I usually am a very optimistic person, so I guess I will just look at this as my one of my few negative posts, with exceptions to those posts where I critiqued the medical community and school systems, but I am starting to realize I do not fit in anywhere. I am apparently not an Aspie, though having some traits, but I do not feel like an NT, as I am so different than them. I am surviving and finding happiness on my own, as even my family I feel disconnected with in many ways. Let me explain about everything, so you do not misinterpret what I am saying.
First of all, I felt excluded by my parents while they were living.. They did not care about us children, as they were both very abusive and neglectful. Our Dad was an alcoholic, physically abusive, and never talked to us, but to yell at us. Our mother had severe mental illness, and was domineering and controlling, and she was selfish. She did little things, like the basics, but nothing more than that. Both parents enabled each other, and focused on their pain or themselves. They did not care about what we really wanted or needed. They both died 4 to 15 years ago.
Our sister is a narcissist, so obviously I did not relate there, as she is elitist and feels entitled to things and never reciprocated. She even wanted our mother to die earlier than she did, so she could rush back to her job in another state. She wanted to pull her feeding tube, so I and my brother took turns staying at the hospital until she passed. After our Mom died, Sis wanted her life insurance too, which she did not get, as my brother and I told her to go back to where she came from. My twin brother is nice, but he obsesses about nutrition and I feel that and sports is all he wants to talk about.
He lives far away, and I cannot be myself talking to him by phone, as he gets upset when I say how I am trying to grow by practicing singing and by making attempts to give public speeches one day. He thinks I am trying to be someone I am not, which I disagree strongly with. How does he know what I want and makes me happy? He is not me. I always want to be my best, and I love helping others on a bigger scale. He does not want that, so he assumes I do not. He is a great person nevertheless though, and he would help even a stranger in need, too.
Every job I ever tried before and for many years after college and university life, I did not fit in as there were people who loved criticizing and rejecting me because of extreme shyness where I could say but a 'yes,' 'no,' or 'I do not know' to everything then. At interviews I was pretending to be someone else by asking the things they wanted me to ask, according to proper interview etiquette, and with rehearsed replies to their expected questions, too. I had to quit because of extreme daily anxiety. I was not concentrating at all on my work. My head felt it was going to explode.
School experiences were awful, too. For the first 13 school years up to age 18, I could not talk because of severe social anxiety and fear. My face would be very red, my head always turned down or away, and my voice would waiver with a yes or no, if forced to say something, but 99.9% of the time I would say nothing. So, of course lots bullied me, and so I felt excluded in those school environments as well, and I felt I was not like them. The only ones I related to were the severe timid ones, but I worried if they could reciprocate any of my attempts with them.
College and university life was just slightly better. I had no friends there as I did not talk and make that efforts to anyone else, as I already knew those answers. They did not want to waste their time on someone like me. So, I made no friends, nor was I ready for that stress anyway. I studied alone at home, and in class my mind would wander while the other students seemed to be paying attention and jotting down notes. They likely all had dating or other relationships then, and had job desires in the future. I was going to more school just because I was supposed to do something.
I even created a social anxiety and shyness yahoo group long ago, but the majority of those persons either wanted not to grow and to just be themselves, or they were too negative about their issues. In my case, I was instead more negative about the others in the world, more so than hating myself, as I eventually learned in my twenties I was a good person, but treated bad because I did not fit in. I internally blamed others for any lack of understanding and caring for others like me, more than blaming myself. So, these socially anxious persons I was having difficulties relating to.
But, when I talked about self-improvement on that group, I had hardly no interest. So, I started to feel alone even more there too, and that I was different. Instead of those others being positive and supportive, about my efforts despite all the problems I had, and desires to overcome, they chose to focus back on themselves, or to say I should not be making those self-improvement attempts. Although to change or not in some ways is for certain conditions a personal choice, for many other conditions like for those with Autism, and other conditions, both physical and mental, it is not a choice.
(Continued on next post)