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  • I'm really enjoying using my SodaStream again. I really like soda. I avoid stuff with sugar in generally. I like Zero Suga Coca Cola but I can't get the syrup easily. Pepsi is too sweet for me. I've just been making fizzy orange, but it's just nice to have something bubbly to drink without it costing a fortune :)
    It's really cool to be able to make your own! :) If there's a (we call it squash here) cordial you like, basically the sort of thing you dilute with water, you can make the water fizzy and then slowly add the cordial. The cool thing is that you can control the amount of fizz. So if you don't like the usual amount of fizz you just add it to taste :)
    I like my soda stream to mix with juices. Haven't used it in forever. Good reminder :)
    @AdamG I can highly recommend using it again :) It's great to have soda on tap :) It also gives some nice variety to your favourite juices :) I quite like a strawberry juice we got with some fizz in it, it's very nice :)
    Oh wow! I got a Retinoid serum from eBay to try and fix the effects of 4 years of sleep debt on my eyes. I didn't have much hope but hot damn! It seems to be almost working instantly! (Sorry not yet brave enough to post pics) I hope that I haven't got some crazy nerve agent or something in an innocent looking bottle! Lol! :)
    I just logged into YouTube to see that one of my favourite YouTubers- Planarwalk has come out as Trans! It wasn't a total surprise to me I guess but I feel so proud of them! Gender Eurphoria does indeed go "brrrrrrr!" :)
    I found out one of my coworkers is trans/enby/something like that, and neurodivergent. I should have sent an invite to this site.
    Cool :) I hope more people feel able to come out and be themselves without fear :)
    I've been to my appointment. Wow what a difference! The lady I saw was really kind and supportive. A real breath of fresh air compared to what I had before. Looks like I will be getting some meds for the anxiety at long last :) Fingers crossed at any rate! Its put a rather different complexion on things!
    I have an appointment tomorrow with the "Mental Health Specialist" at my GP surgery. I've tried to write everything down that I wish to discuss. Hopefully I will be able to make my case and I will get some help finally. I'm hoping I can try the old version of my meds and get something ultimately for this awful anxiety. I'm also going to ask to see the therapist again. That may be a long shot. It may all be :-/
    Status on Invader Zim: Calamity (my little sister Sophia is a big fan of Invader Zim, and she wanted me to write a text adventure about it :) )

    -Fixed GIR not being able to drop items because he's too busy spinning around flailing his arms
    -Fixed old man being in a paradox between wanting to feed the pigeons and changing seats on a bench
    You're writing a text adventure? :)
    I most certainly am :D
    Cool! :) Are you using a text adventure creator or are you coding it in something else? :) I used to try to make text adventures using BASIC a long time ago. I remember they could get pretty complicated :)
    I have a craving for a McDonald's burger. It's after 2am so it's not going to happen. I don't eat an awful lot of meat so it's a bit unusual lol! But I tried their McPlant a few weeks ago, and I kinda wouldn't mind one at all right now. I probably shouldn't have junk food, I'm gradually loosing weight and I don't want that to stop!
    I didn't know they had plant based burgers. I haven't fries for awhile. But my food choices suck right now
    They do in the UK at least :) They are pretty good, they have the texture pretty much right I would say. I don't really understand why they don't make a purely vegetarian version of all their offerings. My food choices aren't great right now either, but I'm trying my best :)
    @Rodafina we need to get Huxley on this! His friends have been captured and trapped in this horrible machine!....
    Erm... I have cupboards full. I went through a phase at the end of the nineties with collecting them. No actual idea if I have any rare ones though.
    One thing is for certain, they will gain value as time wears on. If you store them in the right conditions they will be ok. Lots of floppy disks deteriorate so the numbers out there in the wild are constantly shrinking. Some of the more rare ones in my experience are the EDOS distributed ones so if you have any, keep them safe! :)
    /mind/third-eye/psionic>run psi_constructs.psi +Aloe

