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Empathy??? AAaaa???

I never thought I was a very empathetic person. At least in the people sense. So I resigned myself to being low-empathy most of the time, but then. Oh, then I decided to play with a dating simulator. Silly, I know, but I'd been following the game's development for about 2 months now. So I get to the screen where you pick who you want to go on a date with first, and I can't make a decision. To the point where I hadn't even touched the tab on my computer for a whole day and a half. It's just too hard to make a decision, like who am I supposed to date first? Shouldn't I focus on mending friendships first? I don't want to let anyone down!! Why are they all called dates?? Can I choose "Call everyone else and tell them what's up" before I flat out ignore them???? I'm confused and a little sad I think. I don't know. I'm going shopping with my mom and brother, and unfortunately, that means a lot of noise and smells and people, but I think the new-shoe smell makes up for that a little bit. Also bra shopping, which automatically translates into dysphoria but y'know. Oh well.


Which game is that?
I'm sorry for the late response! I feel a bit silly admitting it, but it's based off of a musical. The game is called "Be Less Single", and since writing, I decided to take the easy way out and stop playing the game.

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