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  • Hey look, I’m apologizing for apologizing!! Lol
    Joking aside, I want to stick around, I’m just in constant fear of offending everyone.
    I have that + a fear of coming off as annoying or just dumb in general. It kind of feels good to know that I'm not alone on 1/3 of those.
    Me too, on both of those things!!
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Hey! Not only are you not offensive. You're one of the more pleasant persons on this site. But maybe I'm not a good judge of character, since I tend to root for villains in movies...more often than not. :D
    your photos give me the craving to hug you, because you look so fluffy.

    #harassment complaint incoming

    : P
    fun fact: I once was on an anime convention and some people there have "free hug" plates on them and hug every people who wants that. I once started a conversation in a group with "Hey, can I have a hug?" and it worked : P someone (one or more people) hugged me. lol. maybe it was more a pity hug (joke) : P
    I think I probably assumed that I was more well-liked on here than I actually am. I think I’ve probably upset a lot of people and not sure if it’s right for me to stick around, or if I should find a different outlet.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    To my understanding, all your posts are educated and kind. So I cant see what could you have done wrongly.
    That is true. Gracias
    Meant that about your first comment lol. I’m not the best judge of whether my own posts sound educated
    I got attacked by barn swallows yesterday lol
    And there was a polyphemus on my window

    to the polypehmus picture:

    sadfully we have this animal here, like many other animals
    gladfully we don´t have (that much) dangerous animals here (like poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions or similar)

    that butterfly looks cool and is really huge.
    My friend’s Belgian Malinois puppy doing some work around the farm
    A talented dog then! Good luck to you, your friend, all the livestock & especially the dog.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I'm not a dog person. But thats an handsome dog. Still not as cute as cats though.
    I think I'm reading that posture correctly. It means; 'if I sit in the way long enough they'll bribe me with food to move'.
    I want to apologize for posting anything that has offended anybody. I never thought I was an opinionated person because I always felt like I couldn't speak up, but I've really found my voice and I'm less afraid to use it now. But I will be more mindful of what I say and try to have more of a filter. I don't want anyone to think I'm a jerk, or unkind :(
    There are so many topics I feel the need to make threads about but I have a hard time opening up about what's really going on with me personally. It's the fear of making myself vulnerable but also the fear of coming across as unlikeable, mentally ill, or too opinionated. I've shared some things on here recently that were kind of hot takes and I regret posting them.
    I personally think all of that stuff would make the community even better, but I understand if someone isn't willing to share much. Personally I hate making threads for fear of the same, but on the contrary I love when other people keep making threads sharing their stories. What a weird double-standard I have with myself
    I feel the same.
    Yeah. Sometimes it's easy, other times it feels like walking through a minefield.

    Then again, there's that saying: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
    Sometimes I feel like having friends is really not worth it. Most of my friends don't even pay attention to me and treat me like I'm totally uninteresting, or they make a lot of backhanded insults. I know it's probably (definitely) my fault for hanging out with some of these people but I really don't like being lonely, and I'm really extroverted so I need to socialize. But is it worth it? Probably not.
    I think they keep me around because I'm "entertaining" to do stuff with in a group because I like to travel and do fun things and I'm "bubbly." But I don't think most of them care about me beyond that.
    I invited a bunch of them over to see my house remodel this coming Friday, and I'm wondering if they're going to bail. If there's alcohol they have a greater chance of showing up, but that's kind of sad and I don't want to use it as a bribe.
    "I think they keep me around because I'm "entertaining" to do stuff with in a group because I like to travel and do fun things and I'm "bubbly." But I don't think most of them care about me beyond that."

    could be

    be careful that you let noone utilize you, in which way however
    I've been crying on the couch all night. I'm so angry. I'm angry and scared.
    A hug for you and Dog V4 too. Thank you for having a big heart. I hope you know you're appreciated!
    Thanks! I just feel I have to try and divert people's minds to a Dog V4 hug or humour some days. I just wish I could set people free of their triggers.
    we come all (and dog V4) to your house and group hug you. I hope there is enough space on the couch : D
    Someone was so mean to me about my dogs, in public. Like I actually cussed her out, I was so livid. And I’m not an assertive person.
    it´s much easier for me to intervene when other people are "attacked" or treated mean. when I would have been with you, I instantly would have said something. I can not accept it when I or people I like are treated mean. I would always "jump" in front of a friend and would protect him/her. for me that´s very naturally.
    Thank you, that’s very kind!
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    There's a balance of being assertive, yet not coming off as belligerent. I'm sure you had your reasons.

