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How many aspies does it take to...

makes plans to buy one or two extra lamps so the next time
One aspie to write a list of possible bulb replacements.

One aspie to find the biggest light bulb shop available just to make sure the replacement is available and only one trip need be made.

Another aspie to go to the shop and get overwhelmed by the the choice, especially as there is no EXACT same bulb as the old one which was bought at the local corner store

One aspie to collect all the light bulb catalogues just in case for next time.

Another aspie to sort the spare bulbs first by size then by box colour.
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Just order the lightbulb from Amazon. Amazon is Aspie-friendly! :D (But then you guys will have to discuss shipping options.) I'm going to bed........
One aspie to compare the price of local lightbulbs to Amazons, place an order, and then discover they won't ship lightbulbs outside the USA due to distribution agreements or trademark issues.
1 Aspie to make an eloquent monologue on the properties of Tungsten and it's atomic structure
one aspie to go over the process of making the threaded metal base and what materials are suitable for making them
another to point out that the base is called an Edison base
one more to go over the fact that Edison failed to see the properties of ac versus dc current
another aspie to point out that Tesla was the man who gave you alternating current
one more to point out that Tesla may have been an aspie himself
One Aspie to google "save disposal of lightbulbs", getting 'diverted' to "history of the lightbulb" - new obsession, will surface in about a fortnight ;)
heck no...we still have a lot more to cover before we start
Oh brother. C'mon Waldo, back to bed. We may not have to get up at all today, or tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that.........
1 Aspie to watch "Big Bang Theory" and learn about bio-luminscent goldfish hence making light bulbs unnecessary
one aspie to go over the process of making the threaded metal base and what materials are suitable for making them
another to point out that the base is called an Edison base
one more to go over the fact that Edison failed to see the properties of ac versus dc current
another aspie to point out that Tesla was the man who gave you alternating current
one more to point out that Tesla may have been an aspie himself

I was listening to one of my news sources last night and he was talking about light bulbs and Tesla. Evidently Tesla had the idea to light up light bulbs just by sticking them into the dirt. Have you heard of that anyone?
I was listening to one of my news sources last night and he was talking about light bulbs and Tesla. Evidently Tesla had the idea to light up light bulbs just by sticking them into the dirt. Have you heard of that anyone?
yeah...it is called an earth battery...it involves rods placed into the soil to form a battery and electrons can be extracted from the ground to provide power for use
Interestingly enough,I went to the Carnegie Science Center In Pittsburgh this afternoon to let a friend experience the displays that included a toy Tesla coil and a 100 year old monster that was built by a 17 year old boy that is still in operation...unfortunately my camera did not capture the display that had arcs that were over 10 feet long and over one million volts.
Nikola Tesla was responsible for many inventions that others got credit for including radio,radar,x-ray and the Tesla disc turbine that has industrial applications in use today
Same! I am too short to reach any of my ceiling lights and I have a phobia of ladders. One of my bulbs has been burnt out for a couple of months.

There's a burned out lightbulb over here. It was constantly blinking, I was getting annoyed, then I removed it and I still haven't bought a new one.
> Carefully insert the light bulb in the socket.
> Falls from the ladder.
The light bulb is precious, my preciousssss.
*scuttles away into a dark corner and caresses the light bulb.
One aspie to explain the pros/cons of bayonet verses screw.

One to observe that bulbs always blow just as you turn them on

One to explain the pros/cons of leaving florescent bulbs on or turning them off.

One to explain about modern electronic ballasts.

One to explain how harbours get taken over by foreign organisms when ships dump their ballast.

One to ask the others' opinion of eating fish from the harbour if it's polluted.

One to ask what that has to do with light bulbs?

One to stand befuddled by the rapid change in topics.
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