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  • I feel like screaming a wall of profanity at my entire blood family, but why would I want to do something that they would turn around and use as proof that I cannot be taken seriously?
    Why do families gang up together? Creepy.
    I hate the holidays and the family gatherings that accompany them. I wish I had a good enough excuse to stay in my house with my Xbox away from that.
    Safeway/Albertsons sells uncooked turkey breasts and heat-and-eat ready made stuffing. That's my Thanksgiving plan.
    Trader Joe's came out with a vegan meat in the shape of a small turkey. It was so adorable. Too cute to cut up. My guest coming eats meat, but picked my bean burger over ground meat. He tried both, and the bean burger was a huge hit. I love cornbread stuffing with cranberry. My mom always made it with sweet Italian sausage.
    Maybe you will like holidays if you spend only with friends, or just a quiet holiday with you, and gaming, some good food, R&R.
    I hate it when people pretty much tell me “hurt people hurt people” in order to justify the behavior of those who violate my boundaries. That’s crap.
    I do think the saying is true, but it still doesn't make it ok for those people to disrespect your boundaries.
    I feel like buying a cigar on the way home from work today, so I guess I will be doing just that.
    I feel like going out and seeing some live music right now. Nobody is playing live music at 2am near where I am now.
    I just found out that a German beer hall just opened conveniently on the way home from my office, perfect for a Jager schnitzel and a stein full of beer. I wish I did not know about that.
    Do you think they have non-alcoholic choices? Maybe check online menu. I have tried Heineken non-alcoholic beer. It's great.
    I just ran out of CBD gummies that were helping with my back pain. Time to buy more. They are expensive.
    CBD products are often so expensive! :-( I'm glad you have found something that helps though! :) I hope you can get some more. CBD seemed to help with my pains a bit for a while but it seemed to stop working :-(
    Ohio is the 24th to legalize recreational marijuana recently.
    I gotta love how Facebook keeps promoting politics on my feed that are in direct opposition to my beliefs and my humanity.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I wonder if they do that just to make more advertising money? I think people click more often on stuff they disagree with than agree with. Same with youtube, if you post a video with a very controversial headline I'll bet you get more clicks. Because people just have to see what it is about because they don't like it.
    Isn't there some way to turn that off/select preferences??
    I feel like I can totally relate to the lyrics of Metallica’s The Unforgiven.
    Agreed. Sad but true
    I loved that song when I was high school-the album came out when I was a junior as they used to call it (11th grade). Yep, so relatable. I remember writing up my plans for suicide later in my junior year and requesting that that song be played at the end of my funeral or if no funeral that it be played at my burial. Sort of a big middle finger to my tormentors.
    I am addicted to external validation after so many years of being completely dismissed. This can’t be healthy.
    I am tired of being my blood family’s whipping boy. Time for me to relocate.
    Once you can step out of your front door and go to work/errands without your past slapping you in the face constantly is wonderful. Trust me, I've lived it.
    I have lived through the kind of hell that many people choose not to believe. My addiction to external validation does not help. I know what really happened.
    So, yesterday I fought off a full blown meltdown and I somewhat succeeded, even though I was super whiny here the whole time.
    I think I will visit the gym before I go home today. I am feeling way beyond stressed out, so maybe an hour of cardio followed with 15 minutes in a sauna will help.
    I should have never been born to begin with. My existence is a sick joke.
    And you are trying to move on, and establish a new baseline, but life keeps dumping on you. I get that. Let us know how you are doing, okay?
    I am feeling somewhat better now. I am going to double down on looking for a job with less of a commute. I need to take action now.
    Great news. This maybe a opportunity for a better job.
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