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  • @Rodafina That little guy is so cute! I found a little woodpecker like that injured once, and I brought him to a wildlife hospital. It makes me sad that where I live, it's common to shoot woodpeckers because they damage houses. Maybe we should stop building luxury homes in their habitats then... I can't imagine wanting to hurt something so harmless and adorable.
    That is heartbreaking!

    The one I posted was so cute, I swear he was just enjoying the sun. He was at the hummingbird feeder to eat the insects that go there.
    Woodpecker whirlygig in P-town!
    I once found a baby hawk who got stranded in our garden hedge. I've walked out of the door and looked to the left, it was so surreal I thought it was a hallucination lol.
    Another time we had to rescue a cormorant who got entangled in a fence. Both birds survived and were treated in a wildlife clinic.
    I went to a barbecue at a friend’s house today and it was so overstimulating. I was expected to be friendly and mingle with tons of people (most of whom were rednecks lol) so I’m extremely overwhelmed. I’m literally parked at a shopping center so I can just breathe. Then I’m going home and going to bed.
    At least my outfit was cute.
    And appropriate too with the hat.
    Also overwhelmed. Heat exhaustion from work plus a minor car accident.
    Sensory overload is weird and a bit like the reports of a drug trip.
    Oh no! I hope you’re okay
    I think I’m going to be sticking to statuses and PMs going forward, for the sake of my mental health. I have a lot going on in my personal life and I do not have the emotional capacity for serious topics or conflict right now. I think a lot of you will agree that a lot of recent threads have been doozies and I need a break.
    It’s 1am and I’m still really hungry. And people wonder why I keep gaining weight even though I exercise a lot, lol
    I just took a bunch of my daycare dogs out (and my own dogs) and had a great time socializing with some of my new neighbors and their dogs! I even met a new neighbor who is also a lesbian and she is so sweet and adorable. I love meeting kindhearted people, it truly makes my day.
    Potentially taking Enzo on a plane for the first time in the near future. He has been on every type of public transportation except for planes. He is allowed to fly in the cabin with me but he has to be under the seat in front of me. Hopefully he will just sleep.
    I’m scared that I’m going to lose all my friends and I will be alone for the rest of my life.
    Most of my irl friendships have ended at some point over the years, and although I have a few friends I am probably always going to have, I can’t see most of my real-life friendships staying intact for more than another year or two at best. I’ve learned that friendships are transient, it always leaves behind a hole though.
    I have a few friends I am probably always going to have
    This is a mighty, precious thing you said. Do not forget about this feeling you recognize.
    Besides friends and family, let's not forget there's found family as well. *virtual hug*
    Hope you get some time to catch your breath and smell those roses, Luca. ;)
    Today was such a boring and tiring day. And tomorrow a few of my dogs have vet appointments so a couple of them will need to be sedated. I’m so worn out.
    I was supposed to go on vacation with my girlfriend on Monday but the ferry tickets aren’t refundable so I’m going with a friend.
    Good luck getting all the doggos to the doctor today.
    Thanks, at 10am it's time to drug them lol. Enzo especially has anxiety at the vet, but some of the other ones are bigger and more reactive.
    I had an encounter with a fake service dog today trying to attack my REAL service dog. I was furious. Service dogs are not the perfect robots people expect them to be but that kind of behavior is totally unacceptable. No real service dog would pass an exam acting that way. It infuriates me that people do that because it gives me less credibility as someone who genuinely NEEDS a service dog.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    So sorry this happened to you :( I hope you and Enzo are okay
    The whole "emotional support animal" fad really drives me bonkers too, even though admittedly I don't have the "fur in the game" that you do. People are bringing little teacup dogs into places where they are expressly forbidden, hiding them in little satchels. I blame the recession-era fad where celebs like Britney Spears would bring teacup dogs with them everywhere.
    Establishments post signs saying that ESA's are forbidden, but people ignore the signs. Last time I was at the Goodwill (thrift store) in Medford some woman had a teacup dog in a little sling across her chest and the dog's head was poking out. It seems to be normal now that people will smuggle little dogs into stores for no reason. Ugh!
    My friend (who is originally from a different country than I am) said something about my interior design that got me thinking… if you didn’t know where I lived, where would you think I live based on what my house looks like? (No spoilers if you already know my location)
    It is decorated very differently from most where I am.
    Definitely western, moderately affluent, too much unused space to be European, it's a cold climate because there's pictues in the window that would fade very quickly if you lived nearer the equator.
    Italy, due to benches and table covers or Greece, England due to pictures. Some northern inspiration too in the patterns.
    It's very comfortable , and big space, nice finishes. The many personal pictures tell me family members are very important (4 paws too). It's orderly, so there is routine in this person's life. And the picture is of the dining room, so this means family and food are together.
    @Rodafina Every time I see a cardinal, I think it’s a visit from my grandmother. I always seem to see them at significant moments too. Thank you for sharing, that made my day!
    No more tornado watch. Just rain until 12pm and probably not even a thunderstorm. So I just stayed up all night freaking out only for the forecast to change and tell me there is no threat. Ugh!!!
    No really bad storms here yet but the wind is picking up. I unfortunately won't be able to sleep until the storm passes, because my bed is right in the window and I need to be away from windows (even if there isn't a real tornado, just strong wind and hail.) I don't have a basement, so my options for safety are my guest bathroom, and the parking garage of my friend's apartment building on the basement level.
    Here in the UK I'd never go near a newbuild. The quality is really awful.
    I live in a newer house, but it is not built as badly as some of the ones I live near. The weirdest trend around here is "smart cities" which are really creepy. I would prefer to live in a completely different type of house in a completely different area, but this is what I can afford for the moment, and my rent is already insanely expensive...
    Stay safe, I hope it won't get bad and passes quickly. We've had sheets of rain regularly and trees are falling because the soil is soaked with moisture but that's nothing compared to tornadoes and what's happening in Slowenia.
    And then you've got wildland fire in Southern Europe. Chaos everywhere. :(
    Severe storms and potential for a tornado again overnight/into the morning. So I can’t exactly just go to sleep…
    We have never had weather like this the whole time I’ve lived in Massachusetts. This is insane.
    It was 95 degrees a couple of times here in July, which is basically unheard of here. Weird times...
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    There's a storm called Hans sweeping over Sweden and Norway now, 4 inches of rain in 24 hours! The good news is that we have free electricity today because of all the water. So that's something.
    That's crazy! 4 inches of rain is a lot. But good thing it isn't snow...
    Today’s haul from the used bookstore… only $6.50 USD!!

    I have seen the movies of Me Before You, and Wonder, but I’ve never read the books.
    Both made me sob though so I’m sure the books will too.
    Bookstores and libraries are an amazing gift to the world. I hope they never go away.

    World of Wonders is a delightful book.
    I hear that ᗡN∀⅂ꓤƎZꓕIϺS was written by a Swiss bat...
    @Raggamuffin The funniest thing about that book is that most of it is written in German lol... there are some English and French translations, but I didn't realize that a lot of it was not in English. Probably very short-sighted of me to think that everything in the bookstore would be in English, but I was a bit surprised.
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