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Growing up

All through school you would watch people grow up and leave school onto the next school or graduating school all together, the people that you looked up to. But as you get older you start to notice your friends growing up, wearing “cooler” clothes, talking about relationships and all the latest trends or things that happen when you become 16 like driving or 18 like drinking but while you are still the same age as them you are a spectator to the sport of growing up and just getting left behind on the side lines.

Your body growing but your mind still stuck in yr9 when you started high school still enjoying the same things and not following “rights of passages” that your friends all are. You start to stop getting invited to things as they involve drinking or what have you and everyone knows you won’t enjoy it. As you watch everyone around you grow up you just grow lonely.

When you finally become okay that all the people your age have grown up and you haven’t you notice your younger sister growing up leaving you behind as well, you grow sad.


Can totally relate. But I don't look it as sad. I enjoy my mindset for now, and I don't want it to be changed in any other ways
Can totally relate. But I don't look it as sad. I enjoy my mindset for now, and I don't want it to be changed in any other ways
I think that of course it can be not a sad thing but as a teen living in 2019 not fitting in not meeting social expectations is such a big issue well everyone else thinks it is, I dont mind being me but I guess I'm sad that I dont really have any friends because I got left behind in a sense
There are people who enjoy the same things, but you won't find them in the spotlight.
Besides, partying and drinking is not growing up
After leaving school, taking up a line of work and living on your own you will know what growing up really means: Finding your place in life. And you will feel very young again.
It's still a work of process for me. Others might be where they wanted to be at 22, I'm still searching
Can totally relate. But I don't look it as sad. I enjoy my mindset for now, and I don't want it to be changed in any other ways
I think it's important to be friends with similar mindset of people. Me myself is an INTP. This happened in my earlier high school years, from around Grade 7 to Grade 10. Then I began to be friends with others whom are also IN. I found that we understand each other better than the rest of others. If it's difficult to find on in school, how about trying it online. I did make some friends through online games tho.
Hey papillon,
Don't forget you do have friends that don't party.... We are all right here in this special little forum that helps us make it through a lot of things. And we may not be IRL but we are always here for you also you are not missing anything by drinking alcohol makes people do dumb things. Also trust me driving just means more money spent every month on maintenance, insurance, repairs, gas, etc. Trust me I drive but most days I like to take my bicycle to save money.

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