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Blankets, throws appreciation


New Member
I absolutely love the warm feeling of being wrapped in a blanket. Sometimes when I'm bored I just go to my bed, lie down and hug stuffies and pillows. When I have to do my homework sitting by the desk I often wrap myself with it. I think it's related to my touch sensitivity. I love giving and receiving hugs and cuddles.

I'm wondering what do you think about those fantastic pieces of fabric because I don't think I could live without my favorite one.
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I like weighted blankets and the heavy ones my mother knitted for me. I wrap myself up like a burrito in them. When hugged it needs to be done tightly as when my skin is lightly touched it causes a skin crawling sensation and I absolutely can't take my feet being touched by other people.
Have several wool blankets and a handmade quilt that I like very much. For some reason they give me a great deal of comfort.
Oh, I agree! I love my blankets! I’ve though about cutting a slit in one so I can wear it like a poncho.
I have a hard time resisting a super soft, pretty blanket or throw as I walk through blanket aisles - I have so many and often give them away if someone is at my house and might be cold going home. Even walking through the store, My hands are dug deep into the blankets as I browse at other things. Oh I used to bring a blanket to work with me, too (during the winter) and I'd wrap up in it to step outside.
I had a blanket that my mother gave me that was special to me and my entire family knew my mom had given me that blanket. My grandson asked for it and my other grandson told him no that my mother, who had just died gave me that blanket. Before I left to go home, I put it on his bed with a note for him to take good care of it. He was probably about 6 or 7 then. Now he's 19 and he still treasures that blanket. :) As much as that blanket meant to me, it means more to me that it means so much to him because of me.
But yes, I love blankets and throws.
I love blankets and touch with pressure. Light touches give me the creepy crawlers but a bear hug by a safe person is awesome.

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