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Can we (I) ever do enough?

Well instead of sitting here whining about it I guess I better get up and clean up a few things and try and do some laundry in the midst of my bro-in-laws nightmare.

I just wish I didn't feel so "looked down" upon sometimes... Just some comments that usually pop up about me dropping out of college and stuff that are not needed, but also used as ammo to make a point if I dare say I'm tired or how long I worked... Its like there are 1000 trap doors and I figure out how to open all of them in a couple of sentences...

I'm gonna quit my boo hooing and go be a half human and try to make this work. Thank you all and have a good day...
Then I have to endure how I eat, what I can't eat, how weird I am about this or that... I dont want to talk about it... I don't even care... ITS NORMAL TO ME, and not a topic of discussion, but it ALWAYS becomes one...

This. A thousand times this. This is exactly why I've cut my family out of my life. It's why I'm working on Easter Sunday; I could've not worked and gotten paid for today, but I'd rather be here than at home today, eating warmed-up turkey (my mother cooked a turkey yesterday and ate half of it, fatso had to make sure she got her cut I guess) with a bunch of people who don't respect me.

But let me ask you something, are you stuck enduring this particular brand of bullcrap because if you don't, it'll just result in a different flavor of bullcrap and in greater amounts? I doubt there's anything I could suggest solutions-wise that you haven't already considered, but I do agree that the only way this'll end is if you get assertive/rude (assertive, but incidentally rude).

Most of the situations we face in life are pretty easy to navigate. There's almost always an obvious "best" option, making for a simple win/lose sort of situation. For example: the door in front of you is closed. You need to relocate your physical form to the interior of the room behind that door. "Win" is opening the door, "Lose" is breaking down the door, walking into the door face-first, standing there and doing nothing, making a wish that you were inside that room as you blow out a candle, cutting the door out of its frame, walking up to the door and saying "open Sesame"; the "wrong" options are literally infinite in number, but that doesn't matter vis-a-vis decision making because there's one obvious "right" answer than can immediately be picked out - turn the knob and open the door.

That's a win/lose situation, and we encounter an incalculably large number of them every single minute of every single day. What really screws with people is lose/lose situations. Situations in which there is no "right" answer, where none of the options presented don't cause an inordinate amount of pain in one form or another. Yours is one such situation.

People tend not to handle lose/lose situations very well. Sometimes they result in hurt feelings. Sometimes they result in genocide. But the formula for solving one is always the same: focus on attaining the least-objectionable, most permanent solution while minimizing the consequences of the actions that must be taken to attain such solution.

And this is why I'm being rude and voluntarily working on Easter Sunday instead of trying to talk to people who will just disrespect me. I could be pretending to like them to take advantage of the perks of having a family, that's certainly tempting, but I avoided the situation and minimized consequences by saying that I had to work; tight deadlines and such, you know how it is. BIZZY BIZZY

Happy Freakin Easter, Chance :)
What is the worst that would happen if you just got in your jeep, drove away and stayed in a motel for 2-3 days until they were gone and let your wife see how much work it is. Then when you got back home tell her that is what's going to happen if she keeps doing that to you. I don't think setting limits at this point at all means you are a bad person. There are just some people who take such advantage that living by the golden rule doesn't work- doesn't help you or them.
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This!!! So much this! !

I do nice things because i want to do them at that point in time but then it becomes an obligation which others expect... loses the whole meaning, purpose and something that was suppose to make each other feel great becomes enslavement and resentment.

Anyway. On the plus side if you took off your mask and let it all hang out... they'll probably never impose upon you again or at least think twice before they do it again ;)

"I have worked 18 hour days all week and i just want some peace and quiet, but no no no, not allowed at Chance's place... Why? What do I do to set the vibe this is okay when most often they don't even notice I exist?"

Maybe a clue... Using you for your place? Think about how nice your home or location is compared to theirs. If you got a beach front property while they're living in downtown apartments... well...
I suck at being rude... I live by a true code of honor to treat others the way I want to be treated...

You don't have to be rude, although I can assure you it works, I excel at it :D:D:D

Seriously Chance, you need to start being kind to yourself, practice some assertiveness techniques and start saying thanks but no thanks.

I no longer have contact with my family due to various reasons, but I cannot convey how liberating it is to say 'no more'. I'm not suggesting that you go the whole hog and cut yourself off from everyone, but setting those boundaries when you're tired, or you want some me time will change your life.

