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Rating Emoji Issue


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Hi, I am experiencing the same issue with the rating emojis, that we all experienced when we had the website update glitch. The 'Like' rating is the only one available. I can see that others are able to utilize various ratings, so, I am assuming the issue is a problem on my end, possibly with my device, or perhaps a setting.

Would anyone have any ideas, as to what I might do, to try and resolve the issue? I am using an iPhone SE, if that matters. I will try from my laptop when I return home, later.

Thank you for any input you may have!
Working fine on my PC:


How are things going with the emojis, any luck fixing it? I read that XenForo, the forum provider, have made patches for the forums to fix problems with the emojis. So it looks like there has been some problems before like the one you are having. 🤔
Thank you, Forest Cat! No change thus far. I appreciate you asking, and mentioning there have been others with issues. Perhaps it will sort itself out, eventually.
No idea if it'll work. But try cleaning out your cache/history, if you don't already.

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