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Any other Star Trek fans here?


AQ score: 38, Aspie Score: asp 142/200 nt 58/200
I haven`t been around for a while but I really wanted to say some things about star trek and this place seemed like the obvious place to go to.

I`m a pretty new fan. I only started watching startrek around 3 or so years ago. The Kelvin timeline movies were what got me into Star Trek. After watching those I was really curious about the original series. I have watched most series to date. Except for Deepspace 9. For some reason I have not yet been interested in the concept of that series, but people say it is really good.

TOS: I really liked the original series. One, to see where the movies based their characters of off. Ofcourse watching the episodes around 2020 it is clear that some (a lot) of the ideas are very outdated. But for the time I can also see it was really progressive. Out of all the series, I like the main characters of TOS the most. I have also watched the movies and I feel the same about them. When I think of startrek I first think of Kirk, Spock and Mccoy.

Next Generation: I liked the stories and a lot in the next generation. The action and pace was much better than TOS and the effects were much much better. All the ideas and concepts felt much less outdated. And it was very clear this series was much more recent. Also liked the movies quite a bit, but not as much as TOS movies.

Voyager: It took my quite a long time to get into Voyager. I really had to push myself past the first 3 seasons but eventually I got into it. However, there is nothing noteworthy for me about Voyager and I would never rewatch it.

DS9: Haven`t watched this one yet

Enterprise: This is my favorite of all the star trek series to date. I really like the idea of enterprise. I liked the feel of being at the start of space exploration and how new everything was to the whole crew. I hear most people do not like the first season too much. But I really like all seasons. It might be distasteful to say, but having eyecandy in Hoshi Sato bumps up the series just a slight bit more for me.

Picard: Generally liked it but mostly because of seeing the old characters and what became of them. The stories did not really do it for me.

Strange new worlds: Really love this series, and might be in the second place of being my favorite Star Trek series thus far. Really looking forward to the next season in 2025.

Discovery: now this one is the hardest for me to judge. Especially because I have mixed feelings about it. In the first seasons I really could not stand the main character. She constantly complained about how she was constantly treated unfairly and how she didn`t get the change to prove herself. All while, in every episode, she was the one on the away mission. She was the one who was allowed to solve the problem. The complained about being disadvantaged all while she never really faced the consequences of her actions. I`m currently watching season 4 and I have to say they changed the character in such a way during season 3 I am starting to like her.

Have not watched any of the animated series.

I`m curious to hear what other people's favorite series are and why. But also which one they don`t like so much.
It is hard for me to watch movies so I have not seen them, but I have seen all the series.

I can understand why you or a lot of people don't like DS9, but it is almost a second half of Voyager. And they're not traveling space at all, it is more of a show about life on a space station. The Lower Decks was my second favorite to Enterprise.

I am not sure how I feel about Discovery. Captain Burnham has gotten less annoying, but something is just off about it. I like the characters as well, but they don't really explore anybody but Saru and Burnham. I don't think there is enough "soap opera" camera angles either.
It is hard for me to watch movies so I have not seen them, but I have seen all the series.

I can understand why you or a lot of people don't like DS9, but it is almost a second half of Voyager. And they're not traveling space at all, it is more of a show about life on a space station. The Lower Decks was my second favorite to Enterprise.

I am not sure how I feel about Discovery. Captain Burnham has gotten less annoying, but something is just off about it. I like the characters as well, but they don't really explore anybody but Saru and Burnham. I don't think there is enough "soap opera" camera angles either.
I agree with you on discovery. On one side I like how they handle certain things like Adira. Instead of their whole personality being around them being non-binary their main thing is they are really really good at what they do. It is just mentioned ones (up till where I watched) and people go with it. A lot of series tent to focus too much on a character being a part of the community. Same with Hugh and Paul. They are really great at what they do, and they are also a couple.

But I do get what you mean that most of the stories revolve around Burnham and Saru. Other series also had a main small group cast but had more episodes where other characters were explored.
Curious to see what the rest of season 4 and 5 bring.
greta 2.gif

Not a superfan, but watched a lot of the original series when it first came out and have seen episodes of many other of the series. Always a dependable good watch.
I amuse myself every week watching PlutoTV, always waiting for them to rotate Star Trek TNG back to the Original Series. So I can watch episodes I've seen so many times I can practically recite the dialog of most of them.

(Never mind that I have the entire Original Series remastered on DVD...lol.)

I do wish "Enterprise" would show up on PlutoTV as well. I suppose eventually it will. Though I still think of how the final season annoyed me, as it all centered around primarily a single story line- the Xindi.

I've really enjoyed "Strange New Worlds" as well having seen only the first season. And Picard... with a sense of nostalgia seeing one season as well. As for "Discovery", I've only seen two seasons and frankly a number of the characters seem annoying.

Seen most episodes of "Voyager" and "DS9" in primetime years ago. I watched them, but never had a sense of really enjoying them.
Personally I'm not a Star Trek fan, but I've seen reviews of some of their crossovers if it's to do with something I do like.
One in particular - which I posted on another thread here - was a comic crossover between Star Trek and Transformers, with YouTuber Linkara doing the review and throwing in some funny jokes.

Be warned, there is some bad language in this video:
I’ve always been a huge fan of the series, but for me there’s a cut off point. The more modern stuff has been just… bleh. A lot of flash over substance, that sort of thing. But also, the modern stuff seems to either forget or ignore a lot of established things. For instance in Picard, there’s an episode where Q dies of old age. Which… makes no sense whatsoever considering what the Q are. Heck, in Voyager there’s the episode about Quinn, which… well, I won’t mention the topic that episode tackles here, as it’s one that could be very triggering for some, but suffice it to say, it was made very clear that the Q can’t die.

