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dance like nobody's watching

Took about five minutes.

Title: dance like nobody's watching
Descriptor: Or even if somebody is
Button: go for it

Format: You can + site Dance list + site Adverb list + after words.

Unless I went through the dull torture of clicking the site's Dance and Adverb lists,
until there were no longer any additional new words I have no way of determining
how many Results this generator produces. And I don't feel like that is necessary.

Background: Bubbles

I haven't written about the process of making a random generator in a while.
At one point, I had 400 drafts of ideas that I wanted to use.
That was the winter of 2015.

By fall of 2016 there were 134 drafts.
So, I had worked through a quantity of material.

My next goal was to reduce the number of drafts to one hundred.
Currently I have 42 drafts.

This doesn't mean that I am running out of ideas.
There's a container of notes on paper that I've made while I was out walking.

In an attempt to keep the material manageable, I transcribe a new idea into drafts
after I've finished a previous one.


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