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Having Aspergers, Autism and other difficulties and the use of the internet.

I've been thinking recently and was wondering how people feel and or cope with the changes companies and or website owners roll out periodically? And if the companies even care at all about how much this can affect people? I know that with a lot of sites, they do put testers out there for people to try out and such but with sites like Facebook and YouTube putting their updates out without any warning and can change from day to day, I was wondering if they think about these things.

Every thought anyone has when creating a website is generally geared towards usability (generally) and those who are not internet savvy, also those who are not exactly going to be winning any spelling bee any time soon, but are they or is there any thought about those with learning difficulties who have attachment problems that when faced with some of the drastic changes some sites have implemented?

A friend has been freaking out about yet more changes YouTube has rolled out (I'm hating the ******** timeline of comments that you have to search through all comments to find what comment they replied to) and was tweeting about how anxious it makes her. She has since told that she is even worse when she gets new technology, like a new phone will cause her to have mini breakdowns for days and more until she gets used to it.

I am under no illusion that the people who run websites will 99% of time do whatever they want, and as with the case of the most recent update on Suicide Girls, will continue with a whole overhaul and new look, even with ever rising distaste for the look and the constant problems but it just intrigues me to know if they even think of those that aren't stupid but just have problems with change and learning new things.


I think this goes a bit further than "the use of internet".

Think about the UI (User-interface) of (what you already pointed out) cellphones and even the most recent itteration of Windows.

I've dabbled a bit in (web)design in the past. Both in uni as well as on a personal level (bandwebsites and all).

What bothers me is that even in design, the UI is geared toward "the majority". There's all kinds of fancy models to where people look first on websites, and thus what's the most efficient lay-out. The fact that some people will not be like that is discarded. On the other hand, you have to implement change somewhere. And doing a minor adjustment is like going from Version 1.0 to V1.1 rather than going from V1.0 to V2.0.

I guess if you're really that anxious over change, you might considering RSS feeds rather than visiting the actual websites. Though that mostly works for mostly text information. Getting news through an RSS feed works fine, getting a new gallery on site X or browsing webstore Y doesn't.

From a designers point of view I always try to assess why the change is made and what the idea of this is. Why are the icons arranged like that by default? Always makes me wonder how much different my perspective is cause I don't use them the way intended. First thing I look for is a way to move around to my liking. If that's not possible... then I'll panic. Take a breath. And figure out how to make it work.

What surprises me is that a lot of people don't notice these small changes. The changes facebook has done over the past year. If you put FB on from a year ago and put it next to the itteration now; you notice it. But people hardly notice changes little by little. It's like walking over a white to black gradient.. before you know it you're over halfway and almost in the black.

Also, and this is me talking cellphones and the OS (Operating system) that comes with it. Yesterday I got a new phone and switched from Symbian to Windows Phone. I would rather have had Symbian around, just with the handy improvements that the new OS brings. But given that Microsoft has a partnership with Nokia now, and are working on a mobile OS, Nokia can't justify keeping and updating the old OS they had (which was faulty and needed updating; and thus financial resources). It's often a financial decision. And we all know that when money is involved, companies and people in general, do questionable things.

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