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I need some support or advice please. Sorry for the book!


New Member
I really need some input from someone who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s. This will most likely be a book, and I am sorry. I feel like there are important details from my past that I must explain in order to ask for your help.

I am a college educated mother of 4, two from a previous marriage. I have my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. My now husband came into the picture a month before my 2 child was born and my first child was 4. A little background information, that is needed in order to get to where I want to go, my ex was mentally and physically abusive. He was a cheater and an alcoholic. Needless to say, we didn’t work out. When I was two months pregnant with our son that we planned, he left me for another woman. I moved 45 minutes away, found out my now husband lived in the same area, we went to elementary and middle school together, and we started hanging out in February. March 4, my son was born. March 6th, I came home, my now husband came over to help and never left! We have been together 4 years now.

My issue is that I feel like my son has Asperger’s syndrome. My ex, his biological father, disagrees and says I have Munchausen’s and I am a garbage parent making this all up. Mind you, I have my children with my ex husband from Sunday at 5pm until the next Friday at 5:30pm. Then, every other month, I get to keep them for one weekend and he misses 47 hours with his kids for that month. So, on the months I do not have them for a weekend, he has them roughly 188 hours a month, so about 7 days out of the month. I have them the rest of the time. Then on the months I have them that one weekend, he misses 2 days and only has them 5 days out of the month.

In order to explain why I think he has Asperger’s I need to go back to my daughter at his age. When she was around 3 or 4, I took her for a yearly check up and expressed that she was terrified of loud noises. Alarms, trains, vacuums, pretty much anything louder than a car radio. I was told she most likely had Asperger’s but nothing else was said about it. I was young and didn’t know what it was, she was the first kid so I didn’t really know to press at that time. Fast forward to now, she doesn’t have as hard of a time with loud noises, but she has hand and leg tremors. I decided to go to google, which is never good, and see if tremors may be a symptom of Asperger’s. There I seen it in black in white, my son to a T! Everything about him that I thought was just a weird quirk, was in fact a symptom. So, I go to their father and ask him if he remembered them telling us she may have Asperger’s? Of course, he didn’t and I am nuts. I thought for sure, since it was all laid out there, that he would see this is our kid and he needs to be checked, but he didn’t. In fact, he told me he doesn’t show ANY symptoms at his house and I am making it up.

His symptoms.

Meltdowns. When I say meltdowns, I don’t mean typical tantrums. My two-year-old has those, they are his brat stage he is currently going through. Gauge has heartbreaking moments where it is as if he has lost his best friend. The smallest thing such as asking him to change socks, or change activities, or listen to what I am saying, throws him into a meltdown. Usually accompanied by the snapping of his fingers, or clapping of his hands, or me rubbing his palms. These have been witnessed by his therapist, therefore it is documented. She said it is an anxiety issue.

Sensory issues. He tells me that he has to have socks on because the floor touching his bare feet hurts. He also has poor motor skills. He cannot draw or color or paint well, and he isn’t able to do simple task like unbuckle in the car. He can’t put socks on if they are not ankle socks and those took months to get down. He cannot put pants or underwear on without me showing him how every time. He cannot take off or put on his own shirts. We start OT Thursday.

Processing issues. I had this suspicion confirmed at the yearly check-up, I think. We suspect that when you tell him something, he doesn’t compute what you’re telling him. He may look at you or shake his head in acknowledgement, but he doesn’t compute what you’re saying. He had a hearing test where he could only hear the sounds at 2000hz. I found him sitting on his bed, rocking front to back crying and snapping his fingers. I asked what was wrong? He said he didn’t know. So I asked him if he needed to pee, he said yes and ran to the bathroom. I hear him freaking out, I go in there and he had to go so bad he couldn’t make it to the toilet. He peed everywhere but in the toilet. He started freaking out that his socks were wet. I asked him why he didn’t just go pee before it got this bad, he said he didn’t know he had to pee. When I told his therapist at his next appointment, she told me she noticed him rocking back and forth from leg to leg. She asked if he had to pee, he said, oh yeah and went just fine. She seen this as me not being right to be concerned that he has forgotten the sensation to pee. Even though he has never had to be asked before. I took it as proof that he isn’t registering, we shouldn’t have to tell him his body is telling him to pee. The doctor suspected that it was a processing issue. She sent a referral to an audiologist, I am waiting to hear back on it now.

Transition issues. If it is an immediate change, you have to give him a transition warning. If it is a change in the routine, like a dr appointment or something, I tell him well in advance. You still get 20 questions with nervous laughs, but most of the time it minimizes meltdowns. I also have to wake him up earlier, tell him to sit for a moment and get up when he is comfortable. Otherwise, he is shaking and stumbling everywhere, and the entire morning is ruined with meltdowns over everything. He suddenly forgets how to do everything he has ever learned.

