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I Love My Call Block Box


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I recently purchased a call blocker unit to attach to my landline phone. I am a happy camper! The phone hardly rings at all with annoying calls. It has a button on the front to instantly block a number, and also one for whitelisting accepted calls. (Dances delightedly around the room):)
I have call blocking on my phone but it still rings once then the call is blocked. I switched companies and was without service for three days and I loved it. It was so quiet at my house but I keep the land line because it is my safety net.
I feel like my phone is a safety net, too. I have a mobile phone but rarely use it. I like using my PC instead of a phone. I signed up with a free landline service called Nomorobo, which is supposed to block these callers, but they just keep changing tactics. I find this new box to be far more effective.
My call blocking is taking the battery out of my cell phone. That's how pissed l get at my cell phone and whoever is calling me.☹

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