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  • I am so sorry for being useless and not being able to make anyone happy.
    I’m sorry :( I’ve been fired from almost every job I’ve ever had. I ended up finding part-time work doing my own thing. Is there anything you can offer as a small service to friends and neighbors, to earn a bit of money? That’s what I did
    I can teach my friends daughter a foreign language but wouldn't want to be paid for it. She has financial troubles herself.
    Maybe just starting with that would make you feel good and can open up other opportunities :) You don’t have to do it for pay right now.
    Feeling nausea and breathless. I am not sure if its anxiety ocd or Just physical
    I Wonder if i will be able to work..
    Good luck. l was laid off but l am so happy. Because l have excellent experience. But no way was l going to date married men. lol
    They didn't call in the end(the job i applied for) but ig i am glad since i am still scared of getting covid.
    oof, i hate it when coworkers hit on me too. Those people have no shame.
    Applied for a job. Not sure if i am hoping to get it or not i am still scared of getting covid.
    I really hate realistic fiction. I just want the good guys to win for a change! I don't need realism in my escapism.
    Met with my autistic friend. Didn't talk about my doubts about being autistic but felt close to someone at last.
    Nevermind i messaged him. I feel like my secret autistic identity will be exposed but atm i don't care.
    I am so unsure whether i should message that friend or not. What if he thinks i am flirting?
    I have just seen an autistic family friend after years. I wish i could tell him about my realization and ask what he thinks.
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