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Are there any global nomads around?


Gentle & brave earthling
My aspie husband is very good at his job, so we've had to move a lot from country to country. Is anybody here in a similar situation? An advantage of it is that, if you are considered weird abroad, people immediately assume it's because you're from somewhere else. They don't think you're also weird in your own country:D.
I moved all over as a child, but always the same country. It was a challenge to always be the "new kid" on top of being the "weird kid."
I moved all over as a child, but always the same country. It was a challenge to always be the "new kid" on top of being the "weird kid."

I would of loved the chance to of been the new kid once, I was always in the same school and everybody hated me since Kindergarten :( I always dreamed of getting a fresh start. Well at least with dancing and traveling I got to be the new girl countless times. I never stayed anywhere long, except my home club and usually I became popular in the few weeks I was where I was. I still will always wonder if this would of been applicable in school.

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