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  • I've had a pretty nasty sudden ocular migraine :-( I think it's getting better, though my head hurts and I feel a bit sick. At least I can see properly again :-)
    Ugh, I used to have those regularly when under a lot of stress. They are bizarre, and frightening the first time it happens. Hope it goes away soon!
    I got a bit hyper focused today! My ZX Spectrum next was having issues with it's Realtime Clock, it turned out it was the HDMI display of all things! Lol! I actually quite enjoyed solving that. Today was a good day and a good brain day I think :-)
    I just found out that I have low vitamin D. This is the second time I think. Just looked into it and it could be why I have so many aches and pains and constant depression.
    I'm also on permanent vitamin D on order from my doctor, double dose at winter time.
    Thanks everyone! It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one. It seems that I've been prescribed some supplements according to the NHS app, so I'd imagine my doctor will be in touch soon. I hope that you've all found that the supplements help you! :-)
    I can't tell if they changed anything, it was found as part of the blood screening in my assessment process, which changed many things.
    Just received a generous box of tapes from eBay to record on :) The seller even included an extra tape and there's a few that haven't even been used before! Should be fun to record on them for a while and only £0.55 per tape! :)
    My new brand new vinyl copy of Smashing Pumpkins Adore just arrived. I have a bit of a backlog of records to get through but I think I will start with this first. I really like the cover art :-)
    It sounded amazing! And I made a tape copy of it using my new cassette recorder deck and that sounded brilliant too! You can't beat good old fashioned HiFi equipment! :-)
    Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2024 offers you everything you've been hoping for and the best opportunities to get to where you want to be! :-)
    I've cut and peeled so many vegetables for tomorrow. I only managed to cut myself about 4 times in the process this time, so perhaps my clumsiness is improving! :-)
    I had a try at making "Fat Rascals". They are a kind of fruit bun sold at a place called Betty's in York here. Mine look a bit mutated but hopefully they will still taste nice! Here's mine...
    Thanks! @Angular Chap :-) Betty's are world famous for their cakes, especially the Fat Rascals! My girlfriend loves their mince pies too. I don't think I've tried the ginger shortbread. But anyone that visits York has to visit Betty's tea rooms and shop! It's basically the law at this point :-)
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Yep, I hear the line is usually out the door and down the street! The client that sent me the cakes lives in Essex and gets up at who knows what o'clock in the morning just to get there for it opening!
    Yes! That's very true! There's usually a line round the building and a second on in the opposite direction to go into the shop! Back when I was a kid, I rarely saw a line to get in, but these days it's the norm, and particularly these last ten years it's been the case :-)
    I'm watching Dr Who. Not a big fan, but it was kinda cool they included a non binary character in the first episode. Then the second episode started and Dr Who is fixing the crash landed TARDIS whith a "Console" which is actually an Amstrad CPC 464! I should recognise it, I own at least 4 of them lol! :-)
    Got this quirky looking CD recorder for my dad for Christmas...

    Not a photo of the actual one, but the one I got is identical. It's intended for the Education market and it looks a bit weird but it's actually pretty darned good! :-)
    Oh forgot to mention, the one I bought doesn't have the cassette deck lol! :-)
    I'm going to watch Time Team until the screen falls off my TV. Anyone that tells you that you can have too much of a good thing is wrong. Trust me! :-)
    @Forest Cat Cool! There's loads of old episodes on YouTube and they seem to be making new ones for YouTube rather than TV now! :-)
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    They are making new episodes? :D That's great. It's difficult to watch that show and not think of Baldrick lol Tony Robinson seems to be such a great guy.
    True! They seem to have rotating presenters in the new shows. But there's plenty of Tony Robinson ones to watch and he's in loads of other documentaries on YouTube too! :-) He's always good to watch I think :-)
    Ok, YouTube is serving up four Ads in a row now! This will not do! I'm trying to watch Time Team and I keeps in getting interrupted by several minutes of Ads! Grrrrrr!
    If you use a vpn for say.. India and pay for YouTube premium you can get it for a couple of £/$ a month. Zero ads :)
    Interesting! I guess I'd have to set up a VPN on something in-between my Roku and the router. If the Ads are as bad as they have been tonight, I will either do that or look into some sort of as blocker/filter.
    The vpn part is just for the subscription purchase you don’t need it after that, if you are interested and want some help pm me :)
    ChromeOS is hot garbage! It's had lots of bugs that I could overlook, but a login loop?! Nope! That's just a bit more than I will tolerate. The only thing I could do was agree to have it's local storage wiped and it still didn't fix the problem! It's getting windows or Linux installed on it very soon.
    ... Then it said I could login but it would erase the local storage, so I took the loss only for it to go back into a login loop. I found out the fix was to enable developer mode and then wipe the tablet, then reinstall. That's actually about 40% of what you'd need to do to install windows or Linux so that's now on the list!
    Kirk: Spock, what do you make of Chrome?
    Spock: Captain, I believe it should be called pot metal.
    Kirk: I think you're right, Spock.
    Spock: Affirmative, Captain.
    I'm currently reinstalling everything, I lost my Linux apps (the Linux Chrome OS ones) so I'm piecing it back together. I'm going to give it one more chance then hack Ubuntu onto it if it's still causing frustration. The device is great! The OS, not so much :mad:
    Back in the olden days, one of my favourite early Sunday evening activities was tidying/organising my room while Time Team was on my TV on Channel 4. I've just discovered there's loads of episodes on YouTube! I find them so relaxing and reassuring somehow :-)
    They do reconstructions of things they find in the excavations. Sometimes it's weapons, other times it can be musical instruments. I seem to remember they discovered and replicated a Genghis Kahn composite bow at some point and it was ridiculously powerful.
    The one I remember most was the reconstruction of a trebuchet, at first they built one on a solid platform but it only achieved a very short range. Then they put one on wheels, as they were historically, and the base being able to shift back and forth as it loosed tripled the range.
    Yes! I remember that one too! Actually that came to mind first but I wasn't sure if it was Time Team or Scrap Heap Challenge. I used to enjoy that show, I think they were in the same slot at different points in the year.
    Been getting some Christmas shopping done :-) If buying 6 sets of reading glasses for my Dad who is perpetually breaking or losing his counts as a proper gift? :-)
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