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Divergent n regression


Well-Known Member
Not being too specific about overlap and every minor detail because I suppose I like mystery, but prioritise as with my son it's his progress (our guidelines not system) that is important not diagnosis, if you can function probably better off without stigma and that comes with confines, they confine who you are and what you can do.

So masking to me cause regression and eventually end up emotional ICU
Because you not meeting your own needs but yet they think you better because got you to conform. So I'm having meltdowns again after years of working on not having these or taking meds. (Previous thread)so ye, it's regressing and it because I'm allowing others to dictate what is normal and what I should do.
Im not happy yet according to others we fit in, big mistake.

Never get to do what I really want and these jobs don't pay well and back to PC career but seems like I'm bored of following spec....can't find interest but holding down job and being unhappy sure is better than no salary,

I've decided not to ever go to old age home and I believe in youthenasia if I can't look after myself!! But mostly what's point of diagnosis unless you want disabled life. We know our symptoms, I'm not saying we shouldn't look at all this I'm just saying isn't a drug free, disabled free route better, isn't it better to have people advise careers and life that could be happy and achievable.


Given right environment allowing asd person to thrive and express themselves without family expectations, ABA
We may conclude in my theory that asd individuals have different range of emotions and sensory stimulus.
Life breaks the spirit,


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Maybe check out www.jewelneverbroken.com and say "Simon B." referred you. There are free videos on their that guide you for natural ways to try to avoid meds and also free meditation videos. Meds can have long term effects none of us really know about or how they will affect us. If you can avoid them, do so. But if you think they help and you're properly prescribed, then then take what you need to help you try to enjoy your life.

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