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Hashius and Dynamite Dont Mix - Part 02 of 02

"Someone. Just someone" Agnetha says. Hashius and the shadow walks to the castle. "Right, one of us stay here" Hashius orders and suddenly they both are in the castle. "Wheres the weapons chamber?" the man asks. "No idea" Hashius replies. "Okay. You find the animals. We find the weapons" the man says. "That is a better idea. I like that" Hashius replies. Hashius walks down the hallway to where the animals are kept as the man walks to the weapons chamber. The man finds it mistakenly and opens it. He pulls out a few knives as well as a few guns loaded already with bullets and hides it in his dark black cloak which can hide endless amount of things. The man pulls out a whole lot of sticks of dynamite, a clock bomb and of course detonators, hiding them as soon as he grabs them, and shuts the door to the closet. "There, that should do it" the man says and walks back to the entrance. Hashius finds the Haast Eagles and the Kiwis and puts them under his spell. He walks back to the entrance. "You ready?" the man says. "Of course I am. Your name is?" Hashius asks. "Hoeffelt" the man says. "Good. Lets rule this place while we are at it" Hashius replies. "That is the plan" hoeffelt says and hands Hashius two of the guns he stole. Hoeffelt opens the doors and walks out. He then waves his guns about. "This is a stand up. We rule this town now" hoeffelt says. Katteia sees him. "And who said?" Kittybelle asks. "I did. I mean it when I said it" hoeffelt says. "Did you ask Agnetha if you could rule the town for her?" Kittybelle asks. "No" hoeffelt says. "Then you should have done so before you started to rule the town" Katteia says. "We rule the castle, not the town" Hashius hisses. "Woops. Wrong place we rule" hoeffelt says. "I thought so" Kittybelle replies. Hoeffelt walks back and shuts the doors. "Who is the leader of the castle?" Hoeffelt asks. "Agnetha" Hashius says. "Then lets confront her and ask for this to happen for us" Hoeffelt replies. "Exactly, that's what I was thinking of doing" Hashius says. Hashius walks to Agnetha. Hoeffelt follows. Agnethas there with Boudicca and Armachae. Arams perched on Agnethas arm. "Here birdy" Hashius orders. "No. Arams mine. You cant control him Hashius. I know your and your friends name. Armachae search them for weapons" Agnetha says as suddenly the animals Hashius kidnapped are suddenly back under Agnethas spell. "What?" Hoeffelt exclaims. Armachae does it to Hashius and Hoeffelt steps back. "Boudicca, do it to Hoeffelt" Agnetha says. Armachae grabs Hoeffelts cloak and pulls it. Suddenly all the things Hoeffelt hid in his cloak fall down. "You cant do this to me" Hoeffelt orders. Shiznown, Brony712, Wab and Maelstrom are there. "What do you mean? I cant do that to you?" Agnetha asks. "Its my cloak. You cant get anyone to search me" hoeffelt says. "I'm afraid she can. Shes the leader of the town and this castle" Armachae says. "She isn't. Hashius and I are" Hoeffelt replies. Hashius grins. "Who said? Did Maelstrom say it?" Agnetha asks. "Wouldn't suggest anything like that" Maelstrom replies. "I knew it. Your lying to me then hoeffelt" Agnetha says. "I don't lie. Why would I do such a thing?" hoeffelt exclaims. "Agnetha is the leader of the town and that's final. That is all she will be. You will never be that" Armachae says. "We should have a vote" hoeffelt replies. "We should. Who here votes Hashius and hoeffelt should be the leader of the town?" Agnetha says. Hashius and hoeffelt puts up their hands. Agnetha stops. "How many people think Agnetha should lead the town?" Armachae says. Agnetha, Armachae, Wab, Boudicca, Maelstrom, Shiznown and Brony721 put their hands up. "It should be the lower one" hoeffelt says. "Too bad. For you it will be the lower one when you rule this place. When I am the ruler its the higher one" Agnetha replies. "Its not fair" hoeffelt mutters. "Whats not fair?" Boudicca asks. "That Agnethas the ruler of the town and I'm not" hoeffelt replies in a low pitch. "Agnetha earned it. She was born to it" Boudicca says. "Boudicca, there's dynamite there in what fell out of his cloak" Agnetha says seeing it. "And who gave you permission to steal explosives and have them on you?" Boudicca asks. Armachae stops and picks it up. Shiznown gets it and stands there. Wab gets it and helps Armachae. Both men walk away with the stuff. "No" hoeffelt shouts. "Got a problem how I run this town. Please don't tell me. I don't take orders from anyone hoeffelt" Agnetha says. "I think you run this town well" Shiznown says. "Agreed" Brony721 says. "Not going to dispute that" Maelstrom says. "Good. I don't want to be told I run this town bad. If someone said that to me, then they'd be the bad guy, not me" Agnetha says and winks.


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