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I've just created a BandLab account (my name on there is GeorgiaGalaxy!) and man have I had fun making music on there. In fact, I made my first three tracks in under an hour ^.^ Please be sure to check out:

YouTube (best known for Keyboard, Music and Original Content): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5jOJckoguRNhUEsWQrWJMA

Discord: georgiagalaxy#7957 (If you wanna hang out!)

ArtFight!: georgiagalaxy. I will be attacking people this year.

Email: [email protected]

GeorgiaCore Aesthetic: Georgiacore

Fandom: GeorgiaLouiseGalaxy

Letterboxd (for movie reviews!): Georgia Kelliher’s profile

Lastly, I found an app called Autistic Empathy that's quite friendly: Autistic Empathy

These are the things I am active on at the moment, I've become a little obsessed with joining websites :D What fun things have you done/discovered on the internet? c:


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Georgia Galaxy
Read time
1 min read
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More entries in Technology / Internet

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