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Virtual reality

Taking a break now cause i don't want to puke.

Are you finding that you're not feeling good when doing it? If so, I'd suggest not touching it for a couple of days, and then come back.

Also sessions not longer than 45 minutes to start with.

As for the resolution and such, well... yeah, that's about as good as it gets unless you want to pay way, way more.

Though it also depends on WHAT you are doing in there. VRChat is not meant to be perfectly immersive, and neither is something like the SteamVR hub. Some games/apps are very good at pure immersion, others are not, and some dont even pretend to be about that.

I doubt anyone is going to be interested but you can dm me if you want to play vrchat with me

Hm, I'd be happy to do a meetup if you like, though I dunno that I'm very interesting to talk to at all. And heck if I know how to schedule something like that. I aint so good at scheduling and my sleep cycle makes no sense.
I love my Oculus Quest. They relax me a lot. My favourite games are:

Its like tenis but you dont need to run, so it doesnt make you sick. Very good exercice for arms.

Its a beautifull game where you are sitted and controlla character. Zelda like game. You dont get sick either.

For those who dreamed to fly. Here you dont need to move your feet so no motion sickness. If you dont feel like flying, dont try.

A climbing game. Super relaxing for me, very inmersive. Your feet wont move either, so no sickness.

The only problem I see on the VR is that is a one person only console. I decided to stop using it to play cell games with my wife and daugther. If I were single I would play every day.
Are you finding that you're not feeling good when doing it? If so, I'd suggest not touching it for a couple of days, and then come back.

Also sessions not longer than 45 minutes to start with.

As for the resolution and such, well... yeah, that's about as good as it gets unless you want to pay way, way more.

Though it also depends on WHAT you are doing in there. VRChat is not meant to be perfectly immersive, and neither is something like the SteamVR hub. Some games/apps are very good at pure immersion, others are not, and some dont even pretend to be about that.

Hm, I'd be happy to do a meetup if you like, though I dunno that I'm very interesting to talk to at all. And heck if I know how to schedule something like that. I aint so good at scheduling and my sleep cycle makes no sense.
Been playing half life alyx today, the game is amazing and doesn't make me feel dissy at all. When the guy teasers you in the beginning of hla i felt legit scared as if I was actually about to get hit. What does make me sick is games like vrchat where you can walk around with the thumb-stick, but stationary and teleporting games are fine.
Been playing half life alyx today, the game is amazing and doesn't make me feel dissy at all. When the guy teasers you in the beginning of hla i felt legit scared as if I was actually about to get hit. What does make me sick is games like vrchat where you can walk around with the thumb-stick, but stationary and teleporting games are fine.


For the movement thing, I have an idea, and this is what I did: every now and then (once a day is fine), in something like VRchat or whatever (with nobody else around and in a calm environment) stand at a particular spot, in like a hallway or something where there's not too much happening, and move forward slowly. Do this until you start to feel even just a *bit* weird. The moment you do, stop, close your eyes for a bit. Then either continue your VR session with teleporting, or take a break and do something else.

Over time you'll find you can go further and further without starting to feel weird. Eventually even the wildest movement wont bother you at all. It took me about one month of this to reach that point.

My favorite game in VR is this:

I can zoom around all over the place like that and fall off of stuff and it does nothing! Only problem I ever have is my shoulder hurting from all the wild aiming and shooting.

Oh, also, just so you know VRchat does have an alternate movement option... sort of a bizarro-teleport where you see your character sorta walk without you in them and then you pop to them when they stop moving. You just have to enable it. It's somewhere in the menu thing.

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