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  1. Ame568


    What kind of toothpaste do you recommend out of these? What one works best for you?
  2. Ame568

    Are you vegan?

    I heard someone say that being vegan for a long time should be a symptom of autism (I couldn't tell if she was joking/partially joking or not) and it just made me feel uneasy and wanted to know how many autistic people on here are vegan. I probably shouldn't add this but I want to, I am not a...
  3. Georgia Galaxy

    SUPER Old Shows

    Me, personally.... Anything that came out before the early 70s or so is something I find really hard to understand or relate to. I can identify myself in 80s and 90s stuff even though I'm a 00s kid, but the good thing about even older stuff is that I have no idea what the heck's happening, so it...
  4. Georgia Galaxy

    Typing vs. Writing

    I like both and how I use both everyday, you can have a preference or choose both ^^
  5. Choosekindness

    Do you live in Las Vegas?

    Hi everyone, I’m wondering if anyone lives in Las Vegas? I’m interested in starting a friendship group but not sure if anyone would be interested. We can meet every other week or so.
  6. P

    Research for eating disorders in autism

    Hello everyone! (Trigger warning for discussion of eating disorders) I am currently doing a Masters in autism research and have an assignment which is a research proposal on "Improving eating disorder treatments for autistic males". I wanted to consult with the autistic community before...
  7. Ame568

    Sensitivity to pictures and light?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong thread topic but I have a question. How many of you are sensitive to certain pictures like black-and-white grey scale or sepia tones and how many of you are sensitive to bright lights and flashing lights (I'm also adding slow flashing lights to this). I can't look...
  8. Nummulite

    How you relate to fiction (a survey)

    Let's say you're reading a story, and something happens to one of the characters. I'll present three versions of this scenerio, and possible responses you might have. 1. The situation in the story is something you yourself have never experienced before (for example, the character's beloved dog...
  9. Ame568

    Do you like the scent of lavender?

    I'm asking because my mom buys lavender scented body wash and soap but the scent is too strong for me and I was wondering if I'm the only person who has issues with it or not.
  10. E

    What pets live at your house?

    What pets live at your house? At my home there is a beautiful red kitten.
  11. Pieplup

    Poll: Do you laugh inappropriately

    I'm curious to see just how common this is.
  12. Joshua the Writer

    Summer or Winter?

    Do you guys prefer summer or winter? I honestly prefer winter. I hate the summer heat. It makes me feel icky. Plus, when it's winter, I can finally wear my brown leather jacket. I'd probably post a pic of me wearing it sometime later when I get the chance.
  13. rollerskate

    MBTI (Meyers Briggs Personality)

    I kind of have this hypothesis going that auties are most likely to come up as INT- or INF- on a Meyers-Briggs assessment... I thought it might be kind of fun to find out if there's any truth to that! So, if you don't already know your MBTI personality type, you can take a free quiz on it...
  14. A

    Tree with Puzzle Pieces

    I have always thought that the tree with puzzle pieces was one of the most recognizable symbols of autism. Something that is seen on a majority of autism websites, shirts, and events. Am I correct in my assumptions? If not please ignore this thread. I only ask because I recently discovered...
  15. Mr Allen

    Do you use Tinder?

    I've got the app on my phone, and had a few matches and said hi to a few, but going on Tinder dates at my age? Nah probably not, or should I? Tinder is the site, and you can download the app on your phone from the App Store or Google Play.
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