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I moved. And my id's been stolen.


Well-Known Member
I have moved from Santa Cruz, CA to Portland, OR, effective today. I just can't take having to walk around for 9-10 hours every day in SC,:cry:lacking sleep, lacking rest and time to think to myself, and straining my CHF-afflicted aging body:tired: - and it's now cold and rainy season in SC! Nite: Yes, I reacted to excessive rain in SC.........by moving to Portland! In our next installment I move to Alabama in search of greater seperation of church and state. I'm trying to get attention from Social Services, basically. I thought if returning to the county in New York State by Conneticut that is my actual home-town area on the theory that SS would look kindly upon the " return of a local " , but, for one, getting there is expensive.
I apologize for either repeating things I said before, if I have, or not sufficiently explaining what I said, if that's the case.
I will go to the ER tonight on.
This is my 100th post!:confused:

Steve, you really shouldn't be doing that much physical exercise, if you have congestive heart failure. Maybe you should simply rest for awhile? Hopefully the hospital visit will help with that. Please keep us informed on how you are doing.
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...Mia, I didn't - haven't:( - had much choice.
Hopefully, I can get into some kind of situation in Portland that would allow me to, at very very least, have a locker and leave my stuff there beyond what could be done in SC. I had really exerted myself my last days in SC, having packed into the big backpack on my back non-ckothes or food I wanted to take, then, for more immediate stuff, when I finally left after a few days if that, three Target bags had newspapers and soap and refreshments and my other if two pairs of shoes and never-worn new pants - Other than that, I was wearing all my clothes, three pairs of pants and 7 or so T-shirts to move them.
When I bhssed out if SC there was a fairly long layover in Oakland and a nega-li g - 5&1/2 hours or so - in Sacramento z and I did some of my junk food scarfing along the way- Not a whole lot else to do on Greyhound trips.
At least being handicapped gives me a seat at the front of the bus near a socket for phone lower:-) & modern Greyhounds are less cramoed, nlalways two seats, never three
I am in the hospital now, in a downstairs ER room, getting examined. If I am admitted, well, presumably I'd need it it and it presumably might put me in a pipeline to a better situation even if at least immediately a shelter situation once I'm out.
As I said, I do want to get more medical, I wasn't getting much concentrated in SC - I really am in a situation where I need help from the powers that be.
Hope this is a better place for you.

So Portland has:
Portland Rescue Mission
24/7 mail service
meals, showers, clothing, shelter

Northwest Pilot Program
Helps seniors 55 and older who are homeless

There is *Dignity Village*
located in back of Gospel Mission
semi permanent homeless site
tents kitchen computer lab

On state land near airport:
little houses/security guard , perm homeless housing project check to see if still exits.

