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Aspergers and Violence (an alternative thread).


Active Member
I have seen other threads talking about how a possible Aspie committed acts of violence and murder. My thoughts and feelings about violence did not fit into those threads so I will start a new one.
I abhor violence in all forms. Even the thought of violence makes me uneasy. I have never hit anyone in my life. I have been assaulted more than once and I refused to defend myself. I am passive and pacifist to the extreme. One of the reasons I am so withdrawn is because of this.
Does anyone else have similar (although probably less extreme) feelings about violence.
Yes I have and I had it beaten into my head that I was pansy little sweet heart who go and be a man by shooting off guns and liking violence and treat women like sexual meat objects by a mentally unstable Vietnam vet :(

There was a lot of verbal abuse as well as some psychical ones and I guess I was also having my mind ****ed with because he kept telling me that the CIA was watching his property due to him knowing some agents personally and for being a drug smuggler ...

I was afraid of saying this for a long time due to me suddenly dying because I revealed this information :/
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Sometimes when I'm really depressed I sort of wished that he had shot me in the head instead of shooting the dresser at the last second :/
I don't like violence, but if I have to use it I don't have any problems with that.
the only problem I have with it is that most of the time I get the problems not the ones who deserve to.
Yes I have and I had it beaten into my head that I was pansy little sweet heart who go and be a man by shooting off guns and liking violence and treat women like sexual meat objects by a mentally unstable Vietnam vet :(

There was a lot of verbal abuse as well as some psychical ones and I guess I was also having my mind ****ed with because he kept telling me that the CIA was watching his property due to him knowing some agents personally and for being a drug smuggler ...

I was afraid of saying this for a long time due to me suddenly dying because I revealed this information :/
This is your father? Uncle? Whoever it is, he clearly needs help.
Well actually he was my Aunt's boyfriend and the person we lived with together for some time. I gave my cousin my Xbox 360 because the man smashed his one night :| My cousin was my only friend at the time ...

I think he's in the VA hospital if I'm not mistaken and there were times when I was tempted to go and **** with his mind, but I know better than that.

I stopped talking to my Aunt because she kept bugging my dad about me owing them money just because her boyfriend was losing some expensive television :/ I though to myself that even if he was a multi-millionaire, I still rather live in poverty with my dad than live a man who's piss poor in money management ...
Well actually he was my Aunt's boyfriend and the person we lived with together for some time. I gave my cousin my Xbox 360 because the man smashed his one night :| My cousin was my only friend at the time ...

I think he's in the VA hospital if I'm not mistaken and there were times when I was tempted to go and **** with his mind, but I know better than that.
All right. That was good of you to give your cousin your Xbox. I'm glad this man is in a hospital getting treatment (and please don't go there to taunt him---there's no reason for that).
All right. That was good of you to give your cousin your Xbox. I'm glad this man is in a hospital getting treatment (and please don't go there to taunt him---there's no reason for that).

Me and my cousin were close but I haven't spoken to him for some quite time :( I have to remember that he did go through a hell that I don't think any of us could comprehend or come back from sane. The more I think about the veterans traumatized by the Vietnam war, the more I think about the fat pigs in the Government who are turning their backs on them and treating them like **** :( Money is surely the root of all evil, religiously or not, and I can't understand how anyone could allow money to take away their conscience mind ... Sorry I'm ranting again. I feel more sorry for him now-a-days :(
^And I feel sorry for YOU that you had to live through that.

As for the OP - YES. In high school I took the Army's test because, um, I liked taking tests and I guess I scored really high in some coding or I don't even know what because the recruiters called me constantly after that. I finally had to tell them I was a pacifist. They left me alone after that. I've been known to run out of movie theaters and vomit when there are very violent, graphic scenes. Sometimes I have to go into the bathroom and rock when certain shows push my buttons with their violence.
^And I feel sorry for YOU that you had to live through that.

As for the OP - YES. In high school I took the Army's test because, um, I liked taking tests and I guess I scored really high in some coding or I don't even know what because the recruiters called me constantly after that. I finally had to tell them I was a pacifist. They left me alone after that. I've been known to run out of movie theaters and vomit when there are very violent, graphic scenes. Sometimes I have to go into the bathroom and rock when certain shows push my buttons with their violence.

Oh well I'll live ...

I hated those army tests because my back was acting up at the time and being in a class room for nearly two hours was literally a pain my ass :/

Also what you describe isn't any different from me hating movies like the new War of the worlds and 2012 as I hate massive death scenes.

