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Approaching the end of the holidays...

In New Zealand, students get 2 weeks off every 10 or 11 weeks. Right now it's around 1 PM on Friday, the 12th of October, AKA the third to last day of the 2 week holiday. I found myself missing school for all of the holidays, which is unusual to say the least. I don't dislike school. My teachers are friendly, and they do anything in their power to accomodate me. They understand if I'm unable to speak, they can tell when something is wrong, some of them even fight off students who keep telling me to smile (of course, not literally fighting them off.) I think I'm very lucky to be attending this school, it's the first time I've felt safe in an educational environment, ever.

I was given some homework to do over the holidays. I haven't even started yet. I'm at least mostly confident I'll be able to finish it on time at presentable quality if I do it tomorrow, or the next day... or maybe on Monday morning...

I don't usually do anything interesting over the holidays. All I did was talk to a few friends, worked on a project together, played Animal Crossing, the norm. It's all things I'd do when school's in session anyway. My life gets a little more interesting when I have places to go, things to learn, questionable conversations to overhear. Maybe I should write about one of the terrifying conversations I've eavesdropped on when I had nothing better to do. The imagination of 14 year old kids is something you shouldn't explore no matter how curious you are, honestly. Especially ones that haven't been educated well on how the opposite gender's anatomy works.

Oh, I started rambling. This entire blog is going to be rambling anyway, so there's no point in removing it. It might entertain SOMEONE out there, if I'm extremely lucky.

But anyway, until school starts back up on Monday, there's going to be nothing of value to write.


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