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Ambition vs. Social akwardness


Well-Known Member
Do any of you have jobs where you have to deal with people, but handle it just fine because you are in your element? I'm curious to hear some stories about this. I do still experience social anxiety, but it is a fraction of what it used to be and now since I'm assertive it doesn't come up anywhere near as often, but there are times I still feel awkward when talking to people I don't know. Even if it's not anxiety, it can be more along the lines of thinking "What should I say next?" type of scenario. I've always thought my ideal job would be one where I do not deal with many people, but that has changed. I have a strong passion for bodybuilding and fitness and want to become a personal trainer. I want to turn that love into a career. I'd feel much better dealing with people in a job like that, since I'll be in my element so to speak.
I teach college labs! It's actually been a horrific experience, but I feel like I'm learning a lot of valuable things as I do it, and I've learned to enjoy it more as time goes on. I never would have become a teacher by choice because of my ASD, but it has brought out a lot of maturity in me I think. I wouldn't suggest doing anything where you aren't in your element though, unless that helps you steel yourself against personal failures. I'm not sure what kind of person you are of course, but I tend to get very wrapped up in how other people potentially perceive me while feeling unable to interact with them successfully... if that's you avoid situations where there isn't a reward in the work for sure. I sense this is why you are asking though. :)
My current jobs align well with my interests and skills, so I don't have too much trouble. And everyone at work is really nice to me. I have some bad days, but I'm doing all right so far.
I very much am better at talking to people at my office and in my place of work. I am in my element, and everything makes more sense to me there. Outside of my element makes for a much more difficult time socially, especially among peers. I never know when to look at people, especially walking in a store or down a hallway. But in my element, I have few problems. If I feel awkward I can change the topic to something I know more about and am more comfortable with.

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