Aggression, whether it be out of excitement or anger. He is biting his 2-year-old brother for no reason. He could walk near him, and it upset it. He could touch his foot, which this is an example of what really happened, and it upset Gauge so he bites him. He hits him on the head all the time because he touches his toys. This concerns me because my two-year-old has a shunt from a decompression surgery that he could dislodge. He also bounces toys off my 8-month-olds head, grabs her arms and pulls them. Pulls her arms and legs out from under her when she’s crawling, takes her toys, along with a lot of things.

No humor at all. You cannot joke about ANYTHING with him. He takes everything literal.

Incessantly talking about one topic. This month, we are stuck on Mario. He will literally have a 45-minute conversation without letting you have a word. If you interrupt him to try and change the topic, he will either stop, look at you like you’re dumb, then go right back to the sentence he was saying when you interrupted him. Or, the conversation stops completely. Last month it was mini minions, and dinosaurs before that.

Designated shoe place. If we do not put his shoes on his white stool by the door, we have a meltdown. If anyone touches them or they get moved, the day is ruined.
Bath time is awful, he cannot stand water to hit his face. This is a normal reaction for younger kids. But he acts like you’re killing him. In fact, before bath, he asks you if you’re going to wash his hair. If so, he gets anxious and asks if you’re doing it once or twice. (shampoo and conditioner) In the summer time, I keep it buzzed so all I have to do is wipe it with a rag.
Loud noises are starting to bother him, this is the same time it did with my daughter. Loud screaming, horns, trains, my husbands really loud truck have all set him off.

This is affecting everyone’s day to day routine. By the time my husband gets home, I am so ill its not even funny. He usually gets the brunt of it all because I try my best to keep cool and not raise my voice. I will admit, sometimes it is hard. I hear him whine my sons name at least 500 times a day. I have a test set up June 7th to have him checked. I told my ex about it only because it was set up through the therapist, both do not believe he has anything other than symptoms. I also have one set up August 28th without his knowledge because I fear he will hinder any test that need to be ran. I’ll admit, as strong as I feel about this, my ex has me doubting myself. I think in some stupid way, I still look for his validation and he ends up making me doubt myself and feel nuts.

I am sorry for the book, and if you read it all and can relate with any of these things I am seeing in him, please let me know. I need to know if I am on the right track or not. Don't get me wrong, my son is not miserable. I mean by mid week, I'm exhausted. But he is a good kid, we just need help.
It definitely seems like.

Don't believe unqualified people, as aspergers can be very hard to spot.

One of the leading aspergers authorities world wide, (Tony.... ...) missed the fact his own son was aspergers until he was in his 30s.

I have 3 kids and two show clear signs, some similar to yours.

Demanding routine, meltdowns etc.

Both of them are very different though. My eldest daughter is just like me, and probably asd and ADHD.gets overloaded and shutdown.

My youngest is a 2 yr old boy, and he's less obvious. No meltdowns or shutdown, but rigid play routines.
That, oddly enough, makes me feel great to read. I've read a lot on this, almost to the point to where it's consuming me. I'm exhausted, having 3 kids 4 and under, and him requiring more attention than my 8-month-old and having to explain to every one why he acts the way he does. We had a Christmas party with my husband's family, his brother came up joking that he was going to take all his toys. Gauge lost it. He couldn't pick up that he was joking, and his brother felt so bad. I am not sure what a diagnosis will get us, other than a piece of mind. I'm not sure how it's managed, but at least I will know I'm not crazy. I send him to my grandfather every other week for a one night sleep over. It's a low stress environment, so he has minimal meltdowns and I get 24 hours of a some what less stressful day. I feel awful for looking forward to these days, but it's honestly what keeps me going most weeks!
A diagnosis could than start your child on the process of working through his issues with a therapist. The diagnosis can help if special treatments and accommodations are needed once he starts school. A proper diagnosis can be helpful should he injure other children, including siblings. A diagnosis can also help YOU gain the possible help and acceptance by other adults, because you sound so utterly stressed out.
To me everything you wrote about your son sounds like autism.
I know I need the diagnosis for most likely a 504 .I think he'd be ok with the routine of school, he may thrive in it. I'm not sure an IEP would be best .I do know, that no matter what, he will be with me at whatever school I teach in.

