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  • Awwww my pic didn't show up...sad face.
    Yup Grumpy ohh and I like the carebear cousins too. I have a giant Grumpy bear stuffed bear and I have a huge giant LionHeart from the carebear cousins
    For me its just a really really nice day off. With food. But yah I am excited about the teddy bears. I really really want one.
    Hey Geordie. That was a very cute picture you sent me, even if I'm not the most Aussie of people living in Australia. It brought a smile to my face.
    Tenderheart bear....yes i know its scary how I know all the names of all the carebears. I thought you might like to see the bear. I really want to get one. But I have to wait until later in teh month maybe my mom will get it for me for easter.
    Ohhh really and what pony is that? I am just interested i think that is really great. Cool. ohhh did you know that there is an autism awareness buildabear?
    Awwww are you a shy pony? I wonder if MLP would have an autistic pony wouldn't that be interesting?
    Awww hugs. I love the pic.Oh I am glad you like it which stuff was that? I don't remember :) Too much brain
    Awww puppies so which puppy is you?:) Yah...that is cool. Well I just thought you would like that place.
    LOL that pony looks like its trying to kiss me. Oui. Yup very nifty. Did I tell you about an online place that you do have to pay to join but its called pony Island?
    Awww thanks Geordie. I am ok. I really am. Since people seem to beable to see them now.
    Ok so you and ICM can see them I wonder why Dizzy can't. Oh this is so vexing. Sooo what do you think?
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