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Hi from (you guessed it) an autistic

Is this a lame intro post?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Hell yes

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hi from an autistic.

It's been years now that I haven't thought all that much about my autism, but, suddenly, I'm thinking of it lots again as I'm about to see a psychiatrist and I know that when speaking to her I'll have to go into detail about my autism. (To the curious: I'm seeing a psychiatrist almost entirely in hopes that through them I'll get approved for benefits I'm in dire need of. I'm really hoping I'll get approved as it'll allow me to change my life around and allow me to lead a normal, or at least semi-normal, life.)

Anyway, methinks it'd be nice to meet fellow oddballs here. It's been quite some time since I last spoke to someone on the spectrum.

(PS. I'm so lame that I used the exact same intro I used yesterday at Planet of the Wrong. Forgive me for being a lazy-ass SOB.)
Welcome aboard :)
Hello GoblinCandy. I'm here to meet others on the spectrum also. I've lied my whole life knowing that I was different that everyone around me. It wasn't until the last several years that I discovered that I probably have aspergers syndrome. I'm considering getting a proper diagnosis, but I'm not sure if there is any advantage to it, other than my own reassurance and peace of mind. Good luck in your quest.
Welcome! I find introductions hard, don't feel bad for "recycling" yours! Some people here are also on WP but a lot of us aren't (I was but left because somehow when they restructured the site it wouldn't work on my tablet). Hope you enjoy being here!

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