I am stressed beyond all measures. Mind you, I had a house fire while 8 months pregnant, the day before our wedding anniversary. Had my daughter 6 days later. My 2-year-old had brain surgery the following September and THIS with my 4-year-old is what stresses me out. Everything I went through prior to this was with my husband, who is amazing and supports me as much as he can. This, however, I am dealing with an ex who let's his hate for me over rule his thinking clearly for his kids. I have an appointment Wednesday to meet with a lawyer. Right now, I have full cuacust, but I have to tell him about their medical stuff in advance. I want that removed. He is hindering his ability to get help. He goes to all these appointments just to tell them I am crazy. That he doesn't act this way with him, yet he only has him 5-7 days out of the month, split up into 47 hour visits. I want peace for Gauge and fornmyself.
I know I need the diagnosis for most likely a 504 .I think he'd be ok with the routine of school, he may thrive in it. I'm not sure an IEP would be best .I do know, that no matter what, he will be with me at whatever school I teach in.

I am stressed beyond all measures. Mind you, I had a house fire while 8 months pregnant, the day before our wedding anniversary. Had my daughter 6 days later. My 2-year-old had brain surgery the following September and THIS with my 4-year-old is what stresses me out. Everything I went through prior to this was with my husband, who is amazing and supports me as much as he can. This, however, I am dealing with an ex who let's his hate for me over rule his thinking clearly for his kids. I have an appointment Wednesday to meet with a lawyer. Right now, I have full cuacust, but I have to tell him about their medical stuff in advance. I want that removed. He is hindering his ability to get help. He goes to all these appointments just to tell them I am crazy. That he doesn't act this way with him, yet he only has him 5-7 days out of the month, split up into 47 hour visits. I want peace for Gauge and fornmyself.

This is NOT ABOUT YOUR EX. Get the official diagnosis, and possibly get a child counselor for your son. You cannot do this alone. I am concerned that you do not see the potential for injury between Gauge and other children enough to make that THE number one priority.
What is a 504? What is an IEP? I am bad with acronyms.
Whoa, chill out. All caps yelling is not needed. This right here, this is the prime example of why I'm so stressed to my limits. No, it's not about my ex, but legally it is because he can stop his sessions until I take him back to court. If you had read every thing, you wouldve seen he goes to therapy already. He starts new OT Thursday and he has TWO Evans scheduled already. On top of that, I'm waiting on an audiology appointment to be set up. I'm the only person who fights for him, and it's exhausting. I don't need you to point out my other children. I'm VERY aware of it, being that I've already been dealing with it. I schedule appointments but per the law, my ex has to agree. That is in our custody agreement. It's not wise to attack someone that you have no clue about. His condition consumes my every waking minute to the point of where sometimes it's all I can do to not talk about it. No one is more in his corner than me, so stop attacking me. 504 and iep are educational plans that will allow him accommodations and modifications during school. 504 requires him to stay in the classroom, which will most likely benefit him since he doesn't transition well. IEP is something you see withe below average students. Students who are not at grade level. I don't suspect he will have this problem. He can already count pretty high and is showing interest in reading. Only time will tell, really. I promise, I have everything scheduled so long as his pos daddy allows it. The only other option is to have him files contempt and take me to court. Which, I'm not above it if I can slap him with the diagnosis
Whoa, chill out. All caps yelling is not needed. This right here, this is the prime example of why I'm so stressed to my limits. No, it's not about my ex, but legally it is because he can stop his sessions until I take him back to court. If you had read every thing, you wouldve seen he goes to therapy already. He starts new OT Thursday and he has TWO Evans scheduled already. On top of that, I'm waiting on an audiology appointment to be set up. I'm the only person who fights for him, and it's exhausting. I don't need you to point out my other children. I'm VERY aware of it, being that I've already been dealing with it. I schedule appointments but per the law, my ex has to agree. That is in our custody agreement. It's not wise to attack someone that you have no clue about. His condition consumes my every waking minute to the point of where sometimes it's all I can do to not talk about it. No one is more in his corner than me, so stop attacking me. 504 and iep are educational plans that will allow him accommodations and modifications during school. 504 requires him to stay in the classroom, which will most likely benefit him since he doesn't transition well. IEP is something you see withe below average students. Students who are not at grade level. I don't suspect he will have this problem. He can already count pretty high and is showing interest in reading. Only time will tell, really. I promise, I have everything scheduled so long as his pos daddy allows it. The only other option is to have him files contempt and take me to court. Which, I'm not above it if I can slap him with the diagnosis

Wait, I am not “ yelling.” And I AM “chilled.” I am not “attacking” you either, and your defensive accusations bother ME. YOU asked for imput. I don’t know what all your lingo means: “Evans” for example. Thanks for explaining the other two: 504 and IEP. I didn’t know.

