pastor, but I am not sure if youth group would be okay. Not sure if they'll allow it or not?
There's an area on reddit related to Asperger's and naturism that seems to validate your perspective. It appears to be written by other aspies: Aspergers and Naturism : aspergers Please note: A few swear words Joshua.

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Even if you subtract Christianity from the subject of nudity itself, you're likely to get an incredibly wide variety of responses within all kinds of groups and individuals imaginable. Even from one family to another, even if they're related to you by blood. At least this is my impression, noted over a long period of time. Where you'll find some have no problem with it at all, while others think it's the scourge of God. And still others may be amicable to nudity depending on various conditions.

If you Google the issue relative to Christianity, you'll find links supporting and opposing it. Take your pick.

You may eventually discover that this is the sort of thing that is best answered in terms of what YOU think, rather than what others think. While at the same time being mindful and respectful of those who don't necessarily share your point of view.
I may not contribute very much, but I'll try.

"At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves."
Genesis 3:7 (NLT)

Were we made to be naked? Yes. But Adam and Eve ate from the tree, and so they felt shame at their nakedness.

I'm not quite sure what it is I'm trying to say here, but I hope it helps you.
I may not contribute very much, but I'll try.

"At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves."
Genesis 3:7 (NLT)

Were we made to be naked? Yes. But Adam and Eve ate from the tree, and so they felt shame at their nakedness.

I'm not quite sure what it is I'm trying to say here, but I hope it helps you.
Correction: they felt shame at the sin that they had just committed, not their nakedness. They were trying to cover their sins, not their nakedness, also...
I don't even feel embarrassed whenever I am naked
This verse is kinda irrelevant when I, myself, don't feel embarrassed whenever I am naked.
I wouldn’t worry about it Joshua. Considering all the rape, murder, starvation etc etc going on in the world, I doubt god is worried about whether you sit in your room with your clothes off or not, I think he has more important things to be concerned about.

Whether it’s appropriate to spend extended periods of time naked in your room, in your parents house, is a different matter. It might be better to wait until you get your own place, put some blinds up then do what you like in privacy, it’s no one else’s business but yours.

Also consider the fact that there are many tribes in the Amazon or in Africa for example that are naked, or practically naked all day every day. It’s not sexual for them, it’s practical, natural, and how nature intended them to be and live to be in balance with their environment. Will they be dammed and cast into hells eternal flames as sinners? I don’t think so. They strike me as having a far healthier relationship with nudity and the human body than uptight religious types who think practically everything is a sin.
I think your only a nudist if your nude in a public place where other people are also nude.

This seems to me to be a question of privacy. Do your parents have the right to dictate how you live your private life?
I wouldn’t worry about it Joshua. Considering all the rape, murder, starvation etc etc going on in the world, I doubt god is worried about whether you sit in your room with your clothes off or not, I think he has more important things to be concerned about.
Also consider the fact that there are many tribes in the Amazon or in Africa for example that are naked, or practically naked all day every day. It’s not sexual for them, it’s practical, natural, and how nature intended them to be and live to be in balance with their environment. Will they be dammed and cast into hells eternal flames as sinners? I don’t think so. They strike me as having a far healthier relationship with nudity and the human body than uptight religious types who think practically everything is a sin.
I agree with this 100%. I also laughed a bit at the ending part.
Whether it’s appropriate to spend extended periods of time naked in your room, in your parents house, is a different matter. It might be better to wait until you get your own place, put some blinds up then do what you like in privacy, it’s no one else’s business but yours.
Well, the type of house I want goes by the "secluded, in the middle of the woods or mountains" type of deal, so, privacy wouldn't be a problem when I get my own place.

However, I just want more control over how I can enjoy myself inside my own room. Clothing is just way too restrictive for me.
I think your only a nudist if your nude in a public place where other people are also nude.

This seems to me to be a question of privacy. Do your parents have the right to dictate how you live your private life?
No, you can be a nudist in private, as well, since some actually go nude in their own homes all the time, also. Also, my parents do not have the right to dictate how I live my private life.

Grammar correction because I am annoyed by improper word forms: you're*.
No, you can be a nudist in private, as well, since some actually go nude in their own homes all the time, also. Also, my parents do not have the right to dictate how I live my private life.

Grammar correction because I am annoyed by improper word forms: you're*.

No ... nudist does not apply to everyone who is naked in their own private room.

Definition correction because I am annoyed by improper use of words.
"People who live in a civilized society don't go around naked all the time?" But then there is modern-day Greece, whose government allows public naturalism pretty much everywhere (though workplaces or being in the middle of military training are exceptions, and schools might be an exception).
I can assure you that people in Greece don't go around naked! There are certain places, certain beaches off the beaten track where nudism is tolerated, but other than those few places, it is not tolerated in any public space. On regular beaches in summer, and only beaches, one may wear a bikini, or swimsuit or boxer shorts, but certainly not go naked.

In Greece, most people are Orthodox Christians, but I don't think that religion has anything to do with nudity. It's perfectly natural: as you point out yourself, people are born naked, and have been wearing clothes for a lot longer than Christianity has been around (edit). Humans only started to wear clothes as an adaptation to the changing climate as our ancestors moved out of Africa and started enter Asia and then Europe and other colder regions of the globe.
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No ... nudist does not apply to everyone who is naked in their own private room.

Definition correction because I am annoyed by improper use of words.
No, no it does not. "Designated areas" is too broad not to include your own home, soo... Yeah, you are actually incorrect. I suggest you research what a nudist is before speaking.
Well ... you must be correct because your argument and grammar are so convincing.

My rebuttal is ... yes, yes it does so. I suggest that you suggest that I research nudist before writing rather than speaking.
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The point of this thread is not to pick at each other's grammar, spelling, or research abilities.
This is a support forum.

The topic is whether nudism is acceptable for Christians.
Further replies should be directed toward that topic.
I must agree with @Progster, to the best of my knowledge it is not allowed to be naked in most public places in Greece. There will be beaches where nudity is permitted as there is in Spain and probably most of Europe but they are designated zones. It is also allowed in Britain believe it or not, but the idea of standing naked on a beach under a grey sky being soaked by rain in 5 degrees doesn’t appeal to most people for some reason. o_O
It is also allowed in Britain believe it or not, but the idea of standing naked on a beach under a grey sky being soaked by rain in 5 degrees doesn’t appeal to most people for some reason.
In Britian it is allowed and legal, but not tolerated - there was a man who walked naked from John O'Groats to Land's end naked, but he frequently found himself being arrested, not for nudity, but for breach of the peace.
In Britian it is allowed and legal, but not tolerated - there was a man who walked naked from John O'Groats to Land's end naked, but he frequently found himself being arrested, not for nudity, but for breach of the peace.

How interesting I didn’t know that! I had to check and you are correct it is legal to be nude anywhere in the UK.

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | When does public nakedness become a crime?

The relevant part is -

“Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 it is not an offence to be naked in public in England and Wales. It becomes an offence if it can be proved the person stripped off with the intention to cause distress, alarm or outrage.

Then they run the risk of three possible offences, says a spokesman for law firm Kingsley Napley. These are:

• Indecent exposure - an offence under section 66 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003

• Intentional harassment, alarm or distress under section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986

• "Outraging public decency" under common law

If a case did get to court the onus would be on the prosecution to prove this intention to upset. If found guilty, the offender would face anything from a fine to several years in prison.”

While it might be legal I can see how some people would be uncomfortable about it in certain situations such as around schools for example, or in a church. The current situation of zones is probably the best compromise so people who want to be nuke can be, and people who are offended by it can use other places so everyone is happy.

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