Makes you wonder how the hell could people enjoy gory and violent things huh ?
Yep. My husband loves gory stuff and I feel bad because I can't tolerate it even being on in the background. I always wonder how he can disassociate from stuff. I like zombie movies though. I think because to me zombies will never be real?
I don't like violence. It makes me uncomfortable. I can handle violence on TV and movies in small doses depending on the context, but violence in real life fills me with extreme anxiety. One of my friends brothers was showing off his (real) guns when I was in middle school and I tried to hide. I didn't even realize what I was doing at the time I was just so scared of it.

If attacked I'm more than ready to go berserker to save myself but otherwise I won't be throwing the first punch or any punches for that matter.
I don't like violence. It makes me uncomfortable. I can handle violence on TV and movies in small doses depending on the context, but violence in real life fills me with extreme anxiety. One of my friends brothers was showing off his (real) guns when I was in middle school and I tried to hide. I didn't even realize what I was doing at the time I was just so scared of it.

If attacked I'm more than ready to go berserker to save myself but otherwise I won't be throwing the first punch or any punches for that matter.

You mean like something out of the Die Hard movies or a lot of the action movies in general ?

Self preservation shouldn't be a crime nor something to be ashamed about.

I always though that high school fights were the most pointless things as I think there more like an alpha male thing :/ Now there was a couple of times when I though that my life was in danger and I did become violent when some jerk off pulled a pocket knife on my brother.
You mean like something out of the Die Hard movies or a lot of the action movies in general ?

Basically the more realistic the violence and the context the more uncomfortable I am. Die Hard movies bother me. Sucker Punch, where most of the violence is clearly a fantasy and executes as such, doesn't bother me as much.
Basically the more realistic the violence and the context the more uncomfortable I am. Die Hard movies bother me. Sucker Punch, where most of the violence is clearly a fantasy and executes as such, doesn't bother me as much.

I remember when the Mortal Kombat games bothered me because the characters were very realistic at the time. Actually it was more or less the fatalities which is what got the games so popular, kid's loved seeing guts and sadistic violence at the time :|

The violence in crime shows seem to be getting more and more realistic or there getting away with a lot more :/ I dunno how anyone could sit through someone being tortured without being disturbed and horrified ...
I remember the first time I ever played Mortal Kombat, I had just lost a fight when my opponent suddenly ripped my character in half after the screen went dark and the ole "Dun dun dun" sound played in the background ...
I had a full on Mortal Kombat arcade thing standing in my hallway for a good while. The upstairs neighbor was obsessed with it and bought on online, but it was too big and heavy to take it up to the apartment. Eventually he left and I put it in the garage for storage, where it stood for another 3 years or so before he found a way to come and pick it up. That was a nice day. I'm very glad to be rid of that thing.
I'm clearly the opposite of people in this thread. Though I guess I should join the party here as well to give my 2 cents, experience and such on it.

Violence excites me, though I will say that I'm way more interested in highly stylized graphic violence than say... senseless violence you might see in a riot. A lot of Japanese movies tend to blend together gore and violence up to absurd graphic standards and I quite enjoy those. I'm sometimes a bit disappointed that in general western cinema is so tame. A few movies that come to mind that I found quite enjoyable and clearly took up violence a notch were Crank and Shoot 'em up. And then there's the entire "new french extremity" genre of film, which spawned a lot of pretty violent, gory and gritty movies... and I did enjoy most of them for a variety of reasons.

But, I don't think it makes me a violent person as such. The times I actually had physical fights, where ones out of self-defense. Yes, they've gotten ugly at times, but in situations where my life is in danger I will defend myself at all costs (being held at knife point would be one such situation). I see no reason to taunt and hit someone just because I think it's a good or funny thing to do (and obviously some people think it's perfectly ok to call someone a name and then beat them up regardless of their response).

Perhaps the most "violent" thing in me as a person is that I will stand up for myself at any and all times and wont back down. I'm not easily intimidated. It doesn't really translate in physical situations, but I will try to defend myself verbally at all times. In the past I actually did end up doing a few martial arts for a short period; perhaps the main thing I got from it is that I learned to have a certain amount of self-restraint and self-control. As a kid I got in a lot of fights because I was easy to taunt (extensive history in bullying right here). I kinda learned to brush it off for most part eventually. And clearly it didn't remain a lot of fun when bullies got knocked out.

What bothers me about society nowadays when it comes to violence is that I see a lot more violence acted out in the streets. Crimes get more violent, behavior gets more intimidating. As long as I'm not the victim I don't care too much about it, yet I don't know how much of a danger I will be if I were to be a victim, since I surely won't comply to any one trying to intimidate me for whatever reason.

It's interesting though, since quite recently I had a talk about violence and being safe in the streets with my girlfriend; because of my history in violence and my ability to fight most things off (well, most, not all, lol) at least she feels safe and confident enough to leave the house at 2 at night when she's over to go for a walk with me.

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