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Do you have any allergies?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Many parents of children report that when they fed their children gluten-free, dairy-free or other allergen-free diets the autism symptoms cleared up significantly.

But not all cases respond this way. Which brings me to the question, Does anyone here have any specific sensitivities to foods, such as wheat gluten, dairy products, soy or other allergens?

I have significant sensitivity to wheat and dairy products, so much so that I have to take enzyme supplements to relieve bloating, fatigue, drowsiness and moodiness. Cow's milk is toxic for me unless it is thoroughly cultured like yogurt or kefir. Otherwise it causes bloating, nausea, headache, stuffy nose, and increased heart rate. This is ugly indeed! The same goes with poorly baked store breads.

This is why I seek to avoid gluten and dairy products completely when working. Does anyone else have similar problems?
I'm fine with dairy and, gluten doesn't give me digestive problems but, I do function better if I avoid it. Same for refined sugar. Raw honey, molasses, even Splenda are fine for me.

As a child I was allergic to citric acid - nightmare avoiding that one, not to mention the resulting vitamin C deficiency but, any form of citric acid in any food gave me hives until puberty, then that allergy went away, I outgrew it.
I am allergic to walnuts and have a slight case of lactose intolerance that can be controlled by limiting consumption.
I'm very sensitive to any processed sugars, wheat glutens, and dairy. I can't even tolerate yogurts or kefir! Nitrates and Sulfates give me migraines or intestinal upsets. Basically, I have to eat only meats, raw or cooked veggies, and fruits with only a little rice on occasion for me to operate efficiently. Sucks, but I'm healthier this way anyhow.
I'm very sensitive to any processed sugars, wheat glutens, and dairy. I can't even tolerate yogurts or kefir! Nitrates and Sulfates give me migraines or intestinal upsets. Basically, I have to eat only meats, raw or cooked veggies, and fruits with only a little rice on occasion for me to operate efficiently. Sucks, but I'm healthier this way anyhow.

Have you tried other grains, quinoa, millet, buckwheat or, rye? My daughter is very sensitive to gluten but, those grains are fine for her in moderation. She and I both learned to bake breads using alternative flours and xanthan gum to replace the gluten. perhaps that would work for you to at least put a bit more variety in your diet, if that's something you want.
Have you tried other grains, quinoa, millet, buckwheat or, rye? My daughter is very sensitive to gluten but, those grains are fine for her in moderation. She and I both learned to bake breads using alternative flours and xanthan gum to replace the gluten. perhaps that would work for you to at least put a bit more variety in your diet, if that's something you want.

Yes, I've tried other grains and the same problems exist, just to a lesser extent. Basically, any grain is difficult for me to digest. Even too much rice will cause a reaction. It was easier just to completely remove grains from my diet and only eat them on special occasions.

I've found a beef protein powder that I can add to my fruit/veggie smoothies. Makes life so much easier if I don't have to cook. I can find PLENTY of variety in my diet, since I love veggies and healthy meats, so that's not a problem.
Oh, the list...

Tomatoes - smell like rotting garbage to me.
Oranges - smell like burning.
Artificial strawberry flavouring - let's not go there.
Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi - causes severe oral pain.
Pineapples - oh, the awful, awful texture.
Cream cheese - leaves me doubled over.

I'm missing something...
Milk allergy (love dairy) if I consume it often I will have black eyes, slapped cheeks and eventually hives- my children are all lactose intolerant. I have to watch non processed ranch cheeses and soft cheeses. Can do okay with yogurt.

A few drug allergies. All cillins serious. Tylenol make my stomache bleed. Certain coatings break me out. Codine family will break me out.

Yellow jacket hornet.

Migraine diet takes a lot out because the chemical tyramine that is in "aged"foods. They go to treats category. So ...... jerky, good prime rib, smoked stuff, bananas, some cheeses. Nitrates/nitrates to be avoided, Often they can slip in the water supply in some towns. Caffeine. Beans. Legumes. And neurologist for my son said "avoid sweetners like aspartame and sucralose like they are the devils voice." aspartame always makes me sick anyway so that was easy enough.

I developed late allergy to coffee (painfully miss being functioning during day) and my latex allergy has become more severe and took banana and avocado permanently out (tongue and mouth swells).

A host of petroleum based products
A few common plant allergies the biggest being scotch broom, redwood, elm, and soy

I often get sick if bread is stale.Especially rye, If not fresh from bakery the chances are high it will cause pain and vomiting later.

Low iron diet restricts frequency of many iron rich foods and binders like vitamin C

I cannot drink gin.. I will vomit within 15 minutes if any portion in mixed in a drink.

I think blueberries taste moldy. except fresh, I do not like strawberry flavored anything. i'm also a bit twitchy about textures of foods. I don't like cheerios.
When I went to America the bread made me really bloated and gave me bad stomach cramps. I must have been reacting to something they add as not even the cheapest rubbishy bread troubles me at home or in any other country I've visited.

Coffee makes me really gassy. Best avoided for the greater good ;)
Don't get me started on artificial strawberry, or banana flavoring, I do not eat those at all, not allergic to them but, they are horrid tasting things.

NothingToSeeHere You may have gotten one of the brands that uses soy lecithin as a dough conditioner. That will cause gas, and thus cramps if you aren't used to eating processed soy products or, your body lacks the enzymes to digest it. Scooter on my crew is like that, can't have anything soy except edamame and organic tofu. A lot of out soft textured breads, mostly white ones, have lecithin in them. Other dough conditioners work as well and don't cause gas problems for anyone that I have heard of, like xanthan gum, which is more commonly used closer to Arab countries since they are the major producers of xanthan gum.
I avoid chips, certain crackers, pineapple, grapefruit, and dairy for the most part. I do sometimes have cheese or chocolate milk, but on rare occasions. I am not allergic to anything, I just avoid things that make me feel like crap.
Been trying to nail it down, but I think it's corn syrup that gives me the most severe heartburn ever, like it makes my head pound.

