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Princess Viola

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  • Just found these bandages that say to use before February 1971 in the bathroom cabinet.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    If you dig a little deeper in that cabinet, maybe you'll find relics from the civil war in there. :D
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    @Forest Cat I literally have a musket from the 1840s-1850s lol
    @Gerontius I found an old bandaid tin box from the 60s when my great-grandfather died 15 years ago among all his stuff. It's stored away at my mom's house so no pic unfortunately. I think it's cool how everyday items were packaged before inflation set in in the early 70s.
    Always feels weird how I feel more comfortable talking to people in spaces I associate with my interests. Like if I'm at the comic book store or the anime store.
    I'm that way too, I figure I can talk about my special interests with people who are shopping for the same sort of thing :) At least they have some interest already.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    I don’t think that’s weird at all. It’s something you have something to say about, which means you have the material ready in your mind ahead of time, which makes bringing it up with people a lot easier if they’re on board to talk about that thing! It’s wonderful when we can have fulfilling conversations that utilize the things we value most
    I like being around people who know about my special interests so I can ask lots of questions!
    the pride flags STAY because im still queer ofc and also i still don't have my laptop fixed
    At least you got a free pizza, though, right?

    Laptop ailing, you have to use phone?
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    No, I'm using my tablet with a keyboard attachment.
    update: i had to check my email and i have a coupon code for a free pizza from domino's that expires today so guess who's getting a pizza without using her points?
    i got called by my name today at mcdonald's. it was just because i have my name as my name in my mcdonald's account but still aaaaaaah. first time that's happened.
    I really do prefer solitude. Other people are such a bother. At least when talking to people online, they are not physically there and aren't bothering me.
    yes my wife is bothering me tonight (she went to bed so not any more) just by wanting to talk because I'm in pain and it stinks. But she said stop apologizing.
    I never posted a pic of what I bought for my birthday
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola

    I eat my shrimp with the shell on. (Well not all shrimp but like if it's something like the shrimp at the buffet or these fried salt and pepper shrimp where they got the salt and pepper on the shell, I just pop the whole thing in my mouth and eat it like that.)
    Maybe I've been doing it wrong after all? :smilecat: They just seemed way too crunchy at the time, the sensation didn't seem right, so from that point on it was shell off for me :)
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    Well I think it just depends on how they're cooked, in all honesty.
    I bought salmon burgers today, I might make one tomorrow for dinner (not going to do it tonight).
    Put some cole slaw on the bun with it, along with some roasted red peppers. Yummy!
    went shopping today to buy some birthday presents for me (cuz birthday was yesterday), ended up buying 4 things and spending like $230 lol
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