Maybe you could benefit from support, counseling, mediation, or something for YOU. A nice hot bath sounds relaxing. You have custody and divorce issues (legal matters). You are a teacher. You have 4 kids, one with brain issue and one with autism. You are a nervous wreak and want help. I reread your “book” 3 times. What advice do you want? As for support, judging, accusing, and getting all sensitive when people are trying to figure out what “support” you are asking for...is mystifying.
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I took it as an attack, that you were saying that im making this all about my ex and not seeing risk. I apologize for taking it the wrong way, words are hard to decipher online. I am beyond stressed but I assure you I have only his well being and my other 3 kids well being in mind. I take pride in my parenting, and this has been the hardest thing I've had to go through. Having our house burnburn down, a baby right after, and his surgery was easy compared to no one listening to me about him.

As for your edit, that was a nice touch. Thanks for coming back to attack me even more.
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I took it as an attachment, that you were saying thayim making this all about my ex and not seeing risk. I apologize for taking it the wrong way, words are hard to decipher online. I am beyond stressed but I assure you I have only his well being and my other 3 kids well beingnin mind. I take pride in my parenting, and this has been the hardest thing I've had to go through. Having our house burnt down, a baby, and his surgery was easy compared to no one listening to me about him.

As for your edit, that was a nice touch. Thanks for coming back to attack me even more.

I am confused. Why do you keep saying people are “attacking” you? I have done nothing but try to listen and give imput. I do not appreciate this. I do not deserve this.
I suppose one way it could be about your ex is that autism appears to be highly hereditable. If he has high autistic traits himself it may affect the way he's handling the difficulties of coparenting after divorce. There could even be high autistic traits in your family line too I guess, its really so common, I think Mary Ann probably just meant it's likely easier on yourself not to get hooked in to the denial on his part.

As Full Steam said, a well known expert on autism got that wrong about his own son so plenty of parents who don't understand autism aren't going to see it. Sounds like you have highly relevant training, are very bright and are a close observer of your children. You seem very well informed about what help your son may need. I'm sorry to hear of all the difficulties you have had, it sounds like you have coped brilliantly.
It seems to me, @Codie , you are doing everything you could possibly be doing.

As to being stressed out, overwhelmed, etc. This also sounds pretty normal to me, including your "relief" at being without Gauge for short periods of time. You are not the only person to express these sort of feelings, in fact, I read about it pretty consistently from parents whether or not they have a ASD kid. Which is counter to the "joyful motherhood" narrative of our society, which is just a load of crap, but we hear it so much that it gets subconsciously expected ... then reality comes along. Being a parent is difficult, stressful, and heartbreaking in equal measure to being wonderful. Yet somehow "we" have decided that it only socially acceptable to discuss the good parts? Nonsense.
Hey, Codie. You're on the right tract by hiring an attorney to seek a modification of the custody order to eliminate the requirement of your ex-husband's consent to your children's medical treatment. You have the children the vast majority of the time and you are a teacher, both of which give you greater insight into the children's behavior and needs than your ex. I'm a retired attorney and never did much domestic relations work but I think the custody clause giving your ex essentially total control over medical decisions to be quite unusual. Such a requirement would be rare in my state of residence. Your attorney will help you modify the custody order.

Please get some relief for yourself, too. It is no wonder you're stressed out with all you have on your plate right now. I'd be a basket case if I had to deal with everything you're coping with.
I really appreciate the validation that I'm not nuts! I guess that's all I really need right now, to know I'm not completely messing him up. As for family genes, he's very bipolar and an alcoholic. Those don't mix too well. I'm just now finding out that I have members on my side who have this, my mom's cousin just emailed me last night. I have texture issues and anxiety, but I have always been able to cope. As long as I could remember anyway. This is definitely testing my limits though. As far as our custody agreement, it's set up to where we both have to agree, or the treatment could not happen unless it's life or death. The only reason I agreed to it, is because I thought he'd do what's best. If anything, follow along to prove me wrong. I'd gladly end up in civil court though, if it means getting him the help he needs. I'm very appreciative of your comments. It does help me breathe a little easier. Hopefully, June 7th won't drag it's feet!
Your attorney should discuss with you the pros and cons of getting into your ex's and your medical issues in the courtroom. If there is autism on your side of the family, then there is an increased risk of your child being on the spectrum, too. I'm not sure whether bi-polar disorder can be inherited but it is possible your son is exhibiting some bi-polar characteristics so whoever evaluates him for autism needs to know the medical background of both parents. Some people are both autistic and bi-polar.

Good luck and hang in there!
Your attorney should discuss with you the pros and cons of getting into your ex's and your medical issues in the courtroom. If there is autism on your side of the family, then there is an increased risk of your child being on the spectrum, too. I'm not sure whether bi-polar disorder can be inherited but it is possible your son is exhibiting some bi-polar characteristics so whoever evaluates him for autism needs to know the medical background of both parents. Some people are both autistic and bi-polar.

Good luck and hang in there!

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