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  • I think I just found my next electronics project! It's called the PiStorm. It plugs in to an ATARI STe and uses a Raspberry Pi to emulate a super fast processor. I think I should be able to carry out the soldering :-) I have to order 5 PCBs from PCBWay so on the small possibility anyone else wants one let me know :-)
    Okay, l have zero idea what you said,bit it looks radical and involves electronics, so it's gotta be great.
    @Aspychata thanks! :-) I suppose I could post my progress, maybe make some videos and it might make more sense when you see it in action. Assuming it all works of course :)
    I love devboard projects like these! It kind of amazes me everyday what you can do with them :D
    Ok, having a weird "Mandela Effect" moment. I've been familiar with the cover art for Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells since I was a young child and have owned both the vinyl LP and CD for decades, and I've never once noticed the sea and crashing waves at the bottom of the cover?! Very strange!
    I have weird MEs like that all the time. Sometimes it's hard to notice all of those little details in everything, or at least that's my explanation of it lately!
    But now, I am sure you will notice it every single time. It's hard to unsee interesting details.
    @Rodafina You are absolutely right! I can't not see that detail now :-) I always remembered it as flat sky, no sea, since I was 3 years old! That's basically 4 decades I've missed that detail! :)
    "People try to take my soul away
    But I don't hear the rap that they all say
    They try to tell us we don't belong
    That's all right, we're millions strong
    This is my music, it makes me proud
    These are my people and this is my crowd" - KISS
    People try to take my autistic soul away.
    But l refuse to hear the crap they say.
    I just hide away, stimming my song.
    Stimming along until my pain is gone.
    That's brilliant @Aspychata ! :-) I was listening to the song on my iPod and I just thought, if you interpret it from a certain point of view, it could be an ND anthem! :-)

    The last verse says "This is our music, WE LOVE IT LOUD" I think there's a lot of people here who enjoy loud headphone music :-)
    Well I've been tinkering with my iPod 3rd generation again today (because I can't resist). I managed to install a compact flash adapter and a 64GB SD card! So now my humble iPod has 60GB storage, up from the original 15GB! :-) It was a bit of a challenge to get it up and running but I'm really pleased!
    Thanks @Aspychata :-) I think I should be able to get plenty of years of use out of it now! :-)
    This is both impressive and oddly hilarious. What an awesome project and way to breathe new life into old tech!
    Thanks @Slime_Punk :-) It is a bit amusing to see the capacity jump so high. Back when I got this iPod 15GB was considered huge. I think the highest capacity version was 40GB, but reviews basically said that only the most ardent music enthusiasts would need that. I can now transfer my entire iTunes library to this iPod and still have more than 30GB left free! :smilecat:
    I've just done a quick count, it seems I own 82 individual computers and games consoles, vintage or otherwise.
    Wait, I just remembered my 3DS so make that 83. :)
    I'm waving the white flag, I can't compete with that number of computers.
    @maycontainthunder I really didn't know it was that many. I knew it was quite a few, but I was a little surprised! Oh and I just remembered I didn't count the OUYA so I guess I have 84 lol! o_O
    Found my cassette deck (yes I'm old) is playing poorly, lots of wow and flutter. I think it's the pinch roller, which should be a slightly grippy rubber, has hardened into a smooth slippery plastic. So fingers crossed a new one will fix it :-)
    It might just be glazed and not need replacing. Clean with a little Metho or White Spirit, not acetone.
    I thought that could be the case, but I did try that and it just revealed more shiny glossy plastic :-( So I tried scratching the surface, it's definitely like tough plastic most of the way through. Initially there was a rubber roller that drives the capstan and that was just goo so I think the off gassing from that has reacted with the pinch roller :-(
    Sorry, have that slightly wrong, the gooey roller was on the capstan and it drives an idler wheel which turns the take-up spool :)
    Listening to my restored iPod now, it has the hard disk from someone else's iTunes library, so as a former goth/stoner type I'm legally obliged to hate this music but I'm listening to ABBA. To be fair they crafted some great pop songs! You'll never hear me say so of course! 8-)
    Oh wow, I didn't know that! I thought the were two married couples who then divorced and married the other partner? This could of course have been a dumb British rumour, now I think about it, it sounds like it is lol!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Yeah I think they were married but things changed.
    They were two married couples who divorced, but I don't think they married the other partner.
    With some parts from eBay, I've managed to fix up my super old iPod 3rd Generation (nearly 2 decades old) it's nice to have it back. It's going to take a while to get my music back on to it lol! :-)
    That's so cool that you fixed it dude! Kudos for that
    That's awesome; I never thought people would be restoring classic iPods but I'm glad you got it going. Do you have one of the little docks so you can display it while it plays music?
