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Hello All.

Keith Todd

New Member
My name is Keith, I'm 21 about to turn 22, and I have Aspergers syndrome, officially. I was diagnosed with it when I was 12 or 13, I don't remember. I've always felt different all throughout my life and I been through a lot of stress as of recently. I need help in my life, help that I can't seem to get at home with my parents or my friends, so I'm turning to these forums to hopefully find that help. I'm in college and I work two jobs and I live with my parents currently until I can afford to move out.
Welcome, Keith! I'm sure you'll find many resources, as well as a warm welcome on these forums.
The search function might help answer some specific questions you have, as you can probably imagine a lot of subjects have previously been posted about ;) This is as friendly and welcoming a bunch as I've seen on the internets in my life, I hope your experience is no less positive.
Welcome these are not my cats
My name is Keith, I'm 21 about to turn 22, and I have Aspergers syndrome, officially. I was diagnosed with it when I was 12 or 13, I don't remember. I've always felt different all throughout my life and I been through a lot of stress as of recently. I need help in my life, help that I can't seem to get at home with my parents or my friends, so I'm turning to these forums to hopefully find that help. I'm in college and I work two jobs and I live with my parents currently until I can afford to move out.

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