That’s just one example though. Plenty of others.

To be fair though, I have a very low opinion about most modern TV and movies. So that can also be a factor.

Nice thing about fiction though is that you can engage with it however you like. As far as I’m concerned, the modern Trek stuff simply doesn’t exist at all.
Deep Space 9 never really caught my attention that well. I watch the occasional episode but I never quite got hooked the way the other series hooked me in. There's some good characters and Sisko always seemed really cool, kinda like Picard but with a dash of Kirk. I could never quite put my finger on why I didn't get interested in DS9. Sometimes I think it was the setting, being on a stationary space station nearly every week. I do recall that I preferred the episodes where they were mostly on the Defiant.

I really liked Voyager though. The Doctor was one of my favourite characters. Of course that's probably because he was Voyager's version of Spock or Data. I liked Captain Janeway's character, she was always so determined and diplomatic. I think they really should make a series about her in a similar way to Star Trek Picard.

I also think that they should make a huge epic film with all the surviving cast from every series. Just put Archer, Kirk Prime, Kirk Kelvin, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Burnham, Seven, et al in a 3 hour long movie with a great premise that unites them all. I might be fairly unique in that I have always wanted to see William Shatner play Kirk one last time but with him venturing off into the sunset like Shane rather than killing his version of Kirk off. My feeling is that you should never truly kill off heroes. At worst you just leave a question mark over where they end up.

I probably enjoy the Next Generation the most these days. I really enjoyed all 3 seasons of Picard but the 3rd was head and shoulders above the rest and I really hope there will be the Star Trek Legacy spin off lots of people have been demanding.

I love that they managed to bring back Commander Data and also give him some extra dimensions.

The series I've struggled to enjoy the most is Star Trek Discovery. They seemed to try and rewrite too much of Star Treks history and their redesign of the Klingons was a really silly misstep. They've basically gradually walked back all the changes including the silly Holographic ship to ship communications. But we did get Strange New Worlds out of it and I enjoy watching that :)
I amuse myself every week watching PlutoTV, always waiting for them to rotate Star Trek TNG back to the Original Series. So I can watch episodes I've seen so many times I can practically recite the dialog of most of them.

(Never mind that I have the entire Original Series remastered on DVD...lol.)

I do wish "Enterprise" would show up on PlutoTV as well. I suppose eventually it will. Though I still think of how the final season annoyed me, as it all centered around primarily a single story line- the Xindi.

I've really enjoyed "Strange New Worlds" as well having seen only the first season. And Picard... with a sense of nostalgia seeing one season as well. As for "Discovery", I've only seen two seasons and frankly a number of the characters seem annoying.

Seen most episodes of "Voyager" and "DS9" in primetime years ago. I watched them, but never had a sense of really enjoying them.

This is why I cannot watch TNG any more. I watched every episode from the first to last season then started at the beginning again so many times I know what will happen every second. Hard to enjoy it that way. I still have my favorite episodes but I have seen those even more.

My only complaint with TNG, my favorite Star Trek, was the plot hole with Worf. All he does is train for battle, every day. It is his life. The Ferengi come on the ship and in a fight Worf is instantly defeated by a smuggler. It makes no sense at all. He should have perfect aim and toughness, how can an ordinary person take him like that? I lost a lot of respect for the show there but so many of the episodes are so great it was worth it.

I know it is very popular and I have my other favorite episodes but The Inner Light was a profound experience I never got over.

Oh, my best friend’s uncle was a famous actor so my friend grew up meeting lots of famous people and one day his uncle took him to the original Star Trek set in the 1960s. He walked right up to the consoles, looked at everything and met the actors.
Nothing beats real no matter how good the imagination, why I like real life puzzles and do not play games.
The thread title seems to suggest a possibility there being people who aren't Star Trek Fans!!!!

EWW! I am horrified such a warped existence could be contemplated.

Of course, I have been a trekkie since before the word trekkie existed. You can play me a random 5 second sound clip from any TOS episode, and I will describe the entire episode in response. Loved freaking out my friends back in the 1970s that way.

BTW, Bonk! Bonk! on the head!
I’ve always been a huge fan of the series, but for me there’s a cut off point. The more modern stuff has been just… bleh. A lot of flash over substance, that sort of thing. But also, the modern stuff seems to either forget or ignore a lot of established things. For instance in Picard, there’s an episode where Q dies of old age. Which… makes no sense whatsoever considering what the Q are. Heck, in Voyager there’s the episode about Quinn, which… well, I won’t mention the topic that episode tackles here, as it’s one that could be very triggering for some, but suffice it to say, it was made very clear that the Q can’t die.

That’s just one example though. Plenty of others.

To be fair though, I have a very low opinion about most modern TV and movies. So that can also be a factor.

Nice thing about fiction though is that you can engage with it however you like. As far as I’m concerned, the modern Trek stuff simply doesn’t exist at all.
That was a really good episode of voyager. One of the best in that series in my opinion.
BTW, Bonk! Bonk! on the head!
Funny to think that "Gorgan" (famed litigation attorney Melvin Belli) used to work just down the street a few blocks from us in San Francisco. His offices were right at the street level on 722 Montgomery Street and he could occasionally be seen there.

He used to do a marvelous "bonk-bonk" on insurance companies. o_O


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