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aspies and facebook

I actually have more friends on my FB then I like to.
There's so much posts to read there I actually never finnish reading them all.
Most of them I've got from MI-pages/groups on FB itself and I guess like 70-80% of them are ppl that doesn't even live here in Sweden.
I'm in the process of splitting my account into two profiles ... a public face and a private face. The public one will be very light and not contain a lot of info so any person can like it and so on. The private one will be just for family and close friends. What I put out in public is going to be very different to want I put in private.

I'm soon going to be managing some volunteers in my area so I want to have a profile that anyone in the community can seek out so they can get to know me through my work. So a profile that know is safe to have randoms I don't trust on it. When I'm ready I'll be happy to accept anyone onto my public profile :p
175 friends, six of my family. I tend to relate new friends at uni etc. in FB before I get courage speaking to then in reality. If I ever get. I know third of my friends only online, and having met in person is not any necessity.
Even that I don't accept friend requests from random people, I have to admit that I have lots of people that I know by name being friends fiend or neighbor, something like that, but we've never met. I also have my siblings' childhood friends whom I haven't seen for ten years myself. I hope they don't feel odd that I wanted to befriend them, I myself am okay having those sort of distant relationships there.
I keep different kind of lists so that my childhood friends don't have to read my science postings that are mostly for study pals, or so that my online friends don't need to see local news related posts. I enjoy keeping it in order :>

Do others have obsession to remember all their friends and strong need to know who have unfriended you as you realize the number has dropped? I'm not angry for those people, just ultimately curious to know who I have around.
Do others have obsession to remember all their friends and strong need to know who have unfriended you as you realize the number has dropped? I'm not angry for those people, just ultimately curious to know who I have around.

Yes. I do that all the time. I also have the same feelings too when I check out to see who has unfriended me. I might feel a little hurt if I felt I shared a friendly connection with someone, but otherwise I just move on and say "Oh well." I try not to affect me so much as I begin to realize who on my friends list are the ones I want to keep in touch with for life.
I have probably something around 10 actual friends on Facebook. I don't get depressed looking at my friends list. I just add anyone I know/have known from schools or other places. I just like randomly building up my friends list.
My facebook doesn't even include all of my family lol. Honestly, even if I replaced the total of 20 or fewer people with 100,000 people on my friends list...I wouldn't care what they said either. I never saw the point in someone sharing with the world they just ate the most amazing hamburger even but it kind of sucked because it gave them diarrhea later in the day. Maybe..maybe..it would qualify as information to share with a very close friend. I guess my problem with facebook is...I like my privacy. The few times I have posted something that had a real purpose...such as...in me sharing with everyone (Yes...all 20 of them) how I discovered I have AS is often just overlooked, because...the picture from photoshop that birthed from political ignorance is more interesting for them. I disagreed with someone on a political matter, the man suffers from ptsd and maybe other conditions (despite he was practically a genius in many respects, he's now a "automation engineer") displayed such ignorance that I could not stop myself from commenting. Me and my AS can be very stubborn and he proved just as stubborn in his way of thinking. The problem is it was always conspiracy theory's, I like theorizing as much as the next guy...but I don't advertise it as being the undeniable truth, even if it is in my mind. I tried to show him I agreed that it was a possibility that our government was corrupt at the highest level but he wasn't able to understand why I needed solid proof before I could get behind it. I told him if he could provide the evidence I would support the idea, well...I am sorry...but a edited video placed onto youtube claiming to have been previously banned does not meet my standard's of fact based evidence. And now I have spent much time explaining something that it barely related to the original topic, lol...I do this..despite telling myself I will not do it, I will simply make a brief post showing how I relate to and hopefully answering a question posed. Oh well..so to answer your question...Yes and No (Terrible phrase, I know) but I do sometimes get depressed at how pitiful facebook is but no I do not think having more content would fix this problem for me...it would likely worsen it.
strangely enough I slowly stop using Facebook for checking on what people are doing, even though I do post some funny quotes or pictures of my kids, instagram pics, and, periodically, some useful info, because I know, some people on my list might still be interested. Other than that I use it as... sort of... personalized news channel ... I like some pages (usually with positive attitude) and check out their updates. When pages constantly send out negative updates I unsubscribe from them. I can fill my brain with my own paranoia, I don't need anybody else's :) Eventually, I'm hoping to get my personal pages going as well... all 3 of them... pfff... that's a lot of work, it's not easy for me to set clear goals, plan my actions and achieve... but I'm getting there. I'm optimistic eventually I tackle this business and online business thing :) I feel exited thinking about it and doing it.... that's a good sign... not everything is lost yet :)
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I'm finding myself more and more turned off of Facebook by the day. I see everyone my age posting pictures and updates about how FABULOUS their lives are going, college or no, and it makes me feel inferior having no job and dropping out of college about 6 months ago. I know the reasons for that but they don't. I worry that old classmates may look me up "to see how I'm doing" (I've done the same thing) and judge me heavily on the fact that all of my work and school information is past tense. However I've slowly come to realize, "why do I even care?"
Honestly, if it weren't for the loving family I have 3,000 miles away who love me and like to know what I'm doing I probably would've stopped going on facebook a long time ago!
and that's the point ... why do we care? Most of us live in societies where honor isn't an issue so why care what others think. They can think what they like if they don't have direct influence over your life ie old class mate. You can block them on facebook if they get out of hand and forget they existed.