Small daily steps can lead to big positive changes.
Yeah I couldn't agree more. It's never enough. I'm always glad that they only visit once a year and that my mom's side rarely visits anymore. I know that they would love to get my parents money after they are gone, good riddance.
Just wondering... Does anyone else ever feel (or always feel) like they can never do enough to please those around them?

I used to Chance, not anymore though.

I’ve spent thirty years looking after four others and then myself.

I’ve probably only got another fifteen or so years left on this planet, everyone can beggar off and sort themselves out.

I’m busy with my own corner of reality :)
Took a second job Chance, doing taxes so I wouldn't have to do anything at easter with my bio family, except not be there. The church service used to be two hours long on sunday and an hour on good friday and easter monday.

Tax season becomes incredibly busy around this time of year. It got me out of easter celebrations for at least ten years in a row, and after that they assumed I still worked there, and I didn't tell them any different. Because working was something my family didn't question.

But that doesn't help you, because your situation is different. People show up at your home. So you have no way of getting out of it. I used to do the same thing, and spend a lot of time cooking, cleaning, for all of these holidays early on. Was so exhausted from all the work and socialization involved that I'd be useless for days afterwards.

Eventually, I indicated that if anyone wanted to come over, to socialize, and have a meal together, it would have to involve no extra work on my part. Which kind of put a pall on everything. Several times I even ordered out for food, and people didn't like that. They all wanted a home-cooked traditional meal.

Since I worked and ran a bistro at the time, I cooked all day, and didn't want to do it when I was off. When the food became take-out, people stopped wanting to come. Which was the reason I did it. They liked the fact that I cooked well, and they wanted to eat the food I cooked, which was well made. When I stopped making the food a priority, fewer people came. Eventually it dwindled and I liked that.

So I'm thinking you could probably do something similar. Either do take-out or food like frozen pizza. And, keep it as minimal as possible, keep it cheap and crummy. The less effort you make, the better.
People tend not to handle lose/lose situations very well.
I really like your "doors" example... I think in pictures so that's perfect. Sadly the lose/lose hurts because its a fact.

It's mostly over... I lived through it... but I feel so used, so messed with. This herd and my wife wound up bringing KFC and cakes and stuff which was nice... I didn't have to cook. She finally answered my text... There was basically nothing they brought that I could eat (without getting really sick) and that turned into the craziness of a discussion I did not want to have.

They KNOW this stuff. It's not new, none of my issues are new. It's so bazar to be the odd duck out every freaking day, at every freaking event. And to think I would want so bad to move away...

Now I have to face facts on that also... Is this going to go away? Am I going to suddenly not have ASD and fit in with a bunch of strangers. Or is that just another situation that is going to drive me further inside myself and withdraw just a little more?

Lose/Lose sucks! So I close this door that sucks, not even knowing what is behind the next door I open.
So, yes I am afraid because I have to look at this with some form of logic. It sucks to be so STUCK and not wanting to be. Here I know my surroundings, and that is a small advantage that I lose when I move, and I think that is one reason I put up with so much.

I want so bad to walk through that door, but when I do... They will hate me, and that door will not be there to walk back through. I have the type of people around me that dont care. All they are going to see is a loser who left IF I just walk out on LIFE... So I better not screw this up once I do this.

That is one reason I am trying so hard to make a career change, instead of walking out... It isn't so drastic to have to go off to work and come home when I can... and maybe later it's just too much trouble to go back and forth, and sell off what is mine and then move on. This is stuff I should have handled 10 years ago or more, but I just kept hoping things would get better... I lost hope, and I lost the ability to really even care.

That alone makes me upset, because it's not who I am inside, but its my only way to stomach my surroundings. Its like a battle for every little crumb of sanity and I just know its not that way everywhere.
So I know there is a door I can walk through that will bring me a piece of a LIFE I have always dreamed of... Which door... I have no idea just yet.

Thanks for the word pictures : )

What is the worst that would happen if you just got in your jeep, drove away and stayed in a motel for 2-3 days until they were gone and let your wife see how much work it is. Then when you got back home tell her that is what's going to happen if she keeps doing that to you. I don't think setting limits at this point at all means you are a bad person. There are just some people who take such advantage that living by the golden rule doesn't work- doesn't help you or them.

I would love drive off and hang out somewhere, but I'm literally "on call" till Labor Day at this point and my job demands all 7 days (and nights) most the time. It's so far away to any place, that if it's not work related I might get in a mess if there is an emergency at work, and that's the last thing I need right now...

