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Autism - What is "The Diet"?


Well-Known Member
Autism - What is "The Diet"?
Nicole Thompson, Wilmington Special Needs Kids Examiner
August 2, 2011

What is GLUTEN? Gluten is the protein contained in wheat, rye, barley, and some oats, AND ALL derivatives of wheat, rye, barley, and some oats.

What is CASEIN? Casein is a protein in all milk products derived from animals, AND ALL derivatives of milk products derived from animals.

Parents of children with an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), might have heard of, or may already be familiar with "the Diet". Non-traditional methods of intervention are growing in popularity among the Autism community. Although individual results may vary, desperate moms and dads are ready and willing to try alternative types of therapy with the great hope that their little one will break free from the chains of Autism.

One method is a dietary intervention known as the Gluten-Free/Casein-Free ("GF/CF") Diet. Many people, including myself, reported significant improvement in their loved one after implementing the GF/CF Diet. Why? A large number of children on the Autism Spectrum suffer from abdominal issues including cramping, pain, diarrhea, constipation, and some may appear to have a large or distended stomach. This could be due to a lack of, or low production of a particular enzyme in the gut which is needed to digest gluten and casein. Without the presence of, or having only a limited amount of this digestive enzyme, the body cannot break down gluten and casein into amino acids as it should. Instead, the gluten and casein remain in the gut as peptides, which are two or more linked amino acids. Eventually, inflammation will create holes in the gut wall, and these undigested peptides will leak into the blood stream. This process is known as "leaky gut", or "leaky gut syndrome".

Once in the blood stream, the peptides are often "misinterpreted" by the body as endorphins, which are the body's natural morphine, causing the misinterpreted peptides to attach to the brain's endorphin receptors. The presence of the peptides in the brain produces a drug-like effect, similar to the presence of morphine, causing the child to act and appear "drugged" or "dreamy".

As with any "drug", the child's body is actually addicted to the gluten and casein in the foods which produce this drug-like effect. Children on the Autism Spectrum are often very limited in what they are willing to eat and drink because of what their bodies are craving, and possibly even more limited if they experience sensory issues. Some typical foods demanded by a little one experiencing "leaky gut" might include: crackers, bread, pasta, cereal, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, baked goods, and hot dogs.

UNFORTUNATELY, once the "drug" is removed, "withdrawal" becomes a harsh reality. Witnessing your little one going through an actual "withdrawal" is excruciatingly painful for the parent. The child's behavior may become significantly, but temporarily, worse for about a week as their bodies adjust to the removal of the gluten and casein. This is when tough love MUST be at its toughest! Once these false "drugs" are removed, their bodies can begin to heal. Of course, results will vary, but from my exerpience with Snoopy, the results were nothing short of absolutely amazing (I will detail specifics in a later article)!!! Generally, the child should appear calmer, more interactive, look healthier, and their intestinal issues should decrease significantly.

As with any diet, implementing a GF/CF diet for your Spectrum loved one is a big committment, and should be considered a way of life at MINIMUM for one full year. Any slight dietary infraction can cause the child to revert to back their "Autistic" behaviors until the gluten/casein are once again removed, which will lead to another stretch of withdrawal. Trust me - once you experience the nightmare of withdrawal with your loved one, you NEVER want to experience it again!!!

When my son was diagnosed with Autism almost two years ago, I searched day and night for alternative methods of treatment. Fortunately through my research, I discovered the GF/CF diet, and my Snoopy responded to it very, very well. Although I have no medical training or medical experience, I consider my personal experience far more educational, and I am happy to share what I have learned and what has worked so well for my son. In the articles to come, I will address (1) how to start implementing the diet, (2) meal suggestions, and (3) dietary supplements.

Yes, this dietary intervention is a huge committment, HOWEVER, the committment to our children is far greater, AND they are so worth it!

Source/ Original article: Autism - What is "The Diet"? - Wilmington Special Needs Kids | Examiner.com

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