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  1. Levitator

    Broken Hands as an AS Comorbidity

    I've been here a while, and I spend a lot of time harping on prejudice directed at those who are the least bit different. I also wound up taking some time off from the forum parting with words to the effect that people won't stop oppressing me and abusing me. It was a matter of days after that...
  2. G

    What are the rules regarding posting Horror Stories on here?

    With All-Hallows' Eve coming up, I was think about starting a thread in which we share horror stories, but I was wondering if they would conform with the rules on this site? Of the stories I'm thinking of sharing, there's only one of them that's genuinely gory, but the gore is so subtle, you...
  3. Mr Allen

    19 year old accused of beating 4 year old to death for spilling juice on his Xbox!

    Link. I'm sorry but WTH?! Thoughts?
  4. savi83

    Dealing with conflict

    Hi everybody, I recently had an incident at work where a visitor had become angry with me. I can't really go into specifics due to the nature of my work. To them they believed that they were too important to follow the rules and wanted me to cut corners which I didn't. This made them really...
  5. dragoncat16

    Planned attack against man with autism

    Vulnerable autistic man lured from his home and beaten up | Daily Mail Online Police are hunting for a gang of thugs with their faces covered who battered an autistic man after luring him out for a pre-planned beating. Joel Buckle was left with a broken nose and scratches and bruises all over...
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