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Fanfiction/Original Fiction

Yes, I'm currently writing some Heroes fanfiction right now for my fan made expanded universe where I hope other writers will join and share stories that all share the same continuity and interact.

The is the first chapter of a novella I'm working on called Marine, an action thriller about a soldier who took part in the superhuman testing in mid-season 3. I really hope to get some feedback on it.

Aaron stood still in his bleak hotel room on the third floor; the gun in his hand still smoking from the man he'd just shot dead. Blood slowly pooled towards him. The man had been sent to kill him, and the noise from his shot has resulted in another two of them now rushing up the stairs to his room. Good job he took care of the elevator when he arrived.

Two more hunters waited by a van outside; both armed, of course. There was no way of telling how many more were hiding in the vehicle but you can be damn sure it wasn't empty.

The only possible escape from the window was some thin piping that had long ago started to rot. There's no way it'd hold my weight, Aaron thought to himself, and he knew that even if it did he'd be seen and taken down in seconds. The window was no good and the only other way down was the stairs with the people he was trying to avoid.

Why did I have to take out the elevator?

Escape wasn't an option, the only thing left for him to do was fight. Shame he'd just used his last bullets.
I do write fanfiction but, I rarely let anyone other than the inspiration for it read it, and even then only if I know them well enough to know they won't take offense at what I write. My writing is definitely adult and, often alternate universe combined with mythology, alpha/omega relationship dynamics and/or other mature and sensitive topics.

I do have one whom I write fanfiction about who actually gives me ideas, sort of his dark fantasy world played out via fiction so, that's pretty cool but, I wouldn't share those, they are a personal thing between us. Now some of the others I have based on him, sure, those are purely stuff out of my head (or accidental collisions with his thoughts in two of them.)

And yeah, it's a bit weird having famous friends and writing them into fanfiction. I realize that but, it's fun to laugh together over what I can dream up that would never happen.
I realized recently that a couple of the generators I had made
content for were miniature fanfic. The Trylle and the one about
the new Oogaboo army in Oz.

I used existing stories and developed new characters and plots.
I used to write my won Star Trek stories with me as the Captain of a Starship and crew members named after people I've known for years.

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