Beef gives me gut cramps and the poops.

Many foods I just can't stand. Any condiments or salad dressings. Many sauces and gravies. Anything even mildly spicy. Some dairy products. I feel best when something is very simple, like potatoes or macaroni and cheese.

I also have a hiatal hernia so it is difficult to eat much of anything unless it's ground up.
I'm allergic to anything and everything Peanut based. What I absolutely abhor is after I say that, a majority of people will assume that means I'm allergic to other nuts as well (Hazelnuts, Pecans, Almonds, etc.) and in my mind, I'd much like to pull a Stanley from The Office and say:

Many parents of children report that when they fed their children gluten-free, dairy-free or other allergen-free diets the autism symptoms cleared up significantly.

But not all cases respond this way. Which brings me to the question, Does anyone here have any specific sensitivities to foods, such as wheat gluten, dairy products, soy or other allergens?

I have significant sensitivity to wheat and dairy products, so much so that I have to take enzyme supplements to relieve bloating, fatigue, drowsiness and moodiness. Cow's milk is toxic for me unless it is thoroughly cultured like yogurt or kefir. Otherwise it causes bloating, nausea, headache, stuffy nose, and increased heart rate. This is ugly indeed! The same goes with poorly baked store breads.

This is why I seek to avoid gluten and dairy products completely when working. Does anyone else have similar problems?

I posted a thread about this last week(about how my child's autism symptoms had been cured/reversed by removing food intolerances)....Behavioral Improvement in my son

-question what do wheat, dairy and soy all have in common?
answer: very large amounts of glutamate(MSG)

MSG is one of the most important chemicals in your body(in tiny amounts) you cant live without it...so for some eating large amounts of a neurotransmitter is asking for brain damaging effects.....

due to industry wanting unlimited use of MSG in food with no restrictions, its been painted(warm and fuzzy) as if its an essential nutrient, vitamin...ect...ill post a link from Stanford university(the text link has so many sub links I cant post the text here)...MSG is involved in causing all sorts of problems for all sorts of people...autism, huntintons....ect...it is suspect #1

About Glutamate Toxicity – HOPES Huntington's Disease Information

copied from wikipedia:
In neuroscience, glutamate refers to the anion of glutamic acid in its role as a neurotransmitter: a chemical that nerve cells use to send signals to other cells. It is by a wide margin the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system.[1] It is used by every major excitatory function in the vertebrate brain, accounting in total for well over 90% of the synaptic connections in the human brain. It also serves as the primary neurotransmitter for some localized brain regions, such as cerebellum granule cells.

Glutamate does it all....heart rate, when the stomach begins digestion...forming memories...etc....

the missing link is removing the MSG....my kids are healed...100% improved....

Maybe not all autism is alike...and some caused by environment and some by genetics...all I can say is my kids are different and changed by removing all food additives...its a tough diet to follow but the rewards are a brighter future...

MSG(glutamate) is a command molecule...it tells cells what to do....normally you have one conductor at the symphony(your brain) with the cells in your body listening to one boss...by eating MSG you are getting 1000 conductors telling your cells to do contradictory things...MSG just so happens to be the chemical your tongue uses to tell your brain things taste good(it also does a 1000 other jobs in your body, heart rate, forming memories...etc..).....you are changing your brain chemistry to taste something that does not exist...each time you eat MSG as a flavor enhancer...thats taking a big risk for those with fragile brain chemistry or sensitivity...

If I had my way...all children getting an autism diagnosis should go on a 3 day clean diet ...just to see that the effects are not environmental....every parent knows their kids well...my son was changed(improved) 24 hrs after starting the diet(calm, clearer speech...ect..)...and things have been getting better every day since

because if it is environmental...then it means each meal off the diet is essentially brain damaging(in the case of children)

this is the diet we followed and it worked for us....I can confirm we got the same results...
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When I was a kid I was allergic to corn, chocolate and many other things. I had to get shots twice a week after school of all places. Of course I hated it.

However after my teen years I did not need the shots anymore and I can practically eat anything now.

Just thought I'd share a picture of North Carolina's pollen. Another reason I don't like so many trees - it's not just the trees blocking the view. lol
I don't have have allergies (that I'm aware of). I can eat just about whatever I want, and hang out in a field full of pollen. Out of all the billions of humans on the planet, I seem to be the only human left who doesn't suffer allergies even though I've spent my life eating peanuts and gluten and dairy and being around furry animals. Of course, I don't think that actually *makes* you allergic. Being allergic to animals is the worst, especially when you have to give away your pets because you, or in my case my mom, is allergic to them.:(
I've always been allergic to cats (our cat when I was a baby was washed by my mum weekly to minimise the effect)
I can be touch cats sometimes with no adverse affects, other times my eyes start streaming immediately.
I sometimes get hayfever, but not sure if it is tree or grass pollen causing it, my hearing is sometimes affected (when doing hearing tests for work it was bad one week and better a couple of weeks later when retested).
I'm slightly asthmatic, but never needed inhalers etc.

At abouut 30ish I got a local reaction to latex after wearing gloves at work.

I also developed an allergy to a couple of pharmaceutical drugs that were manufactured in a factory where I worked.

I have had my lips swell and tingle from eating kiwi fruit in my late 40s (never had any problem before that)

And when I was 49 I had the start of an anaphylactic reaction that was stopped with two epi-pen shots, after eating sausages which may have been stung by a wasp, so I no longer eat any pork and run from wasps!
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