But it sounds so good (I just go off in my head mostly for now, that's something I have always been able to do). As for Emergencies this year is starting off insane. We had the massive fire, I have already sent 1 person off in the helicopter with a severe broken leg and head injury (ATV Accident), and I have already had to deal with a couple of drunks who were being ugly to the staff and some other people... School hasn't even let out yet, nor has this even begun to hit full swing... Ug I dread it, but it pays really well (if that is any consolation). One more reason it's hard to leave. Plus I basically have the whole winter off except for weather related stuff.

800+ acres with a golf course, a huge camping area, a huge ATV area, and an olympic size pool with a food bar and sometimes 1500 people milling all over it is a recipe for insanity... Now mix my family and my wife's family in that mix with all those personal conflicts and I need a hardy helmet and padded walls at times.

I KNOW this much. I have let stuff go way past too far for along time, and a lot of that is my own fault.
I hate fighting and confrontation. I suck at battling with people in drama type situations, and all the stuff they can come up with in an instant. So, I just hold it all in, or let it out on here.

Someday in the near future SOMETHING will give... It has too. I am trying to hard to make changes in my life for it not too... And it will be (has to be) something that is not a slap in anyone's face, or trickery, or a blame game (at least from my end).

I KNOW there is a way to make this not go nuclear. I have waited patiently, and I can wait a little more as I prepare for my life to change. I NEED that change to require me to spend time away from all this stuff, if not MOVE away from it all together. Meanwhile, I need to work on not forming the same type situations to where this just repeats itself to show me an idiot later down LIFE's road.

Thanks for the kind words. : )

Since I worked and ran a bistro at the time, I cooked all day, and didn't want to do it when I was off. When the food became take-out, people stopped wanting to come. Which was the reason I did it. They liked the fact that I cooked well, and they wanted to eat the food I cooked, which was well made.

This is one reason I think my place is a magnet for all the stuff I get upset with. They are all cooped up in the city, and I have this place where you can see for miles and miles. I have room. I have a huge stocked pantry (until they show up), and I do cook well... I have a golf course, swimming pool, and recreation area right down the road (Right now it's a slightly charred golf course and recreation area, but that will fix). So, like you, I sort of made myself a servant and have the place that attracts people... I never bought it for that reason. That thought never even entered my head and it's not that I mind, until its forced on me.

This was a really busy weekend at work, lots of people are still there... I suppose lots of people are off today, but my people never take into consideration that I deal with other people's problems 24/7 at work, and then I am to cater to them also. My guess would be (ASD or not) this would upset any sane human being, and to have my wife leading the charge on all this, and being the ring leader of all the chaos makes it a 1000 times worse. She KNOWS I don't like being seen as weak, or less than, or dysfunctional. She also knows I don't like causing any type of scene, so she does stuff like this knowing I will be the servant and she is the Queen of Neverland in the process. It sucks, but I cause a lot of it JUST because I fear confrontation so deeply.

As a kid I lost that battle every time... Anytime I dared talk back, or didn't do what I was told... It was literally hell to pay. Sometimes it was hell to pay for reasons I never even understood and still don't understand. I guess that sort of messes some people up. It makes some people monsters and others it crushes their spirit to where they just have no want to fight at any cost. Plus it brings back way too many really bad scenes in my head that I wish could just be erased forever.

We might grow up, but somethings seem to happen to us as kids that shape what we grow into... and sometimes that's not real good. Maybe my worst fear is to get really mad... I don't think I can even imagine all of what is locked up in me all coming out at once. It doesn't because I swear on my LIFE I will never treat people the way I was treated, that lock holds tight. It never means it didn't screw me up and I'm sane enough to know that much.

So I guess it's on with LIFE and the next challenge it will bring... : )

Thanks everyone for the kind words and advice.
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Took a second job Chance, doing taxes so I wouldn't have to do anything at easter with my bio family, except not be there. The church service used to be two hours long on sunday and an hour on good friday and easter monday.

Tax season becomes incredibly busy around this time of year. It got me out of easter celebrations for at least ten years in a row, and after that they assumed I still worked there, and I didn't tell them any different. Because working was something my family didn't question.

But that doesn't help you, because your situation is different. People show up at your home. So you have no way of getting out of it. I used to do the same thing, and spend a lot of time cooking, cleaning, for all of these holidays early on. Was so exhausted from all the work and socialization involved that I'd be useless for days afterwards.