    Retrieving data for tulpa: Aloe (Ocean Betta spirit construct, water dragon)
    Summoning familiar....
    So this is weird! I just got a voicemail notification on my phone. We were shopping and I thought I could feel my phone buzzing, but I often think this is happening. The voice mail was from my GP, at 9pm on Saturday night asking me to make an in person appointment. I'm unsure if it's to do with my recent tests or perhaps that I've quite assertively requested copies of my medical notes!?
    Ah well, solved that mystery it seems. My phone must have just caught up with itself and finally notified me of an older message that hadn't come through for some reason. It wouldn't let me get the message details for some reason the first 3 times I tried. I thought that it was unusually proactive for the NHS lol! :)
    Your phone is trying to control you. Wrap it in foil. (Joking)
    I just finished stitching together this, his name is Wilbur Frog. I had his previous incarnation when I was a kid. My girlfriend found him online. I haven't sewed anything really in a very long time. It's nice to have him back :) ...
    Today has been somewhat productive. I've been for my ECG and blood tests, got some shopping done and managed to install a backlit screen in my Neo Geo Pocket Colour console!
    Thanks @Luca ! :) I hope you are still having fun too! I have my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be good too :)
    Thanks Mildred! :) I had a good day. I hope tomorrow is great for both of us too! I was planning on taking my clients’ dogs to the beach again!
    Sounds like it will be fun! :) I may be going to the beach soon too, in search of frozen yogurt! :)
    I seem to be loosing weight. Not at a super fast rate but it's encouraging. I would like to get back to the way I used to look when I felt more androgynous. I have some clothes I would really like to fit into again :)
    Uh :-( Having lots of GI issues last few days :-( Not sure if I've eaten something bad or if it's all the stress of the last week or so.
    May be a bit of both. Hope you start feeling better soon. This too, shall pass!
    Thanks @Rodafina :) You are probably right :) I'm going to have one of my super long baths now I think, hopefully it will hasten the process :)
    I'm in a whole world of pain right now :-(
    Wow, that's tough. I would send a virtual hug, but that may cause virtual pain. Try to reboot up your warrior stance!
    What a mess that is--I don't know what's wrong but I hope you can put your papers to use, put your rest to good use, put even the pain itself to good use if possible. Hope you're feeling well soon.
    Thanks @Aspychata and @Gerontius :) I'm feeling a bit better today. A bit sore but fortunately, I don't have anything pressing to get done today so I'm taking it easy.
    I just heard about this Bud Light fiasco! If I ever need reassurance that I have pretty decent emotional regulation, all I will have to do is simply watch some videos of those loopies bouncing crates of Bud Light off the floors in Walmart!
    Bud Light is crap beer, but I support their ad campaign anyway.

    Our convenience store seems to have only bud brands, yuck. Butt there are 8 convenience stores on this road.
    It's been a minute but I finally got to check what my medical records say. It appears the junk has been superseded by something more accurate. Sadly I've had to go on a bit of a campaign to get copies of my medical records as apparently my online access doesn't let me get access to things I need for medical evidence :-(
    It's official, I'm feeling pretty shattered. I think I'm going to have a very long bath, with bath salts and candles and some CBD tea. I'm going to find the teapot and make plenty to keep me going :)
    Omg, how did I miss your birthday?! Hope you had an amazing birthday!!! You are such a sweet and amazing person and I’m so happy we met!
    Ok "Project Kick Some NHS Ass" is now in motion! It's been another frustrating and demoralising day but I'm going to prevail or I will turn them all into frogs! :frogface:
    Oops! Sorry @Luca I meant to enter my last post into my status o_O I think I'm just a bit too sleep deprived and brain foggy! At least I didn't put my keys in the fridge this time! :smilecat:
    Happy belated birthday!
    After a thoroughly miserable day I have now resolved to do the following... I'm putting the NHS on notice, I'm coming to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum!
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