    @Gerontius Thanks! :-) It feels pretty good to have it back again. It's like I've been reunited with an old friend, which kinda makes sense as I used to be glued to it lol! I think we may still have a dock or two stored somewhere. It's a question of if they will work with such an ancient iPod this one is FireWire only! :-)
    Finally got around to fixing my Hi-Fi amplifier! Two 10uF capacitors on the EQ circuit. They were bipolar ones too, very snazzy, but something that I had to order because I rarely need them. I have two records I got ages ago to listen to tomorrow at long last! Too late to play them at a suitable volume unfortunately tonight. :-)
    Ooh nice, transistors but vintage enough to repair the chassis. Delightful. I got myself a vintage electric phonograph recently with a small amplifier, plays 4 speeds, the kind they used in classrooms. It plays vinyl bravely but not exquisitely. A high-fidelity set is an art form of its own & more power to you.
    I miss my old amp and big speakers but I haven't lived anywhere in many years where I could make use of them. @Gerontius my great grandmother had an HMV gramaphone but they were poor people and couldn't afford the proper stylus for it. It ran on sewing machine needles, it works but you have to keep the balance set very fine.
    I've heard that some people used cactus needles on their gramophone! My mother had a gramophone, it came with a pyramid shaped tin with needles in it. She claimed you could put the blunt needles back in and they would become sharp again. Got to be nonsense, but I don't know if the manufacturer made the claim or her.
    I'm clearing out the hallway today! I'm not feeling quite as good as yesterday, but I'm still going to try to get it done! :-)
    Yay! I managed to get a good chunk of the hallway done. There's still a lot of building materials in there but they'll have to stay there until the renovations are finally done. But! It's good to have things looking a lot more organised! :)
    That's funny, l have two brand new gutters leaning up my kitchen wall.
    There's always something leaning against a wall that belongs somewhere else it seems! In my case it's some bathroom flooring and wire conduits, oh and some ladders :smilecat:
    I took my first dose of Seroquel in 7 years last night and what a huge difference! Of course it still causes some side effects but they are so much more tolerable than the horrid generic I had to take. I really hope this is the start of a much better level of recovery :-)
    I hate mess too! It has been a constant source of irritation as I just haven't been able to keep on top of it. But I hope if today is anything to go by, I might finally be on a major (and sustained) clean up too! :-) It feels possible finally :)
    I have a tip that has helped me. Just do one thing a day. Sometimes you will end up doing 3 things, so just tackle a little bit. Then you see a opening of it actually happening.
    Thanks @Aspychata :-) That sounds like a good idea. I think I might clear out the hallway tomorrow as things have been accumulating there. It's one thing I think will be quite therapeutic to get done. Hopefully tomorrow will be at least as good as today! :)
    Almost 7 weeks after a nurse made an "urgent" request to have my meds switched from a generic to the branded version, a prescription has finally been sent. Unfortunately, the pharmacy didn't have it in stock so I have to wait yet another day. I know it's just another day, but I'm at the end of my tether with this generic :-(
    Managed to take a load of rubbish and junk to the local rubbish dump today. Somehow it feels like a major achievement, though it shouldn't be. A good sign I suppose, it does feel quite nice to get something constructive done :-)
    Saw this, thought it was super clever! I'm sure lots of people can do this, but I certainly can't!....
    Crochet hook? Pretty nifty. Didn't know that worked so well.
    Yes, my intentions would be great but it would probably end up looking like this:


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    See what you can accomplish when you give a darn...?
    Some retro eye candy for you :) Unfortunately, the previous owner fried the ULA on the ZX81, but the cassette recorder works at least!
    Oooo nice! :-) I hope that you can get a new ULA. I'm pretty sure there are drop in FPGA/CPLD options. Probably more reliable than those toasty Ferranti chips :-)
    From back in the day when you had to wear a suit and tie to be a radio announcer. :)
    We made our own fun back then! :-)
    I keep seeing this Muller Rice commercial and I can't understand why everyone on it is wearing old timey sports outfits? Am I getting so old I don't understand anything anymore??!
    I feel this way a lot -- I think it's because everything (more or less) happens in cycles, and what was cool a 'long time ago' becomes cool again to newer generations who never experienced v1.0
    Bruh, i'm 27 yrs old and I still scratch my head at where the beef is.
    Just got finished listening/watching the video posted by an ex trans employee of Zenimax/Bethesda. What she experienced was awful. It's quite triggering having been through bullying and gaslighting in the work place. What I experienced wasn't due to transphobia, but had similar beats. I don't know why some people go out of their way to hurt others.
    Bullies. More prevalent than you want to know. Especially workplace these days.
    Unfortunately very true :disappointed: There's a lot of people out there looking for excuses to "other" people and treat them below civilised standards.
    I came across an article yesterday about an autistic woman who worked for the Botanical Garden in Montreal. She was bullied by her coworkers until she killed herself at age 47.
    I love the way my cat doesn't seem slightly bothered or confused, or see me as any different despite the fact I applied a face mask (not to his face of course!), I'm just the same big clumsy cat to him, just with some weird mud on my face lol! :-)
    Rocky is like that too. He’s very non-reactive. As opposed to my previous dog who would run around barking and hiding when I gave myself a haircut.
    Awww, that's quite sweet though :-) It just goes to show how sensitive and smart our animal companions are :)
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