Eventually, I indicated that if anyone wanted to come over, to socialize, and have a meal together, it would have to involve no extra work on my part. Which kind of put a pall on everything. Several times I even ordered out for food, and people didn't like that. They all wanted a home-cooked traditional meal.

Since I worked and ran a bistro at the time, I cooked all day, and didn't want to do it when I was off. When the food became take-out, people stopped wanting to come. Which was the reason I did it. They liked the fact that I cooked well, and they wanted to eat the food I cooked, which was well made. When I stopped making the food a priority, fewer people came. Eventually it dwindled and I liked that.

So I'm thinking you could probably do something similar. Either do take-out or food like frozen pizza. And, keep it as minimal as possible, keep it cheap and crummy. The less effort you make, the better.

Wow Mia, that's just brilliant! What a great solution and how logical too!!!! Chance, she's got a good idea there, hhahaha! Wonder how your in-laws would react to frozen pizza, XD.
Didn't realize that there wasn't even a motel close enough for you to still get to work, that really sucks. Understand that you are on call 24/7 for months now which would be exhausting to anyone let alone someone who has to deal with what you deal with. I sure hope that when you find another career or job it isn't as exhausting
Didn't realize that there wasn't even a motel close enough for you to still get to work, that really sucks. Understand that you are on call 24/7 for months now which would be exhausting to anyone let alone someone who has to deal with what you deal with. I sure hope that when you find another career or job it isn't as exhausting

I am the motel... : ) but seriously any place safe and sane is at least an hour an half away. My new Jeep its what... Like 5 weeks old now... It already has 4800 miles on it... Its forever to go get anything.

I truly believe good things come to those who wait, I have some patience, and of course do all I can to help shape those good things into our reality. I know its not going to magically land in my lap, and if it did it would worry me silly.

I truly know sitting around whining about it actually causes things to get worse and not better, unless its a true search for real life answers... So I try so hard to see all the elements of this and see how I should be responding to help shape a better future. I also know that if I find everything to be unhappy here, I will find ways to be unhappy anywhere.

That's the last thing I want. I also want to learn how to let go of stuff and relax... I literally may need someone to teach me how to do this... I have basically worked 7 days a week since I was 14. If there is one thing I do know how to do... Its work and in that I often burn up the stuff that bugs me so bad.

I have also learned that my stuff isn't my happiness... True happiness is a state of being. If I can even think on grasping that, my world will be okay no matter where I am or what is going on. I know I have to become bigger than my problems or they will follow me where ever I go. My time is coming... I cant never give up on that... : )
Are you married to my wife too??? If so, she's all yours...

No thanks I can't seem to handle the one I have.
Nor could I imagine being one of these guys who has one on the side, oh hell no...

Sadly I could never not love her, but it's so hard to like her at times.
When we met I thought I won the love lottery... I got a lady 10 times outside my league who was sexy, pretty, and it was like some dream... My friends were like damn, is that your wife?!
I was like, Yeah and she has a twin sister... : )
Its was a dream... that become my worst nightmare to date.

I was a "project" it seems. Now a "Failed project" that she couldn't fix.
In counseling I was told some ladies do pick guys that are sweet and caring for a reason... Sadly ASD wasn't known at the time of her choosing me...
That reason is not always LOVE... It's not really a game. I'm not sure what to call it, but its for them, not us.
Then when it doesn't work we are to blame. We are ALWAYS to be blamed for anything EVEN if we had zero to do with what we are being blamed for... Its a great experience. I'm in lots of hot water because of how I was not "interacting" with others yesterday. I was rude to be on my computer with my headphones on...
Yep... I'm a jerk, or so I am told.

It makes no difference in how we need to find ways to cope with situations that prove us to be very different...We are not supposed to be different. : )
I'm in lots of hot water because of how I was not "interacting" with others yesterday. I was rude to be on my computer with my headphones on...
Yep... I'm a jerk, or so I am told.

Say :

Are you willing to see things from a point of view other than your own?

If No = silence
If yes say = would you like to hear my opinion?

(You're sitting in the car with the engine running right?)

Say :

Are you willing to see things from a point of view other than your own?

If No = silence
If yes say = would you like to hear my opinion?

(You're sitting in the car with the engine running right?)


Wonder what she'd say if you said "Yes, I'm a jerk and that's not going to change, so stop bitching about it and find someone else." and, yeah,be in the car with the engine running, just in case :)

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