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Strange appearance/outfit, and not understanding


Amalga Heart
V.I.P Member
Okay, so, this has been on my mind lately. That I really just dont understand how people in general... mostly NTs... view things like clothing and such, in terms of whether or not it looks "normal" or "weird".

My current example is this: https://img0.etsystatic.com/117/0/13472793/il_570xN.1026871472_3pct.jpg

The main reason for me to get that is that it's going to be used at a convention I go to. Despite the extremely simple design, it's related to a character I like. So it works for that. However, it's also just a normal shirt. ....Or is it? If I just wore that on a normal day, would that look totally strange? Would it make people see me as weird? Or weirder than usual, anyway.

And that's the thing here: Even with something as seemingly simple as that shirt, I cant figure it out. Lotsa people, looking at that, would be able to determine that instantly, yeah? They'd then think it was a pretty stupid question. But I cant do it. It's irritating me just a bit.

It's not just that though: It's occurred to me that even my usual appearance might seem strange. I have long hair, I'm always wearing sweatpants, and I have alot of shirts that have various favorite characters on them. Quite alot of those. Oh, yeah... and my giant two-foot-long keychain that I either just hold, or wrap around my arm so that it's not waving all over the place. Now granted that last bit is totally obvious even to me, but it's my freaking keychain, I kinda need it, so it comes with me. Forget about that bit though: even without that thing, I might still look really odd. I cant tell! And the fact that this only RECENTLY occurred to me says something.

So I'm curious, if anyone has any thoughts or opinions on this. Do any of you deal with this sort of thing too?
I always figured it was about blending in with group, age, context, rank...I don't know where to begin with this...

I think it has a lot to do with what the opinionated majority deems appropriate at the given time, no matter what it is, how ridiculous it may look or who it can be traced back to. Anything else that doesn't fit into the puzzle is an anomaly, and in the worst case scenario laughing stock. Styles change over the years, right? All it takes is one spark and all of a sudden everyone's doing it!

Except me: I play it safe with a (somewhat) outdated wardrobe. My go-to outfit? Usually faded jeans, a plain tee and $30 shoes. Neither form nor function, and I don't stand out or blend in. That is, unless someone hasn't told me yet...
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Maybe this will help:

Pertaining to that shirt, the shirt itself is fine. It depends on what you pair it with in terms of pants and shoes. Both that green and that yellow are loud colors, so mixing them with other colors would be difficult to do. Black pants would be fantastic with that shirt, gray would be acceptable if it's a dark gray, and as always jeans go with anything. I wouldn't mix any other color of pants with the shirt, it will look a bit off, if I'm wrong anyone feel free to correct me.

As for shoes, I'm guessing if you're a guy (a guy who isn't me) you probably don't own 30 pairs of shoes, but just for kicks (ha, I accidentally made a pun, I'm leaving it in): if you went with black pants, white shoes are ideal, black shoes are out of the question. If you went with gray pants, the same as above applies but black shoes are also in play now. Black shoes could actually be a saving grace if the gray is a lighter shade of gray. And as always for jeans, anything goes, even non black/white shoes, and although it doesn't make a huge difference black is better for skinnier jeans and white is better for baggy.

I swear I'm straight. But yes I deal with this, I care a lot about my appearance, I guess because I'm an incredibly vain person. But yeah, figuring out what to wear with what is a pain.
Id live in 60s swing dresses and corsets if i could, but everyone stares :(

Ya know, this is the other aspect of it that bugs me: The sorts of things I do see most people wearing are, well... boring. Shirts, jeans. Nothing special, nothing INTERESTING. Because of course if you go anywhere near "interesting", it ends up becoming a "costume" to most. Even I can spot that bit. And I hate that. I'd be doing the "costumes" all the bloody time if I could get away with it, but of course the world doesnt work like that, now does it. I can do it at conventions, which is one reason I love those so much, but in normal situations? Hah. No. Even many "weird" outfits are still in the boring zone.
Personally, I'd say that that t-shirt would be absolutely fine to wear day to day. I live in jeans and whichever t-shirt I grab that day. I too have a hell of a lot of t-shirts with prints of characters and the like and I'm not bothered what people think of me for wearing them at 31. I wouldn't say I dress in a particularly interesting way, but I get stared at for my tattoos and piercings anyway :cool:
No, I do not deal with this. For me clothing, has to be comfortable, keep me warm and dry. That's it. I do not care about style or how it looks to others. While I wear clean clothing every day, you could not tell it by my appearance. I have ten pairs of comfortable pants, that are all the same. I have a lot t-shirts, all black. This is how I dress every day, unless my wife makes me wear something fancier because we are going somewhere.
I dress odd. Very odd. I don't really care. I find the people who talk to me are the ones who are good people. Besides, I can't help the way I dress. Clothes bother me a lot.
Ya know, this is the other aspect of it that bugs me: The sorts of things I do see most people wearing are, well... boring. Shirts, jeans. Nothing special, nothing INTERESTING. Because of course if you go anywhere near "interesting", it ends up becoming a "costume" to most. Even I can spot that bit. And I hate that. I'd be doing the "costumes" all the bloody time if I could get away with it, but of course the world doesnt work like that, now does it. I can do it at conventions, which is one reason I love those so much, but in normal situations? Hah. No. Even many "weird" outfits are still in the boring zone.

I personally believe anyone and everyone can choose the way they prefer to dress. Individuality is good! I used to dress, maybe still do, in a manner that would more or less "scare" and / or steer conversation away from me. Dark Glasses, Face Mask, Dark Clothes... Worked for multiple purposes, not to mention living in a City known for violence it became a survival technique.
Okay, so, this has been on my mind lately. That I really just dont understand how people in general... mostly NTs... view things like clothing and such, in terms of whether or not it looks "normal" or "weird".

My current example is this: https://img0.etsystatic.com/117/0/13472793/il_570xN.1026871472_3pct.jpg

The main reason for me to get that is that it's going to be used at a convention I go to. Despite the extremely simple design, it's related to a character I like. So it works for that. However, it's also just a normal shirt. ....Or is it? If I just wore that on a normal day, would that look totally strange? Would it make people see me as weird? Or weirder than usual, anyway.

And that's the thing here: Even with something as seemingly simple as that shirt, I cant figure it out. Lotsa people, looking at that, would be able to determine that instantly, yeah? They'd then think it was a pretty stupid question. But I cant do it. It's irritating me just a bit.

It's not just that though: It's occurred to me that even my usual appearance might seem strange. I have long hair, I'm always wearing sweatpants, and I have alot of shirts that have various favorite characters on them. Quite alot of those. Oh, yeah... and my giant two-foot-long keychain that I either just hold, or wrap around my arm so that it's not waving all over the place. Now granted that last bit is totally obvious even to me, but it's my freaking keychain, I kinda need it, so it comes with me. Forget about that bit though: even without that thing, I might still look really odd. I cant tell! And the fact that this only RECENTLY occurred to me says something.

So I'm curious, if anyone has any thoughts or opinions on this. Do any of you deal with this sort of thing too?
it depends on different factors how theyve been socialised photosensitivity ,migraine,hangover,brain tumour,mental illness

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