Though fox I think you will find that not all those class mates have such a great life. They just want everyone else to think that.
Am I the only one bothered that Facebook is used as a "stalking" service? Even more than this, it is a socially acceptable activity. Not one person I have questioned has denied the fact that they use Facebook for this purpose.
Am I the only one bothered that Facebook is used as a "stalking" service? Even more than this, it is a socially acceptable activity. Not one person I have questioned has denied the fact that they use Facebook for this purpose.

Can you eleborate on "Stalking" service? I might have an idea what you mean, but I don't want to assume things wrongly
I love facebook. I have intellectual conversations, and a few not so intellectual ones. I try to keep things polite, so if someone is mean, or swears a lot, I ask that they refrain, and if not I block them. I like kind people, even if we do not agree, we can still be friends.
I would like to see a page just for us Aspies. If someone starts that let me know please.
If anybody wants to be my friend, please let me know as well. I am always happy to have a friend.
Can you eleborate on "Stalking" service? I might have an idea what you mean, but I don't want to assume things wrongly

The use of Facebook as a tool to obsessively and meticulously gather as much information about a person(s) life in order to use that data to animadvert(new word; used right?) or otherwise brood about said individual(s).
The use of Facebook as a tool to obsessively and meticulously gather as much information about a person(s) life in order to use that data to animadvert(new word; used right?) or otherwise brood about said individual(s).

The only "people" I know who do that, are most likely the government... I couldn't name anyone I know who actually has time to do this every day.

However, yes, I thought you meant something like this.
LOL, Facebook, what's that? No really I have a Facebook page, but I barely ever use it and I can't remember the last time I logged on. Last time I looked I had a few friend requests from people I used to know at school along with some people I either don't know or don't remember, but I just can't be bothered with it. I'm guess I'm just not a social person at all, I'm more interested in technology than socialising even if I'm using technology to do it.
Why do you think some individuals are so reluctant to "quit facebook?" It has been explained to me as akin to committing social suicide.

Because people do everything on Facebook now. There are people whose entire social lives are Facebook.

I ragequit Facebook a couple of years ago. You can't commit suicide if you're not alive.
I don't have a Facebook account because it is a little creepy the length they go to track you. I know they have a facial recognition database for their users, they track your web browsing activity using those "like" you see everywhere online -- even if you're not a member, and of course they want to know personal details like your address. Actually they want to start using a gps tracking app for their users too! I like Diaspora, a decentralized open-source social networking system. I have a Diaspora account, but I din't use it (yet). Tracking gets a little creepy, I have this tracking blocker installed and on some websites (especially news sites) I'll see that it's blocking like, 18 trackers. Even here it's blocking Facebook and Google Analytics, I don't really mind Google Analytics much because it's basically just a webmaster statistics tool. I also have a G+ account, but I don't use that either -- I just let them "upgrade" my gmail account. So *if* they're tracking me they started long ago. I think that unless you don't use the internet and don't have your name in any government database your being tracked to some extend and you might as well accept it because information mining is big business. Actually there things like Proxies, VPS and TOR that can provide internet anonymity for the most part, as well as some less drastic things you can do too -- like using Ghostery. I don;t really have anything to hide, that's partially why I don't route all of my internet traffic through a VPN, but I don't like the forceful invasion of privacy so that some CEO can race around in a Ferrari.
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