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  • Merry Christmas! <3
    Merry non-bah humbug day!
    DSCN0979 (2) - Copy.JPG
    Missed your post yesterday. Buried with cold cold cold weather. What a beautiful picture.
    I think you should get a portfolio together for that handsome guy, he is so photogenic. Maybe just a small portfolio including this beautiful photo. His expression and eyes just really pull me in. I could see him on the big screen.
    One of my friends took me shopping and to look at a Christmas light display yesterday. She felt bad that no one has come to see me lately. It's not the fault of my two closest friends who have been away at a dog show in Florida, and I will see them for Christmas and New Year's Eve. But it was nice to get out and spend time with a friend and it did make me feel better. I also finally woke up at 5am instead of 1am!
    I think it's about time for me to buy a new car. I'm leaning towards a Toyota Highlander but I have also looked at some pickup trucks and other SUVs. I need more of a utility vehicle than a stylish one. Does anyone here have a Highlander, and would you recommend it? In terms of pricing I am probably looking at a used car, like a 2020 or 2021 model, probably.
    If I can learn how to drive it, lol
    My aunt that lives in Missouri drived a Ford Flex in the past.. now she has a three row SUV (I think Chrysler)
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    The Land Rover Discovery is roomy and sturdy. And the Subaru Outback, also roomy and easy to put dog crates into it. But it's a Subaru. Land Rover is a little better I think.
    I have naturally mostly straight hair but it takes me about an hour to get the pin-straight look I have been doing for the past couple of days. For a long time I thought I was going to stick with the wavy look with the curled ends but I really like how the sleek, straight dark hair looks. I think it looks more "grown up" and classy. But since I did have some training in hairdressing, I like to try different styles.
    Why do I look 10 years younger than most people my age? Lol...
    I feel like most 28-year-old women *look* like they're in their late 20s/early 30s, and I look like I'm 19 or 20. Do other autistic women feel like they look really young for their age?
    Chameleon In Recovery
    Chameleon In Recovery
    I just turned 32 and got ID’d the other day ! It annoyed me.. legal age in Canada is 18 lol. Apparently it is a compliment though.
    Omg! The weirdest thing about that is that when I was in Canada I did NOT get ID'ed... I guess I look 18 and not 21 lol
    @Silhouette Mirage I'm 4'11" lol but I think you already knew that. Coincidentally my employee is also 4'11" but she has a much higher-pitched and nasally voice than I do.
    Does anyone else ever feel like they smell bad but everyone else says you don't? I've been so self-conscious about body odor since I had my surgery in October. I feel like my crotch smells, and my breasts and my stomach rolls. I'm convinced that it's a really strong odor that everyone can smell but no one else seems to notice it, unless they're lying or trying to be nice. I shower/brush my teeth kind of obsessively.
    My replacement deodorant is based on plant extracts. It also contains alcohol which is still not very good for my skin but it's the best I could find.

    I know there are deodorants for every body part but they often do more harm than good...
    The most recent Lume ad I saw mentioned 'underboob'
    as a area to apply the product.
    @tree I don’t take zinc.
    @Atrapa Almas My dogs have never reacted differently to anything. I suppose I could just be noticing it more because I’m anxious about it.
    I hate when people who are also opinionated tell me I'm too opinionated. They obviously can't handle someone disagreeing with them or telling them they're wrong about something. In this case someone was wrong about something and I proved them wrong and they lashed out at me. There was no sense arguing with them though and I wanted to quickly end the argument by saying my piece. It just made the argument worse. Whoops
    "I liked you, until you disagreed with me" , because nobody can have an opinion but me. How childish is that? It's hard to talk to people, because you just don't know the unknown.

    Hey- happy holidays to you. It's hard , Dec, it's a tough month for me.
    You sound a lot like me. When I know I'm right I will not back down. I also have an emotional cut off point, when people push me beyond that I am no longer upset, instead I find the situation amusing. You should see how they start jumping up and down when you start laughing at them in the middle of an argument. :)
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I think you are completely wrong about this. And I'm obviously right. ;)

    No but seriously, I know what you mean.
    You know what’s worse than hearing someone say they don’t like you?
    When they continue to pretend that they do.
    I would rather have my feelings hurt just the one time than be lied to for months or years.
    I'm considering getting a second Pointer. I have a few friends who breed them, including my best friend, so it would be easy to get one. They are just the best dogs.
    I set out as a Dogo Argentino breeder originally but I will have to consider raising Pointers too. I have a lot of favorite types of dogs, but there are some that just totally win me over.
    You're going to need a bigger bed. Currently the standard version only has room for one Luca, one Enzo, 32% of a Hex and 73% of an Odin based on figures I just made up.
    I know I sound silly, but is a pointer a dog breed?
    I brought Enzo into some dog-friendly stores today. He stayed in a down-stay for five whole minutes while 20-30 people walked very closely around him. I have never heard so many people compliment a dog’s behavior lol. I love all my dogs but he is truly exceptional.
    Everyone doubted him but he has proven them all wrong.
    I would never in my life think that I could have a dog like him, or that I could train a dog to such an extreme degree. He is a one in a million dog and I couldn’t be more proud to have him as my teammate.
    Those eyes, that expression. He says it all with his face. Him and I are secretly engaged, we just hadn't decided when to tell you. :)
    Just a beautiful dog, thanks for sharing.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I would never in my life think that I could have a dog like him, or that I could train a dog to such an extreme degree. He is a one in a million dog and I couldn’t be more proud to have him as my teammate.

    Bravo! Your love comes through. Be proud.
    I think Enzo gains more motivation every time someone comments on what a well-behaved dog he is. Then he puts on a show. Lol
    Absolutely. I love dog shows, where seasoned veteran canines seem to know exactly what they are there for. :cool:
    “An ordinary dog is focused. An extraordinary dog is on a mission.”

    I think we are pretty much competition ready at this point!! We have had quite the journey.
    My friend and her dog are competing in the National Obedience Championship today! If you go to AKC TV you can watch them starting at 8am US Eastern time!
    We’re having weird weather here. One day it’s below freezing and the next day it’s 40F and raining. It might snow on Christmas Eve but the high temperature that day is 27F!
    No one wanted to go out in the rain…
    He looks disappointed that the puddles were neither deep nor muddy enough.
    We've got weird weather here too. The freezing south winds have finally dropped and the sun has come out, but we only get a few days of that. On Tuesday the freezing winds and rains are coming back. It's supposed to be summer but I'm still using the heater most days.
    Hex is recovering very well from her ACL surgery, we are now up to 45 minute walks! :) I will update with pics soon.

    have a good night Luca (this is not my dog, I’m sadly allergic to them in real life, just found this good boy/girl on Google images)
    You have a good night too! Thank you :)

    I’m so sorry you’re allergic to dogs, that’s awful! :(
    Miss Luca, stay happy and healthy. Happy holidays also. Happy move, of course getting your house will be such a relief. Apartments suck these days, all corporate run. It's the reason l bought a little box home to live in which almost has doubled in value since l bought it, due to rent hikes.
    You too! Stay happy and healthy and have a great holiday!
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