    I like the new avatar btw.
    My friends are spamming me with pictures from a nightclub, and I'm sitting here watching tv by myself. I have to be up in 7 hours for a competition. I don't mean to sound negative or like I'm throwing a pity party but I'm annoyed.
    Does anyone else wear swim trunks/bathing suit bottoms as shorts? That’s probably the most bumpkin thing ever lol but I was wondering if I’m the only one…
    I wear cargo shorts until mid-autumn.
    I have a couple of pairs of cargo pants (mossy oak camo.) I was just Googling to see if I could find a good picture of them, but instead I found a mossy oak camo bikini LOL. Even I don't want that!
    Why is this a thing? In case you need to sneak up on some ducks while you're waterskiing? Lol

    On a more positive note though, my best friend’s birthday is in a few weeks and he invited me (and my dogs, and his wife and dogs) to go on a hiking trip. It will not be an “adults only” trip (because dogs) but it will be great.
    Some of my friends are going on vacation together tomorrow (for the week) and I can’t because of my dogs. I love my dogs and no one could pay me any amount of money in the world to give them up, but I sometimes feel like I can’t do things just for me anymore. My friend told me that’s how parents of human children feel too.
    If I can find a hotel that is totally pet friendly (I have stayed in those before) then there would be no problem. My dogs are super well-behaved.
    But as for boarding kennels and “pet resorts,” no. I worked at a couple of those and ended up quitting because they aren’t trustworthy. But I would trust someone who does professional boarding in their own home like I do.
    I suppose that for some people having a pet is a child alternative. some couples get a pet, before they get children. maybe to test how good they are as parents. some do that because they have no or less friends and want to balance that. do you think your dogs are like your children? : D do you have mother feelings?
    I’m not opposed to the idea of maybe adopting kids someday, but I prefer dogs and I love them deeply. I have parental instincts with both animals and children (but I don’t do well with human babies lol)
    The sun is rising and I’m still doing laundry. Sigh…
    I don’t know why the night terrors have gotten so much worse lately. If it’s still residual triggers from the horror movie I don’t know what to do with myself anymore :/
    I don't know if you're like me but I genuinely can't watch horror movies anymore. Usually I just avoid movies now because I don't want to be triggered by anything
    Same!!! And this wasn’t even from watching a movie, all I did was read a summary of the plot :/
    Dreading going to sleep tonight. Last night I had night terrors that were so intense and graphic that I ripped all the sheets off the bed and woke up sweating profusely and hyperventilating.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    "Dream about Mutilation is an indication for the killing off of the old parts and old habits. You are under some sort of pressure. You have been wronged in some way. This dream points at a feeling of helplessness and not being able to escape from life’s problems or stresses. You are underestimating your risks in some endeavor or activity."
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    "To dream of being tortured, denotes that you will undergo disappointment and grief through the machination of false friends."

    "It represents feelings of being helpless or victimized. Feelings of having endure emotional pain, difficulties, or a terrible experience. A relationship or situation is intentionally causing you anguish. Feeling unable to break free from a problem that feels unending"
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I don't have night terrors, or nightmares. I can have dark dreams, yes. Like videogame, or action movie with horror elements sometimes. But I can't remember ever being tortured or held captive in a dream. Chased, yes. Fighting, yes. Normally I destroy, flee, or I'm wounded.
    I worked on a painting for several hours today that I got paid to paint, and my friend told me it's the worst painting he's ever seen.
    What a "considerate" friend
    Luca, from a number of your more recent comments it sounds like you could used a different social orbit of new friends. I can relate though. Sad to think of how many times I have had to evaluate such considerations over the years.

    But art...it's entirely subjective and always will be. Reminds me of how many people thought Pablo Picasso's works were junk rather than genius.
    Thank you Judge. Your wisdom is always welcome on my posts :)
    Some of my friends are great, don’t get me wrong. But some of them are mean. I have mentioned that I cut a lot of them out of my life, but I have had a hard time moving on from some of the current ones.
    I’m tired.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I'm actually very well mannered IRL. I will say what I feel though. SO people do kinda react sometimes, like they must think i'm trying to give them a hard time or be difficult.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    If I sense somebody is annoyed with me, I will attempt to rationalize my pov though. "See That's why I did THAT! blah blah...." but I dont set out to annoy. I can be very spontaneous, And sometimes people dont like that. IRL I will try to diffuse such situations.

    But online, less repercussions. I've been banned from many sites btw. :D
    @Slim Jim I for one find you absolutely hilarious, so please keep it up. I like energetic people with a good sense of humor.
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