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behavior in public

  1. Amy Stone

    Your Biggest Social Faux-Pas

    Since discovering that I am on the spectrum, I have been reviewing a lot of my past interactions and behaviors and one in particular stands out as being one of my biggest social faux-pas! This is one I beat myself up on for years and now that I know I am ASD, I can laugh about it :p I will...
  2. Imeguras

    Judging/Analysing others is a autistic feat?

    The title may be offensive or down right preposterous, but I always was curious, sometimes out of societies expectations, and one thing I usually do is judge/analyse others to the point of most neurotypical people thinking its creepy/stalker behavior like looking at some person outward...
  3. Aspychata

    Are you a unhappy elf? and other tales of the season

    So l was at the big T store, and this lady drives her cart into me, l watched out of the corner of my eyes, then she starts mouthing off loudly. I immediately said loudly "Merry Christmas to you too" and started walking away. Maybe l should have told her to lay off the eggnog. (l needed...
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