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ALL Wrong Planet Threads

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Nope no problem. I can post the link there on his wall if it keeps doing it for you. Or I can post it on AIM.
He deleted them.

I cannot believe it. He deleted all the "bad" comments about him and/or WP.

So what now?

If he thinks my bf is really my sockpuppet |I'll take that as a compliment. He's smarter than I could ever hope to be, and it comes through in his posts.
Same here! She used to be a friend of mine, congratulating me on being pregnant and the baby being a boy, saying she was delighted that I asked her about some things about her past life, that I offered to include her stories from the insane asylum in my book, calling me "oh so intelligent" and saying she really enjoyed reading my many posts and that they were like a book about a young girl's passage into maturity. She supported me when I had problems with Stan (but then started getting nasty telling me never to mention him or MADDuck again) and she really did get into it. I guess that's part of her multiple personality disorder.
But I still see the comments. What are you talking about? Or was there new comments he deleted?

Why take it a compliment if he saw ur bf as a sockpuppet? I would take it as an insult.
I have heard of her having MPD. I could never understand why people were saying she does but I can see why. Some say she is psychotic.
I would take it as a compliment that the mods would think I could write such intelligent posts (my bf wrote rather intelligent posts).

Why could I not see them? This is odd.
I don't know; haven't looked at WP lately; but I suspect it will be another female. Or someone suicidal. Probably a suicidal female, like Brittany2907, even tho she donated (but her "WP contributor" thing was taken off her profile, I guess because now you have to contribute a certain amount CONTINUALLY).
OMG you read my mind. I once thought of this too but thank you for starting this thread.

The next member to be banned will be granatelli. He keeps lumping aspies into one group acting like we are all alike and he goes on about how black and white we are and how we miss the overall picture just because a few aspies he knows in real life are that way. He contradicts himself, he is the one who is black and white just by how he talks. He also seems to miss the overall picture because he is stuck on this little stuff about aspies.

No, I think the next member will be tim_tex because the mods will get fed up with his whining about him never being able to find a women due to not meeting his rigid criteria. Granatelli hardly posts. He used to post more often but not anymore so the chances for him to be banned are very slim.
Don't really care who or whoever is going to get banned from WP.
I probably would think its another spammer... :lol:

I can see the comments there again tho.
I'm worried about Brittany; she tried to kill herself a few months ago and she has no way out of her situation; she can't do school or work but hopefully she'll be able to go on disability, if they have that in New Zealand.

Ebec11 is another female who self-harms and talks abouth her depression a lot, starting threads about it too. I'd imagine she's on the waiting list to be banned too.

Then there's Just-me, with her many cry and die posts about her sick mother and medical problems and so on n so forth.
Why do you lot care about WP so much if you migrated over to these forum's?

Because WP is the most active aspie board there is and lot of interesting posts. But I came here to try and get my mind off that place. I wish it be more active.
I was finally able to post on his wall! Yay!

I'm with League Girl on the reasons why we keep talking about WP and going back.
Well, she's got something. I mean, don't we all? But her "something" is BIG.

She makes you trust her at first, because she confesses her whole life on there... her overeating, her miscarriages, her stint in the insane asylum (not a short stay facility... anm actual insane asylum), her sex stories, her quirks, her embarrassing moments, how she dressed up wierdly and walked down the street and started conversations with everyone in the street whether they wanted to talk or not, her AS diagnosis and more. I thought she, me, Brittany2907, CockneyRebel, Poopylungstuffing and you, SG... I thought we would all be great friends sometime because we're all females with ASDs that share the same love of confessing and oversharing.
Well, she's got something. I mean, don't we all? But her "something" is BIG.

She makes you trust her at first, because she confesses her whole life on there... her overeating, her miscarriages, her stint in the insane asylum (not a short stay facility... anm actual insane asylum), her sex stories, her quirks, her embarrassing moments, how she dressed up wierdly and walked down the street and started conversations with everyone in the street whether they wanted to talk or not, her AS diagnosis and more. I thought she, me, Brittany2907, CockneyRebel, Poopylungstuffing and you, SG... I thought we would all be great friends sometime because we're all females with ASDs that share the same love of confessing and oversharing.
That made me lol xD.
She sounds awesome, LOL.
Looks like it. Keep posting threads about it, you walk the plank. Preater posted two suicide threads and Sins accused him of crying wolf and faking it to draw attention. Then he was banned. He tells about it at Zomg.
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