Call 211 info -you need your zipcode and they will also help with organizations
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...The hospital did not admit me. More to the point, they did not connect me, having not admitted me, with any homeless place or something. They said their social worker wasn't in duty. They even said that they'd give me a list of places I should call/ go to - and then didn't follow through even on that.
It's now 1:31 AM - 32 now - I am sitting in a seat in a bus shelter just across from the hospital. I tried to point out to the hospital I'm sick and tired and loaded down and autistic and needed connection s - They did nothing.
I'm technically dry under here in the bus shelter but the concrete my feet are in us cold & wet and the light rain as moisture in the air and it's cold making my muscles twinge some. I really need somebody to take me to someplace. However, though my phone's fairly charged & now seems to be picking up the hospital's wifi, the phone function has broken entirely - It was already doing that just now inside the hospital just as it has been going off then back on depending for days now, the phone function. I'll make one more try after this.
If not, I can only stay, cold, in this shelter till someone calls the cops/a homeless team in me - U mean, I'm sick, handicapped loaded down & autistic and while my clothes are technically dry they won't be if I go walking in the rain and I have no raincoat - Before I left Santa Cruz I went raincoat)oinchk looking at the Target that was reachable with a long bus ride and a large walk in it's mall away so I"m've bought new clothes there but they had no rainwear and a Cruz outdoor store that U decided I'd really have to take taxis to I never got to at all if they had raincoats so my tweed-y jacket and cottin t-shirts are what I have in, no good for rain.
Those homeless " nice " encampments such as Dignity Village, a few years ago before my health declined and I became so crippled:-( maybe I could have done them but now an unheated tent on the ground maybe U:m too crippled for and need more heat - running water/toilet.
...It's past 6 AM now and I have been at the bus shelter all night. I have some pain and the hospital too did not believe how crippled I am they indicated they thought I was exaggerating though they didn't use that word. I'm not.
They say they don't treat chronic things - like my back pain +sib). If I could just rest more:-(.
Backmhen I had 9&1/2 toes not 4&1/2 ;&(. and had the big toe infection/s that started it I thought that if I just could lledget treatment for it and had an aunt or Grandma to stay with in between bthe toes could get better. That never became available but efficient amputation was:-(. I'm not sure how much new I'm saying here and how much I spelled out before.
You present a very sad story, Steve, but anyone who has observed you over the years will recognize a pattern of fleeing from the frying pan, into the fire. Being a tramp (wandering homeless person) is not helping your serious and chronic illnesses. Emergency rooms are not meant as an entry point to social services; it's possible that they helped you more in California than they will in other states.

Stay in one place and try to work out your problems in that place. A long trek to distant locations not only taxes your system, but adds an element of uncertainty to your already unsupported lifestyle.

Hope you feel better soon, but that's largely up to you.
...I had been staying in Santa Cruz trying to build things up there, and I had)have been alternating between essentially two ends of the same region, Sa Noto use a great deal of my phone time up on back story, but ......
I have spent much time invested in the same area, with no improve ment in the end and my body)health now going strongly downhill and the immediate situation in Santa Cruz about to become worse. So I felt something major was needed.
...I wasn't in a situation in Cruz helping my illnesses. Quite the opposite. I am looking for something that can.
If U could just find a room to be alone in and read the books I've had in storage for many months now, and not strain the back pain and CHF by being FORCED to move too much:-( - as was happening in Santa Cruz. Also eat and choose food on my own schedule and hopefully lose weight. Direction and connection on accomplishing these things could help me.

"Direction and connection on accomplishing these things could help me."

That's why I asked whether you'd contacted Human Services.
The people who have previously been called the welfare department,
social services...etc.
You went to a cold, wet state. Why north and not east? I'm really not sure if location makes a difference to social security.
...Well, Judge, I am, perhaps to some, an example that people cite do leaving I this type of article - " Too many homeless ". That aside, I cannot make the " long commutes " " high real-estate prices " " Too many regulations " " High taxes " complaints that people tend to make in pieces like that. I am below that level. However, my situation is desperate and I need a place to rest and get better (sib).
...Well, Judge, I am, perhaps to some, an example that people cite do leaving I this type of article - " Too many homeless ". That aside, I cannot make the " long commutes " " high real-estate prices " " Too many regulations " " High taxes " complaints that people tend to make in pieces like that. I am below that level. However, my situation is desperate and I need a place to rest and get better (sib).

I left in 2008. Needed to go somewhere else to "financially recuperate". It was the right thing to do. :)
Dial 211, this will get you going or take cab to Mission place l listed.

Gave you another number for senior citizens that are homeless. You need to help yourself and call. Portland is helpful more helpful then other states, but it has to start with you.
...@tree, I am cold and in pain now and my last night's attempt at introducing myself didn't work & I am running low on money and phone juice. Also now-niw, my phone Is. Not. Working. At. All. And it's still somewhat raining, I think.

"...my last night's attempt at introducing myself didn't work & I am running low on money"

Which is why I suggest you contact Human Services.

Or if you can't manage that, maybe there is a church in sight,
and some one there could help you get to a branch office
for an intake appointment or other assistance.

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